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Re: list function from FTPAPI_H


Here are proposed changes to two source members.  In short ...

    (*) Removed colorization codes
    (*) Regularized function summaries to facilitate listing
          - Columns line up when printed according to instructions
            added to README.
          - Added function names to some short summaries, including
            repetition of name on 2nd line of summary.

    (*) Added instruction to print quick-and-dirty summary of available
        procedures from FTPAPI_H.


      *-                                                                            +
      * Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Scott C. Klement                                    +
      * All rights reserved.                                                        +
      *                                                                             +
      * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without          +
      * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions          +
      * are met:                                                                    +
      * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright           +
      *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.            +
      * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright        +
      *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the      +
      *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.     +
      *                                                                             +
      * SUCH DAMAGE.                                                                +
      *                                                                             +
      */                                                                            +

      * This file contains constants and prototypes necessary for calling
      * routines in the FTPAPI service program.

     D FTPAPI_VERSION  C                   CONST('2.2')
     D FTPAPI_RELDATE  C                   CONST('2005-09-20')

      *  Exit Points for ftp_xproc()
     D FTP_EXTLOG      C                   CONST(1)
     D FTP_EXTSTS      C                   CONST(2)

      * Default port for FTP control connections:
     D FTP_PORT        C                   CONST(21)

      *  Code pages for FTP_codepg()
      ** Default remote codepage of FTP command (ASCII codepage)
     D FTP_ASC_CP      C                   CONST(00819)
      ** Default local codepage  of FTP command (EBCDIC codepage)
     D FTP_EBC_CP      C                   CONST(-1)

