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HTTP API - two step communications.


   Hi Scott:

   I have used your HTTP API utility at several clients of mine - works

   I have run into a website that has me stumped.

   This is for a local taxing authority that needs to find the school
   district that an address resides in.

   I had written an interface for this (Their old web site would display
   a form, I would create a URL with the form fields and do a submit).

   Their new web site opens up two windows.  The second window appears to
   run from javascript.

   My questions is, within RPGLE, Can I send a URL request, wait for the
   response, then fill in the information and submit.  After this submit,
   the web page displays the information that I am looking for.

   The url that I am having problems with is:


   Fill in the street and zip or all, then submit the "GO" button.


   Chuck Mason.


   1. http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?ref=addr&refresh=t

GIF image

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