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RE: Parser Problems

Hello Scott,

Thank you (and others) for all your help on this.  That is faster service
than I get at the local McDonalds.  I'm excited to get the "beta" and test
it out.  I'm sure it will work perfectly.


-----Original Message-----
From: ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Scott Klement
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 11:51 PM
To: ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Parser Problems


> Honestly, I already have the code updates completed.  I would've posted
> them yesterday, but you told me not to spend my weekend working on it,
> so I was going to wait until Monday to tell you. :-)

If you'd like to try it, grab the latest "beta" copy from here:

The new feature is called http_XmlReturnUcs(*on/*off).  You call this 
procedure before asking HTTPAPI to parse XML.  If you pass *ON, it'll 
return the output to your program in UCS-2 (Unicode) format.  If you 
pass *OFF, the XML parser will return EBCDIC (this is the default.)

This setting will be remembered until you call http_XmlReturnUcs() 
again, or until the activation group containing HTTPAPIR4 is ended.  So 
if you call the XML parser multiple times, the setting will be retained 
(unless you explicitly change it.)

In your case, Tom, you'll want to do this:

      h dftactgrp(*no) bnddir('HTTPAPI':'QC2LE')

       /define WEBFORMS
       /copy httpapi_h

      D Parse1          PR
      D   UserData                          likeds(value_t)
      D   depth                       10I 0 value
      D   name                      1024A   varying const
      D   path                     24576A   varying const
      D   value                             likeds(value_t) const
      D Parse2          PR
      D   UserData                      *   value
      D   depth                       10I 0 value
      D   name                      1024A   varying const
      D   path                     24576A   varying const
      D   value                    65535A   varying const

      D value_t         ds                  qualified
      D   buf                           *
      D   len                         10i 0
      D result          ds                  likeds(value_t)

      D url             s           2000a   varying
      D rc              s             10i 0

      D myForm          s                   like(WEBFORM)
      D myPostData      s               *
      D myPostDataLen   s             10i 0

         http_debug(*on : '/tmp/TomThomsonTest_log.txt');

         url = 'http://api.netroomz.com.au/allotmentserviceextended.asmx+

         myForm = WEBFORM_open();
         WEBFORM_setVar( myForm : 'callerID': 'XXXXXXXXXXX' );
         WEBFORM_setVar( myForm : 'username': 'YYY'         );
         WEBFORM_setVar( myForm : 'password': 'ZZZZZZ'      );
         WEBFORM_postData( myForm: myPostData: myPostDataLen );

         rc = http_post_xml( url
                           : myPostData
                           : myPostDataLen
                           : *null
                           : %paddr(Parse1)
                           : %addr(Result)
                           : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                           : *omit
                           : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );


         if rc <> 1;


         rc = http_parse_xml_string( Result.buf
                                   : Result.len
                                   : 1200
                                   : *null
                                   : %paddr(Parse2)
                                   : *null );
         if (rc < 0);

         if (Result.buf <> *null);
            dealloc Result.buf;

         *inlr = *on;

      P Parse1          B
      D                 PI
      D   UserData                          likeds(value_t)
      D   depth                       10I 0 value
      D   name                      1024A   varying const
      D   path                     24576A   varying const
      D   value                             likeds(value_t) const

      D memcpy          pr              *   extproc('memcpy')
      D   dest                          *   value
      D   src                           *   value
      D   size                        10u 0 value
           if name = 'string';
              UserData.len = value.len;
              if UserData.buf = *null;
                 UserData.buf = %alloc(userdata.len);
                 UserData.buf = %realloc(UserData.buf:userdata.len);
              memcpy( UserData.buf: Value.buf: UserData.len);
      P                 E

      P Parse2          B
      D                 PI
      D   UserData                      *   value
      D   depth                       10I 0 value
      D   name                      1024A   varying const
      D   path                     24576A   varying const
      D   value                    65535A   varying const
          if name = 'ShortDescription';
             // I did this just for debugging, so
             // I can set a breakpoint below, and
             // see the that I'm getting the proper
             // result.
             if %scan('Children': value) > 0;
                 dsply 'found';
      P                 E

You'll notice that I called http_XmlReturnUcs() twice.  The first call 
tells HTTPAPI to return UCS (Unicode) data.  It uses the Parse1() 
subprocedure to load the "inner XML" into a memory buffer.  Since this 
is true Unicode, the slanted double quotes will remain slanted double 

Then, after that, it turns http_XmlReturnUcs() off again, so when it 
does the 2nd parse, the data will be returned in EBCDIC.  When it calls 
http_parse_xml_string(), it passes a CCSID 1200 (which is UTF-16) and 
that tells the XML parser to treat the input as Unicode (rather than 
EBCDIC).  It uses a procedure called Parse2() for the XML parsing.

When Parse2() gets the data, it'll be in EBCDIC.  The slanted double 
quote is translated to x'3F' -- but this is no problem at this point, 
since the XML parsing is complete.  (Plus, the data should now be fed in 
small enough pieces translate it with %xlate or %scan/%replace.)

Hope that helps.
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