      *  These constants correspond to error messages that can be returned
      * write procedure returned an error while doing a GET ASCII
     D FTP_GETAWR      C                   CONST(1)
      * write procedure returned an error while doing a GET BINARY
     D FTP_GETBWR      C                   CONST(2)
      * send procedure returned an error while doing a PUT
     D FTP_PUTBSD      C                   CONST(3)
      * Bad IP address / Host Not found
     D FTP_BADIP       C                   CONST(4)
      * Invalid Login Password (or name?)
     D FTP_BADPAS      C                   CONST(5)
      * Invalid response from FTP server
     D FTP_BADRES      C                   CONST(6)
      * Invalid response to FTP RETR (get) command
     D FTP_BADRTR      C                   CONST(7)
      * Invalid response to FTP STOR (put) command
     D FTP_BADSTO      C                   CONST(8)
      * Invalid user name
     D FTP_BADUSR      C                   CONST(9)
      * Connection dropped
     D FTP_DISCON      C                   CONST(10)
      * Error accepting data connection
     D FTP_DTAACC      C                   CONST(11)
      * Error binding data connection
     D FTP_ERRBND      C                   CONST(12)
      * Error connecting to host (can be control or data)
     D FTP_ERRCON      C                   CONST(13)
      * Error changing working directory
     D FTP_ERRCWD      C                   CONST(14)
      * Error creating a new socket
     D FTP_ERRSKT      C                   CONST(15)
      * Error setting file transfer type
     D FTP_ERRTYP      C                   CONST(16)
      * Error getting local port number
     D FTP_GETPRT      C                   CONST(17)
      * Error getting IP address for local interface
     D FTP_GETSNM      C                   CONST(18)
      * Unable to listen to port
     D FTP_LSTERR      C                   CONST(19)
      * Server does not properly understand passive mode
     D FTP_PASERR      C                   CONST(20)
      * Unable to find connection details in passive response
     D FTP_PASRPY      C                   CONST(21)
      * Invalid Setting (must be *ON or *OFF)
     D FTP_PESETT      C                   CONST(22)
      * Server didnt like the "PORT" command we sent
     D FTP_PRTERR      C                   CONST(23)
      * Unable to build the PORT string (probably an internal error)
     D FTP_PRTSTR      C                   CONST(24)
      * FTP server returned an invalid starting response
     D FTP_STRRES      C                   CONST(25)
      * File transfer did not complete normally.
     D FTP_XFRERR      C                   CONST(26)
      * Unable to open the local file...
     D FTP_OPNERR      C                   CONST(27)
      * Bad response to LIST command...
     D FTP_BADLST      C                   CONST(28)
      * No such file or directory....
     D FTP_NOFILE      C                   CONST(29)
      * Bad response to NLST command...
     D FTP_BADNLS      C                   CONST(30)
      * Invalid "rename-from" name or file not found
     D FTP_RNFERR      C                   const(31)
      * Invalid "rename-to" name or file exists
     D FTP_RNTERR      C                   const(32)
      * Unable to delete file
     D FTP_DELERR      C                   const(33)
      * Unable to remove directory
     D FTP_RMDERR      C                   const(34)
      * Unable to create directory
     D FTP_MKDERR      C                   const(35)
      * Unable to get current working dir
     D FTP_PWDERR      C                   const(36)
      * Unable to parse response to PWD command
     D FTP_DIRPRS      C                   const(37)
      * Unable to retrieve file size
     D FTP_SIZERR      C                   const(38)
      * Unable to parse file size response
     D FTP_SIZPRS      C                   const(39)
      * Unable to retroeve modification time
     D FTP_MODERR      C                   const(40)
      * Unable to parse modification time
     D FTP_MODPRS      C                   const(41)
      * Unable to add physical file member
     D FTP_ADMERR      C                   const(42)
      * Unable to add variable len PF member
     D FTP_ADVERR      C                   const(43)
      * Unable create library
     D FTP_CRLERR      C                   const(44)
      * Unable create physical file
     D FTP_CRPERR      C                   const(45)
      * Unable create source physical file
     D FTP_CRSERR      C                   const(46)
      * Unable delete file
     D FTP_DLFERR      C                   const(47)
      * Unable delete library
     D FTP_DLLERR      C                   const(48)
      * Remote Command has failed.
     D FTP_RCMERR      C                   const(49)
      * Unable to set new name format.
     D FTP_NMFERR      C                   const(50)
      * No command was supplied to be run
     D FTP_NOCMD       C                   const(51)
      * Text of QUOTE Reply Message
     D FTP_QTEMSG      C                   const(52)
      * SAVF must be transferred in BINARY mode
     D FTP_SAVBIN      C                   const(53)
      * Source members must be transferred in ASCII mode
     D FTP_SRCASC      C                   const(54)
      * You can't transfer files of that type!
     D FTP_INVFIL      C                   const(55)
      * User spaces need BINARY mode
     D FTP_USPBIN      C                   const(56)
      * Can't transfer an object of that type
     D FTP_INVOBJ      C                   const(57)
      * Unable to build a save file to receive data into
     D FTP_BLDSAV      C                   const(58)
      * Unable to build a physical file to receive data into
     D FTP_BLDPF       C                   const(59)
      * Unable to add a new member onto that file
     D FTP_ADPFER      C                   const(60)
      * ROPEN failed for that file (reading)
     D FTP_ROPENR      C                   const(61)
      * ROPEN failed for that file (writing)
     D FTP_ROPENW      C                   const(62)
      * UNKNOWN/programmer error
     D FTP_UNKNWN      C                   const(63)
      * Unable to read the object description
     D FTP_RTVOBJ      C                   const(64)
      * Unable to read the member description
     D FTP_RTVMBR      C                   const(65)
      * Error parsing IFS path
     D FTP_PRSERR      C                   const(66)
      * Error returned by lstat
     D FTP_LSTAT       C                   const(67)
      * Invalid Exit Point
     D FTP_BADPNT      C                   const(68)
      * Unable to clear existing save file
     D FTP_CLRSAV      C                   const(69)
      * Invalid response to FTP APPE (append) command
     D FTP_BADAPP      C                   CONST(70)
      * Time-out occurred
     D FTP_TIMOUT      C                   CONST(71)
      * Server did not like the account we sent to it
     D FTP_BADACT      C                   CONST(72)
      * Can not create new session handle                                                     RADDAT
     D FTP_CRTHDL      C                   CONST(73)                                          RADDAT
      * Session handle not found                                                              RADDAT
     D FTP_BADHDL      C                   CONST(74)                                          RADDAT
      * Invalid session index                                                                 RADDAT
     D FTP_BADIDX      C                   CONST(75)                                          RADDAT
      * Invalid URL specified                                                                 RADDAT
     D FTP_BADURL      C                   CONST(76)                                          RADDAT

      * FTP_Conn         :  Connect and log-in to an FTP server.
      *     peHost = Host name of FTP server
      *     peUser = user name of FTP server (or "anonymous")
      *     pePass = Password to use on FTP server (or "user@host")
      *     pePort = (optional) port to connect to.  If not supplied
      *              the value of the constant FTP_PORT will be used.
      *  peTimeout = (optional) number of seconds to wait for data before
      *              assuming the connection is dead and giving up.
      *              if not given, or set to 0, we wait indefinitely.
      *     peAcct = (optional) account (if required by server)
      *              if not given, a blank account name will be tried
      *              if the server requests an account.
      * Returns the socket descriptor of the connection upon
      *            success, or -1 upon error.
     D FTP_Conn        PR            10I 0
     D   peHost                     256A   const
     D   peUser                      32A   const
     D   pePass                      64A   const
     D   pePort                      10I 0 value options(*nopass)
     D   peTimeout                   10I 0 value options(*nopass)
     D   peAcct                      32A   const options(*nopass)

