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Re: Base64 Decoding

Hi Michael,

> In any case, can I have multiple versions of HTTPAPI on the same
> system? I currently have version 1.20 and was thinking of loading
> version 1.23 to try and take advantage of the http_XmlReturnPtr
> function.

Yes, you can do that.  When you install HTTPAPI, it gives you options to 
let you control which library it compiles things into, and how much it 
uses *LIBL.  That's all part of the initial setup program.

However, I'd like to understand why...

HTTPAPI is designed to be easy to upgrade.  You just delete the old one, 
and install the new one, and all of your existing programs work with the 
new one.  I put a great deal of effort into that.

I'd like to understand why you feel the need to run an old one, so I can 
fix that problem in the future.
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