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RE: HttpApi Urgent Help **

   Thanks a lot for your advise.
   I used Fiddles and I did a step forward
   In fact I noticed that navigating to the initial page
the server set some cookies and then redirect to an other page
Here follow is what Fiddles says browsing to the site:
1) **Header Request**
GET /prereg/[3]program.do?e=110&t=10&c=aBcDeFgHi HTTP/1.1
Host: www.website.net
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:8.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0.1
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: it-IT,it,en-US,en;q=0.9,fr-fr;q=0.9,fr;q=0.9,en-CA;q=0.9,de-DE;
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Connection: keep-alive
2) **Reply**
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2012 11:31:13 GMT
Server: IBM_HTTP_Server
Pragma: No-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,max-age=0
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Location: http://www.website.net/prereg/EspFormSend.do
Content-Length: 0
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=0000AAt8c9U-xAA-AAqAAAlAAAp:12ir419l9; Path=/prereg; Doma
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=0000Bf3BBB_0kjooBukBBlBBh2r:12ir419l9; Path=/prereg; Doma
Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Language: en-US
3) **Header Request from Redirect**
GET http://www.website.net/prereg/EspFormSend.do HTTP/1.1
Host: www.website.net
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:8.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0.1
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: it-IT,it,en-US,en;q=0.9,fr-fr;q=0.9,fr;q=0.9,en-CA;q=0.9,de-DE;
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: JSESSIONID=0000Bf3BBB_0kjooBukBBlBBh2r:12ir419l9