      * FTP_cdir         :  Change directory on FTP server
      *       input:   peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn                             RADDAT
      *                peNewDir = directory to change to.                                     RADDAT
      *  returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_chdir       PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   peNewDir                   256A   const

      *      Deprecated. See: FTP_binaryMode                                                  RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_binary       :  Set file transfer mode to/from binary mode
      *    peSetting = Setting of binary  *ON = Turn binary mode on
      *                                  *OFF = Turn binary mode off.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_binary      PR            10I 0
     D   peSetting                    1A   const
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_binaryMode   :  Set file transfer mode to/from binary mode                        RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *    peSocket  = socket number returned by FTP_conn                                     RADDAT
      *    peSetting = Setting of binary  *ON = Turn binary mode on                           RADDAT
      *                                  *OFF = Turn binary mode off.                         RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.                                         RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
     D FTP_binaryMode  PR            10I 0                                                    RADDAT
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   peSetting                    1A   const                                              RADDAT

      *      Deprecated. See: FTP_lineMode                                                    RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_LinMod       :  Allows file transfer of a text file in
      * FTP_LINMod          line at a time mode.
      *    peSetting = Setting of line mode  *ON = Turn line mode on
      *                                     *OFF = Turn line mode off.
      *     peRecLen = (optional) Size of each record (if peSetting='R')
      *                [you do not need to specify a record length unless]
      *                [you're calling FTP_getraw().                     ]
      *  Line-At-A-Time mode is only allowed on text files.  When
      *  using line mode, each string returned will be one line of
      *  text from the file.  The text will automatically be converted
      *  from ASCII -> EBCDIC, and any CR or LF characters will be
      *  stripped from the record.
      *  Line mode is MUCH slower than normal("block") mode, and should
      *  only be used if the contents are the file are to be examined
      *  line-by-line as the data is being downloaded.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_LinMod      PR            10I 0
     D   peSetting                    1A   const
     D   peRecLen                     5I 0 value options(*nopass)
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_lineMode     :  Allows file transfer of a text file in                            RADDAT
      * FTP_lineMode        line at a time mode.                                              RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *    peSocket  = socket number returned by FTP_conn                                     RADDAT
      *    peSetting = Setting of line mode  *ON = Turn line mode on                          RADDAT
      *                                     *OFF = Turn line mode off.                        RADDAT
      *     peRecLen = (optional) Size of each record (if peSetting='R')
      *                [you do not need to specify a record length unless]
      *                [you're calling FTP_getraw().                     ]
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *  Line-At-A-Time mode is only allowed on text files.  When                             RADDAT
      *  using line mode, each string returned will be one line of                            RADDAT
      *  text from the file.  The text will automatically be converted                        RADDAT
      *  from ASCII -> EBCDIC, and any CR or LF characters will be                            RADDAT
      *  stripped from the record.                                                            RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *  Line mode is MUCH slower than normal("block") mode, and should                       RADDAT
      *  only be used if the contents are the file are to be examined                         RADDAT
      *  line-by-line as the data is being downloaded.                                        RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.                                         RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
     D FTP_lineMode    PR            10I 0                                                    RADDAT
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   peSetting                    1A   const                                              RADDAT
     D   peRecLen                     5I 0 value options(*nopass)

      *      Deprecated. See: FTP_passiveMode                                                 RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_passiv       :  Turn passive mode transfers on or off
      *     peSetting = passive mode setting.   *ON = Turn passive on
      *                                        *OFF = Turn passive off
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
      * Note that this does not detect if the server supports
      *    passive mode.  That will be done when the file transfer
      *    commences...
     D FTP_passiv      PR            10I 0
     D   peSetting                    1A   const
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_passiveMode  :  Turn passive mode transfers on or off                             RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *    peSocket  = socket number returned by FTP_conn                                     RADDAT
      *    peSetting = passive mode setting.   *ON = Turn passive on                          RADDAT
      *                                       *OFF = Turn passive off                         RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *    Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.                                          RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      * Note that this does not detect if the server supports                                 RADDAT
      *    passive mode.  That will be done when the file transfer                            RADDAT
      *    commences...                                                                       RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
     D FTP_passiveMode...                                                                     RADDAT
     D                 PR            10I 0                                                    RADDAT
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   peSetting                    1A   const                                              RADDAT

      *      Deprecated. See: FTP_logging                                                     RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_log          :  Turn on/off logging of session to joblog
      *    peSetting = Setting of logging *ON = Turn logging mode on
      *                                  *OFF = Turn logging mode off.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_Log         PR            10I 0
     D   peSetting                    1A   const
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_logging      :  Turn on/off logging of session to joblog                          RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *    peSocket  = socket number returned by FTP_conn                                     RADDAT
      *    peSetting = Setting of logging *ON = Turn logging mode on                          RADDAT
      *                                  *OFF = Turn logging mode off.                        RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.                                         RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
     D FTP_logging     PR            10I 0                                                    RADDAT
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   peSetting                    1A   const                                              RADDAT

