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   I am an independent RPG developer and have been working for the biggest
   healthcare company in Argentina since 1996.
   We´ve been using Httpapir4 since at least 2007 and never had the
   slightest problem.
   Now, in the last month we have experienced 2 abends and today an
   abnormal behaviour.
   We are experiencing problems in 2 different applications.
   They both have a common behaviour, we have multiple instances of the
   same program running simultaneously and in the 3 cases they appeared
   all with status=SELW and never got out of it until an error message
   I am attaching an excel spreadshhet with the program stack of 2 of the
   20 simultaneous jobs that where today in SELW and a pgmdump and
   compilations of one of the jobs that had an error last tuesday.
   Please note that the dump is from a different application than the
   program stacks.
   You will note in both program stacks that the job is nailed in the same
   sentence of of HTTPAPIR4 *srvpgm.
   We have V6R1M0 in one of our System and V5R4M0 in the other.
   If anyone can find the time for illuminating us a little we will be
   eternally gratefull.
   Thank you very very very much
   (435 K)


   Visible links
   Hidden links:
   1. file://localhost/tmp/tmpeE8xns.html?ui=2&ik=cbfbadae78&view=att&th=150cdb9c80d91840&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_igjgpurr0&zw

Attachment: Httpapir4.zip
Description: Zip archive

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