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Re: Base64 Decoding

   Perry White? Editor in Chief of the Daily Planet? Or is it Mr.
   Mxyzptlk? Backwards?
   So I'm using the HTTPAPI wrapper (Ice...Ice baby) and it's returning
   an element for each chunk. I'm currently writing that to a file in
   preparation of the Base64 decoding. But I'm thinking I can probably
   put all this together...get a piece of data, compress out white space,
   decode it, write it to a file.
   Then I need to print the file as a PDF.
   1985 was a good year.

   On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Scott Klement <[1]sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

   On 8/1/2010 9:45 AM, Michael Ryan wrote:
   > Thanks for the info. I'm able to decode the MIME-64 attachment, but
   > I'm running into another (bigger?) problem. I'm using your port of
   > eXPat to parse through the XML document. However, the element value
   > that will contain the PDF document can easily be over 100K in size!

     (GASP!) (Lights hair on fire and runs around in a circle

   > I received a test document that was 150K, with the PDF document
   > comprising 120K of the total.

     150K!  120K!  Great caesars ghost! The only power source capable of
     generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a BOLT OF LIGHTNING!
     nobody knows where one will strike...

   > Will eXpat handle elements this size?

     Without breaking a sweat.

   > Will the parser provide multiple iterations of the same element data
   > which I could then write to a file for later retrieval using a
   > Base64 decoding scheme?

     Sure... if done correctly.  Are we really talking about Expat, or
     are we
     talking about HTTPAPI's wrapper for it?

   > Any ideas on how I can process this big element?

     We'll see if we can harness a bolt of lightning and get you back to
     future, in 1985, where it's easy to handle such large volumes of

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