      * FTP_rename       :  Rename a file on an FTP server
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *    peOldName = Original File Name
      *    peNewName = New name to assign.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_rename      PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peOldName                  256A   const
     D   peNewName                  256A   const

      * FTP_delete       :  Delete a file on the FTP server
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *       peFile = File to delete
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_delete      PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peFile                     256A   const

      * FTP_rmdir        :  Delete a directory from an FTP server
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *    peDirName = directory to delete
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_rmdir       PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peDirName                  256A   const

      * FTP_mkdir        :  Create a directory on the FTP server
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *    peDirName = directory to create
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_mkdir       PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peDirName                  256A   const

      * FTP_rtvcwd       :  Retrieve the current working directory
      * FTP_rtvcwd          name
      *         from the server.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *     Returns the directory name, or *BLANKS upon failure
     D FTP_rtvcwd      PR           256A
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value

      * FTP_quote        :  Send a raw, unadulterated, command to the
      *                     FTP server, and receive the reply.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *    peCommand = command to send to server.
      *     Returns the FTP server's reply code,
      *             or -1 upon a socket/network error.
      *  This procedure will not attempt to determine if the quoted
      *  command was successful.  You'll need to check the FTP
      *  server's reply code to see if you get what you expect to.
      *  The message text accompanying the reply code will be available
      *  by calling the FTP_ERROR routine.  The error number returned
      *  for this response will always be FTP_QUOTE
     D FTP_quote       PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peCommand                  256A   const

      * FTP_size         :  Get the size of a file on an FTP server.
      * NOTE: This is not part of the official FTP standard, and
      *       is not supported by many FTP servers, INCLUDING THE
      *       AS/400 FTP SERVER.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *       peFile = file to look up the size of
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or the size of the file upon success
     D FTP_size        PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peFile                     256A   const

      * FTP_mtime        :  Get modification time of a file on an FTP
      * FTP_mtime           server
      * NOTE: This is not part of the official FTP standard, and
      *       is not supported by many FTP servers, INCLUDING THE
      *       AS/400 FTP SERVER.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *       peFile = file to look up the size of
      *    peModTime = Modification time returned by server
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_mtime       PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peFile                     256A   const
     D   peModTime                     Z

      * FTP_AddPfm       :  Add member to a physical file (ADDPFM)
      * NOTE: This command is specific to the AS/400 FTP server
      *       and may not work on other systems.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *      peParms = String of parms to the ADDPFM command on
      *                 on the AS/400.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_AddPfm      PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peParms                    256A   const

      * FTP_AddPvm       :  Add variable length file member (ADDPVLM)
      * NOTE: This command is specific to the AS/400 FTP server
      *       and may not work on other systems.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *      peParms = String of parms to the ADDPVLM command
      *                 on the AS/400.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_AddPvm      PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peParms                    256A   const

      * FTP_CrtLib       :  Create Library (CRTLIB)
      * NOTE: This command is specific to the AS/400 FTP server
      *       and may not work on other systems.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *      peParms = String of parms to the CRTLIB command
      *                 on the AS/400.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_CrtLib      PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peParms                    256A   const

      * FTP_CrtPf        :  Create Physical File (CRTPF)
      * NOTE: This command is specific to the AS/400 FTP server
      *       and may not work on other systems.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *      peParms = String of parms to the CRTPF command
      *                 on the AS/400.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_CrtPF       PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peParms                    256A   const

      * FTP_CrtSrc       :  Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF)
      * NOTE: This command is specific to the AS/400 FTP server
      *       and may not work on other systems.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *      peParms = String of parms to the CRTSRCPF command
      *                 on the AS/400.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_CrtSrc      PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peParms                    256A   const

      * FTP_DltF         :  Delete File (DLTF)
      * NOTE: This command is specific to the AS/400 FTP server
      *       and may not work on other systems.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *      peParms = String of parms to the DLTF command
      *                 on the AS/400.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_DltF        PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peParms                    256A   const

      * FTP_DltLib       :  Delete Library (DLTLIB)
      * NOTE: This command is specific to the AS/400 FTP server
      *       and may not work on other systems.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *      peParms = String of parms to the DLTF command
      *                 on the AS/400.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_DltLib      PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peParms                    256A   const

      * FTP_RmtCmd       :  Run a command on the AS/400
      * NOTE: This command is specific to the AS/400 FTP server
      *       and may not work on other systems.
      * NOTE: Commands executed this way may be run in batch as
      *       a seperate job, and may not complete immediately.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *    peCommand = Command to run on the AS/400.
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_RmtCmd      PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peCommand                 1000A   const

