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Re: Connecting with HTTPS to secure server

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Like I said in my post to Peter, the program times out on the receive() command. It gives the error with 'Time-out!' that is is in one of the modules in COMMSSLR4.

I assume that you mean "CommSSL_read(): time-out!" I don't know what you mean by "the receive() command" I assume that you mean CommSSL_Read(). The error message means that it's expecting data from the web server, but didn't receive it in the amount of time that you allotted.

In order to understand why this is happening, we need to know what it's trying to receive...

Sorry I cannot be more specific. I can't connect to the computer from home. Am I correct to conclude that there is a connection established between the server and the client when the program comes as far as the receive command?

Yes. The connection is already established, and the SSL handshake (if SSL is used) is already done. It has already sent the POST command to the Web server... It may have done more than that as well, hard to say without seeing the log.

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