4) **Reply after Redirect**
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2012 11:31:13 GMT
Server: IBM_HTTP_Server
Pragma: no-store,no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store,must-revalidate, max-age=-1
Expires: -1
Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=99
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Language: en-US
Content-Length: 13206
.......................... and the HTML codes of the Page
I have modified my rpg to include the cookies handling (from httpapi example) bu
t without success.
HereFollow My RPG:
      *  Pgm to issue free tickets for Trade Exhibition               *
      * ---------------------------------
      * H Spec
      * ---------------------------------
      * ---------------------------------
      * Files
      * ---------------------------------
      * ---------------------------------
      * Prot
      * ---------------------------------
      /define WEBFORMS
     D/copy LIBHTTP/qrpglesrc,httpapi_h
     D cmd             pr                  extpgm('QCMDEXC')
     D  command                     200A   const
     D  length                       15P 5 const
     D read_hdr        PR
     D   hdr                      32767A   varying const
     D addl_hdr        PR
     D   addl_data                 1024A   varying
      * ---------------------------------
      * Variables
      * ---------------------------------
     D upper           C                   'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
     D lower           C                   'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
     D rc              s             10I 0
     D msg             s             52A
     D wkNewLoc        s           1024A   varying
     D wkCookie        s           1024A   varying
     D Form            s                   like(WEBFORM)
     D myPointer       s               *
     D dataSize        s             10I 0
     D url1            c                   const('http://www.webpage.net/prere+
     D                                     g/program.do')
     D getData         c                   const('[4]?e=110&t=10&c=aBcDeFgHi')
     D url2            c                   const('http://www.webpage.net/prere+
     D                                     g/EspSendSingleEmail.do')
     D UserAgent       c                   const('Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE+
     D                                      9.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/5.0)')
     D eMail           c                   const('email@xxxxxxxxx')
     D nTickets        c                   const('1')
     D Name            c                   const('Alex')
     D MsgEng          c                   const('English Message')
     D MsgIta          c                   const('Italian Message')
      ** Start - Access to the Webpage making the identification
      * delete old working file - just for debug purpose
     c                   callp(e)  cmd('rmvlnk  ''/tmp/test1.html''': 200)
     c                   callp(e)  cmd('rmvlnk  ''/tmp/test2.html''': 200)
     c                   callp(e)  cmd('rmvlnk  ''/tmp/test3.html''': 200)
      * set cookies space
     c                   callp     http_xproc(HTTP_POINT_PARSE_HDR_LONG:
     c                                        %paddr('READ_HDR'))
     c                   callp     http_xproc(HTTP_POINT_ADDL_HEADER:
     c                                        %paddr('ADDL_HDR'))
     c                   eval      wkNewLoc = url1+GetData
     c                   dou       rc <> 302 and rc <> 301
     c                   eval      rc = http_url_get(wkNewLoc:
     c                             '/tmp/test1.html:30:UserAgent')
     c                   enddo
      * for debug purpose... display webpage retrived
     c                   callp     cmd('DSPF ''/tmp/test1.html''': 200)
      * check for any error
     c                   if        rc <> 1
     c                   eval      msg = http_error
     c                   dsply                   msg
     c                   return
     c                   endif
      * now we should be authenticated and thus go ahead with the form
      ** Open the Webform and set variables
     C                   eval      Form = WEBFORM_open
     c                   callp     WEBFORM_SetVar(Form: 'exsmsgit':MsgIta)
     c                   callp     WEBFORM_SetVar(Form: 'exsmsgen':MsgEng)
     c                   callp     WEBFORM_SetVar(Form: 'email': eMail)
     c                   callp     WEBFORM_SetVar(Form: 'num': nTickets)
     c                   callp     WEBFORM_SetVar(Form: 'nomedest': Name)
      ** Send Post Data to the Pointer
     c                   callp     WEBFORM_postData( Form : myPointer
     c                                                    : dataSize )
      **  Call the url sending data from the pointer
     c                   eval      rc = http_url_post(
     c                             url2
     c                             : myPointer
     c                             : dataSize
     c                             : '/tmp/test2.html'
     c                             : HTTP_TIMEOUT
     c                             : HTTP_USERAGENT
     c                             : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )
     c                   if        rc = 302
     c                   eval      rc = http_url_get( http_redir_loc
     c                                          : '/tmp/test3.html')
     c                   endif
     c                   if        rc <> 1
     c                   eval      msg = http_error
     c                   dsply                   msg
     c                   else
     c                   callp     cmd('DSPF ''/tmp/test2.html''': 200)
     c                   endif
      **  free memory
     c                   callp     WEBFORM_close(Form)
     c                   eval      *inlr = *on
     c                   return
      *  this is called by HTTPAPI when we receive responses from the
      *  HTTP servers.  We are interested in the contents of the
      *  "set-cookie" and "location" keywords from the HTTP headers
     P read_hdr        B
     D read_hdr        PI
     D   hdr                      32767A   varying const
     D wwHdr           s          32767A   varying
     D wwPos           s             10I 0
     D wwLen           s             10I 0
     D LF              s              1A   inz(x'25')
     D CRLF            s              2A   inz(x'0d25')
     c                   eval      wwHdr = hdr
     c     lower:upper   xlate     wwHdr         wwHdr
     *** see if we received a "location" header:
     c                   eval      wwPos = %scan(LF+'LOCATION:': wwHdr)
     c                   if        wwPos > 0
     c                   eval      wwPos = wwPos + %len(LF+'LOCATION:') +    1
     c                   eval      wwLen = %scan(CRLF: wwHdr: wwPos) - wwPos
     c                   if        wwLen > 0
     c                   eval      wkNewLoc = %subst(hdr:wwPos:wwLen)
     c                   endif
     c                   endif
     *** see we received a "set-cookie" header:
     c                   eval      wwPos = %scan(LF+'SET-COOKIE:': wwHdr)
     c                   if        wwPos > 0
     c                   eval      wwPos = wwPos + %len(LF+'SET-COOKIE:'   ) + 1
     c                   eval      wwLen = %scan(CRLF: wwHdr: wwPos) - wwPos
     c                   if        wwLen > 0
     c                   eval      wkCookie = %subst(hdr:wwPos:wwLen)
     c                   endif
     c                   endif
     c                   return
     P                 E
      *  If wkCookie is set, we'll send it as an additional header on
      *  our next request to the HTTP server...
      *  Note: Cookie handling should probably be a lot more sophisticated
      *        than this.  Please take this as a very simplified example.
      *        (normally, we'd do extra things like parsing the cookie,
      *        making sure the domain matches, and saving it for future
      *        sessions until it reaches it's expiration)
     P addl_hdr        B
     D addl_hdr        PI
     D   addl_data                 1024A   varying
     c                   if        %len(wkCookie) > 0
     c                   eval      addl_data = 'cookie: '+ wkCookie + x'0d25'
     c                   else
     c                   eval      addl_data = ''
     c                   endif
     P                 E


   1. http://www.website.net/prereg/program.do?e=110&t=10&c=aBcDeFgHi
   2. http://www.website.net/prereg/EspFormSend.do
   3. http://www.website.net/prereg/program.do?e=110&t=10&c=aBcDeFgHi
   4. http://www.website.net/prereg/program.do?e=110&t=10&c=aBcDeFgHi
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