      * FTP_NamFmt       :  Set the AS/400's Name Format (NAMEFMT)
      * FTP_NamFmt          parm
      * NOTE: This command is specific to the AS/400 FTP server
      *       and may not work on other systems.
      *     peSocket = socket number returned by FTP_conn
      *     peFormat = Name Fmt  0=MYLIB/MYFILE.MYMBR
      *                          1=/Filesys/MYLIB.LIB/MYFILE.FILE/MYMBR.MBR
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_NamFmt      PR            16P 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peFormat                     5I 0 value

      * FTP_dir          :  Gets a listing of files in a directory on
      * FTP_dir          :  the FTP server.
      *         peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn proc.                              RADDAT
      *      pePathArg   = Argument to pass to the LIST command on                            RADDAT
      *                    the FTP server.  for example, it might be                          RADDAT
      *                    something like '*.txt' or '/windows/*.exe'                         RADDAT
      *     peMaxEntry   = max number of directory entries to return                          RADDAT
      *      peRtnList   = pointer to an array.  Each line of the directory                   RADDAT
      *                    returned by the server will be placed into this
      *                    array, up to the max number of entries (above)
      *      peRtnSize   = Actual number of array elements that could be                      RADDAT
      *                    returned.  (can be larger than peMaxEntry if
      *                    your array wasnt large enough)
     D FTP_dir         PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   pePathArg                  256A   const
     D   peMaxEntry                  10I 0 value
     D   peRtnList                     *   value
     D   peRtnSize                   10I 0

      * FTP_dirraw       :  Gets a listing of files in a directory on
      * FTP_dirraw          the FTP server.
      *         peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn proc.                              RADDAT
      *      pePathArg   = Argument to pass to the LIST command on                            RADDAT
      *                    the FTP server.  for example, it might be                          RADDAT
      *                    something like '*.txt' or '/windows/*.exe'                         RADDAT
      *        peDescr   = descriptor to pass to peFunction below                             RADDAT
      *     peFunction   = procedure to call for each directory entry                         RADDAT
     D FTP_dirraw      PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   pePathArg                  256A   const
     D   peDescr                     10I 0 value
     D   peFunction                    *   PROCPTR value

      * FTP_list         :  Gets a listing of files in a directory on
      * FTP_list         :  the FTP server. (filenames only)
      *         peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn proc.                              RADDAT
      *      pePathArg   = Argument to pass to the NLST command on                            RADDAT
      *                    the FTP server.  for example, it might be                          RADDAT
      *                    something like '*.txt' or '/windows/*.exe'                         RADDAT
      *     peMaxEntry   = max number of directory entries to return                          RADDAT
      *      peRtnList   = pointer to an array.  Each filename in the dir                     RADDAT
      *                    returned by the server will be placed into this
      *                    array, up to the max number of entries (above)
      *      peRtnSize   = Actual number of array elements that could be                      RADDAT
      *                    returned.  (can be larger than peMaxEntry if
      *                    your array wasnt large enough)
     D FTP_list        PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   pePathArg                  256A   const
     D   peMaxEntry                  10I 0 value
     D   peRtnList                     *   value
     D   peRtnSize                   10I 0

      * FTP_lstraw       :  Gets a listing of files in a directory on
      * FTP_lstraw          the FTP server. (filenames only)
      *         peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn proc.                              RADDAT
      *      pePathArg   = Argument to pass to the LIST command on                            RADDAT
      *                    the FTP server.  for example, it might be                          RADDAT
      *                    something like '*.txt' or '/windows/*.exe'                         RADDAT
      *        peDescr   = descriptor to pass to peFunction below                             RADDAT
      *     peFunction   = Procedure to send each line of the resulting                       RADDAT
      *                    listing to.                                                        RADDAT
     D FTP_lstraw      PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   pePathArg                  256A   const
     D   peDescr                     10I 0 value
     D   peFunction                    *   PROCPTR value

      * FTP_get          :  Retrieve a file from FTP server:
      *    parms:    peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn
      *              peRemote = filename of file on remote server
      *               peLocal = filename on this server (optional)
      *                     if not given, we'll assume that its the
      *                     same as the local server's filename.
      *   returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_get         PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peRemote                   256A   const
     D   peLocal                    256A   const options(*nopass)

      * FTP_getraw       :  Get a file *from* the FTP server.
      *       peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn proc.
      *      peRemote = Remote filename to request.
      *       peDescr = descriptor to pass to the peRetProc procedure
      *     peWrtProc = Procedure to send the received data to.
      *         int writeproc(int fd, void *buf, int nbytes);
      * Note that the format for the writeproc very deliberately
      *    matches that of the write() API, allowing us to write
      *    directly to the IFS or a socket just by passing that
      *    procedure.
      *  returns 0 upon success, or -1 upon error.
     D FTP_getraw      PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peRemote                   256A   const
     D   peDescr                     10I 0 value
     D   peWrtProc                     *   PROCPTR value

      * FTP_put          :  Send a file to FTP server:
      *    parms:    peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn
      *              peRemote = filename of file on remote server
      *               peLocal = filename on this server (optional)
      *                     if not given, we'll assume that its the
      *                     same as the local server's filename.
      *   returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_put         PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peRemote                   256A   const
     D   peLocal                    256A   const options(*nopass)

      * FTP_putraw       :  Put a file *to* the FTP server.
      *       peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn proc.
      *      peRemote = Remote filename to request.
      *       peDescr = descriptor to pass to the peReadProc procedure
      *    peReadProc = Procedure to call to read more data from
      *         int readproc(int fd, void *buf, int nbytes);
      * Note that the format for the readproc very deliberately
      *    matches that of the write() API, allowing us to write
      *    directly to the IFS or a socket just by passing that
      *    procedure.
      *  returns 0 upon success, or -1 upon error.
     D FTP_putraw      PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peRemote                   256A   const
     D   peDescr                     10I 0 value
     D   peReadProc                    *   PROCPTR value

      * FTP_append       :  Add a file to the end of one that is on an
      * FTP_append          FTP server:
      *    parms:    peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn
      *              peRemote = filename of file on remote server
      *               peLocal = filename on this server (optional)
      *                     if not given, we'll assume that its the
      *                     same as the local server's filename.
      *   returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_append      PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peRemote                   256A   const
     D   peLocal                    256A   const options(*nopass)

      * FTP_appraw       :  Append a file *to* the FTP server.
      *       peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn proc.
      *      peRemote = Remote filename to request.
      *       peDescr = descriptor to pass to the peReadProc procedure
      *    peReadProc = Procedure to call to read more data from
      *         int readproc(int fd, void *buf, int nbytes);
      * Note that the format for the readproc very deliberately
      *    matches that of the write() API, allowing us to write
      *    directly to the IFS or a socket just by passing that
      *    procedure.
      *  returns 0 upon success, or -1 upon error.
     D FTP_appraw      PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peRemote                   256A   const
     D   peDescr                     10I 0 value
     D   peReadProc                    *   PROCPTR value

      * FTP_quit         :
      *        parms:   peSocket = descriptor returned by ftp_conn
      *  This procedure logs off of the FTP server and closes
      *  the network connection.
      *  Returns 0 upon success, or -1 upon error.                                            RADDAT
     D FTP_quit        PR            10I 0                                                    RADDAT
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value

      *      Deprecated. See: FTP_errorMsg                                                    RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_error        :  returns the error message that occurred
      * FTP_error           when one of the above routines return -1.
      *  optionally also returns the error number, which will
      *  match one of the constants defined in FTPAPI_H.  This
      *  can be used by programs to anticipate/handle errors.
     D FTP_error       PR            60A
     D   peErrorNum                  10I 0 options(*nopass)
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_errorMsg     :  returns the error message that occurred                           RADDAT
      * FTP_errorMsg        when one of the above routines return -1.                         RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *    peSocket  = socket number returned by FTP_conn                                     RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *  optionally also returns the error number, which will                                 RADDAT
      *  match one of the constants defined in FTPAPI_H.  This                                RADDAT
      *  can be used by programs to anticipate/handle errors.                                 RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
     D FTP_errorMsg    PR            60A                                                      RADDAT
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   peErrorNum                  10I 0       options(*nopass)                             RADDAT

      *      Deprecated. See: FTP_codePage                                                    RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_codepg       :  Set file translation options for ASCII
      * FTP_codepg          mode:
      *     peASCII -- codepage to use when translating to/from ASCII
      *     peEBCDIC -- codepage to use when translating to/from EBCDIC
      *  Return 0 for success, -1 upon error
     D FTP_codepg      PR            10I 0
     D   peASCII                     10I 0 value
     D   peEBCDIC                    10I 0 value
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_codePage     :  Set file translation options for ASCII                            RADDAT
      * FTP_codePage        mode:
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *    peSocket  = socket number returned by FTP_conn                                     RADDAT
      *    peASCII   = codepage to use when translating to/from ASCII                         RADDAT
      *    peEBCDIC  = codepage to use when translating to/from EBCDIC                        RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *  Return 0 for success, -1 upon error                                                  RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
     D FTP_codePage    PR            10I 0                                                    RADDAT
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   peASCII                     10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   peEBCDIC                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT

      *      Deprecated. See: FTP_exitProc()                                                  RADDAT
      * WARNING: For backwards compatiblity, FTP_xproc() changes the
      *   exit procedure for ALL sessions.  Instead, use FTP_exitProc!
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_xproc        :  Register a procedure to be called at a
      * FTP_xproc           given exit point:
      *     peExitPnt = Exit point to register a procedure for
      *           FTP_EXTLOG = Procedure to call when logging control
      *                   session commands.
      *           FTP_EXTSTS = Procedure to call when showing the
      *                   current status of a file transfer.
      *     peProc    = Procedure to register (pass *NULL to disable)
      *  Returns -1 upon error, 0 upon success
     D FTP_xproc       PR            10I 0
     D   peExitPnt                   10I 0 value
     D   peProc                        *   procptr value

      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_exitProc     :  Register a procedure to be called at a
      * FTP_exitProc        given exit point:
      *    FTP_Conn() is a combination of calling FTP_open() followed
      *    by FTP_login().  However, you need to register your exit
      *    proc in-between those two calls.
      *    Instead of FTP_Conn, follow these steps:
      *         1) Call FTP_open() to connect to your FTP server.
      *         2) Call FTP_exitProc() and register the proc with
      *              the session number returned by FTP_open()
      *         3) Call FTP_login() to complete the login process.
      *  parameters are:
      *     peSession = FTP session handle returned by FTP_open()
      *     peExitPnt = Exit point to register a procedure for
      *           FTP_EXTLOG = Procedure to call when logging control
      *                   session commands.
      *           FTP_EXTSTS = Procedure to call when showing the
      *                   current status of a file transfer.
      *     peProc    = Procedure to register (pass *NULL to disable)
      *    peExtra    = pointer to extra data you want passed to each
      *                   call of your exit proc, or *NULL for none.
      *  Returns -1 upon error, 0 upon success
     D FTP_exitProc    PR            10I 0
     D   peSession                   10I 0 value
     D   peExitPnt                   10I 0 value
     D   peProc                        *   procptr value
     D   peExtra                       *   value

      *      Deprecated. See: FTP_trimMode                                                    RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_trim         :  Set the "trim mode" for record-based files
      * FTP_trim            that you PUT in ASCII (non-binary) mode.
      *  Note that this has no affect on GETs, binary-mode transfers,
      *       stream files, or source members.
      *     peSetting = Should be *ON if you want trailing blanks
      *           to be trimmed, or *OFF otherwise.  *OFF is used
      *           by default
      *  returns 0 upon success, or -1 upon error.
     D FTP_trim        PR            10I 0
     D   peSetting                    1A   const
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
      * FTP_trimMode     :  Set the "trim mode" for record-based files                        RADDAT
      * FTP_trimMode        that you PUT in ASCII (non-binary) mode.                          RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *  Note that this has no affect on GETs, binary-mode transfers,                         RADDAT
      *       stream files, or source members.                                                RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *    peSocket  = socket number returned by FTP_conn                                     RADDAT
      *    peSetting = Should be *ON if you want trailing blanks                              RADDAT
      *           to be trimmed, or *OFF otherwise.  *OFF is used                             RADDAT
      *           by default                                                                  RADDAT
      *                                                                                       RADDAT
      *  returns 0 upon success, or -1 upon error.                                            RADDAT
      *+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                        RADDAT
     D FTP_trimMode    PR            10I 0                                                    RADDAT
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value                                              RADDAT
     D   peSetting                    1A   const                                              RADDAT
      * FTP_sizereq      :  Turn Size request on or off
      *  Normally, FTPAPI attempts to determine the size of a file
      *  before downloading it.  You can use this function to disable
      *  or re-enable that functionality.
      *     peSetting =   *ON = Turn size request on
      *                  *OFF = Turn size request off
      *     Returns -1 upon error, or 0 upon success.
     D FTP_sizereq     PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peSetting                    1A   const

      * FTP_ParseURL()   :  Parse URL into it's component parts
      *  Breaks a uniform resource locator (URL) into it's component
      *  pieces for use with the ftp: protocols.
      *  peURL = URL that needs to be parsed.
      *  peService = service name from URL (i.e. ftp)
      *  peUserName = user name given, or *blanks
      *  pePassword = password given, or *blanks
      *  peHost = hostname given in URL. (could be domain name or IP)
      *  pePort = port number to connect to, if specified, otherwise 0.
      *  pePath = remaining path/request for server.
      *  returns -1 upon failure, or 0 upon success
     D ftp_ParseURL    PR            10I 0
     D  peURL                       256A   const
     D  peService                    32A
     D  peUserName                   32A
     D  pePassword                   32A
     D  peHost                      256A
     D  pePort                       10I 0
     D  pePath                      256A

      * FTP_url_get_raw():  Retrieve a file specified via URL
      *      peURL = URL to retrieve file from
      *    peDescr = Descriptor to pass to write proc
      *  peWrtProc = procedure to call to write file to disk
      *    peASCII = (optional) Use ASCII mode if *ON
      *  peTimeout = (optional) time to wait for connection to complete
      *     peAcct = (optional) account name
      *  returns -1 upon failure, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_url_get_raw...
     D                 PR            10I 0
     D  peURL                       256A   const
     D  peDescr                      10I 0 value
     D  peWrtProc                      *   PROCPTR value
     D  peASCII                       1N   const options(*nopass)
     D  peTimeout                    10I 0 value options(*nopass)
     D  peAcct                       32A   const options(*nopass)

      * FTP_url_get()    :  Retrieve a file specified via URL
      *      peURL = URL to retrieve file from
      *    peLocal = (optional) pathname of file to save on local disk
      *    peASCII = (optional) Use ASCII mode if *ON
      *  peTimeout = (optional) time to wait for connection to complete
      *     peAcct = (optional) account name
      *  returns -1 upon failure, or 0 upon success
     D FTP_url_get     PR            10I 0
     D  peURL                       256A   const
     D  peLocal                     256A   const options(*nopass)
     D  peASCII                       1N   const options(*nopass)
     D  peTimeout                    10I 0 value options(*nopass)
     D  peAcct                       32A   const options(*nopass)

      * FTP_open()       :  Open a connection to an FTP server
      *     peHost = host to connect to.
      *     pePort = (optional) port number to connect to.  If not given,
      *              FTPAPI will use the FTP_PORT constant
      *  peTimeout = (optional) time to wait for data from server before
      *              giving up.  (seconds)  default is 0 (wait forever)
      * Returns a new socket, connected to an FTPAPI session.
      *            or -1 upon error.
     D FTP_open        PR            10I 0
     D   peHost                     256A   const
     D   pePort                      10I 0 value options(*nopass)
     D   peTimeout                   10I 0 value options(*nopass)

      * FTP_Login()      :  Log in to an FTP server.
      *   peSocket = Socket created with FTP_open()
      *     peUser = user name of FTP server (or "anonymous")
      *     pePass = Password to use on FTP server (or "user@host")
      *     peAcct = (optional) account (if required by server)
      *              if not given, a blank account name will be tried
      *              if the server requests an account.
      * Returns 0 if successful, -1 upon error
     D FTP_Login       PR            10I 0
     D   peSocket                    10I 0 value
     D   peUser                      32A   const
     D   pePass                      64A   const options(*nopass)
     D   peAcct                      32A   const options(*nopass)
This is the FTPAPI service program...  It is part of my efforts to
give back to the AS/400 community, which has done so much for me.

Please read the license info at the top of the source members, they
explain your rights with this product, as well as mine.

At the moment, this project is still "ALPHA".  It needs a lot more
work, including documentation, features and testing.

To compile/install it:  (instead of LIBFTP, use whatever you like:)

1) If you haven't already, restore the source file.  If you have a
     previous installation, destroy it now:

2) Restore the library from the savefile:

3) Create the installation program:

4) If you want to try the "TESTPUT" example program, you'll need to
     find an FTP server that will allow you to upload files.
     Change the server name, userid and password in the TESTPUT member.
     As appropriate.

     Do the same for the "TESTAPP" example program:

5) Use the INSTALL program to build everything:

Testing it out:

1) You'll want LIBFTP in your library list

2) Run this program:

3) Check it out.. you should now have fips.exe in your root directory
     in the IFS.  Do:  WRKLNK '/*'

4) Try sending this (if you did step #4 in installing, above)

5)  Your FTP server should now have fips.exe

6) Try the APPEND capability (also if you did step #4 in installing)

7) Your FTP server should now have 'testput.rpg4', and it should
     contain the text from both the TESTPUT and TESTAPP members
     of this source file.

8) Make a directory, and download a group of files into it:
     MKDIR '/incoming'

9) Check the results:
     WRKLNK '/incoming/*'

also.. most of the example (TESTxxx) programs will log the FTP
commands that they run into your job log.   DSPJOBLOG is useful
to see what happened during the FTP session.

To get a quick and dirty list of the available procedures:

     cpyf qrpglesrc qprint frommbr(ftpapi_h) +
          incchar(*rcd 19 *31 '*FTP_')

Good luck!

If you get stuck, see:    http://www.scottklement.com/ftpapi/
  (Your best bet would be to sign up for the mailing list)

Please keep in mind that this program is free.  I'll help you if
I can, but jobs that I'm getting paid for will always take priority. :)

For a list of changes made from version to version, see the CHANGELOG
member of this source file.
This is the FTPAPI mailing list.  To unsubscribe, please go to: