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RE: Green Screen request

Sender: "Rick Hill" <rhill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Jere,

Here is a sample program - it sends a soap request - in turn receives the data
Hope this helps


     D/copy libhttp/qrpglesrc,httpapi_h

     D translate       PR                  ExtPgm('QDCXLATE')
     D   length                       5P 0 const
     D   data                     32766A   options(*varsize)
     D   table                       10A   const

     D incoming        PR            10I 0
     D   descriptor                  10I 0 value
     D   data                      8192A   options(*varsize)
     D   datalen                     10I 0 value

     D parsedata       PR          1024A
     D   searchdata               32766A   const
     D   varname                     20A   const

     D rc              s             10I 0
     D msg             s             52A
     D CRLF            C                   CONST(x'0d25')
     D data            S           2048A
     D nextpos         S             10I 0 inz(1)
     D TOKEN           S             40
     D retdata         S          32766A
     D retlen          S             10I 0

     D ReturnMsg       S             52    INZ(*BLANKS)
     D ReturnCode      S             10    INZ(*BLANKS)
     D ReturnRFee      S              8    INZ(*BLANKS)
     D ReturnLFee      S              8    INZ(*BLANKS)
     D ReturnRef#      S             20    INZ(*BLANKS)

     C                   eval      data = '<?xml version="1.0"' +
     C                             ' encoding="UTF-8" ?>' + CRLF +
     C                             '<soap:Envelope xmlns' +
     C                             ':xsi="http://www.w3.org' +
     C                             '/2001/XMLSchema-instance" '+
     C                             'xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org'+
     C                             '/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://' +
     C                             'schemas.xmlsoap.org/' +
     C                             'soap/envelope/">' + CRLF +
     C                             '<soap:Body>' + CRLF +
     C                             '<Execute xmlns="http' +
     C                             '://test.scdmvonline.com/CIDR/Step1">' +
     C                             CRLF + '<RequestMsgData>' + CRLF +
     C                             '<SecurityToken>'      +
     C                             TOKEN                  +
     C                             '</SecurityToken>'     + CRLF +
     C                             '<CountyID>'           +
     C                             %Editc(HTCNTY: 'X')    +
     C                             '</CountyID>'          + CRLF +
     C                             '<CountyDate>'         +
     C                             %Editc(HTTRDT: 'X')    +
     C                             '</CountyDate>'        + CRLF +
     C                             '<CountyTime>'         +
     C                             %Editc(HTTRTM: 'X')    +
     C                             '</CountyTime>'        + CRLF +
     C                             '<CountyOID>'          +
     C                             %Trim(HTOPID)          +
     C                             '</CountyOID>'         + CRLF +
     C                             '<PaymentDate>'        +
     C                             %Editc(HTRCDT: 'X')    +
     C                             '</PaymentDate>'       + CRLF +
     C                             '<VIN>'                +
     C                             %Trim(HTVIN)           +
     C                             '</VIN>'               + CRLF +
     C                             '<VehicleMake>'        +
     C                             %Trim(HTMAKE)          +
     C                             '</VehicleMake>'       + CRLF +
     C                             '<ExpireMonth>'        +
     C                             %Editc(HTEXMO:'X')     +
     C                             '</ExpireMonth>'       + CRLF +
     C                             '<VehicleType>'        +
     C                             %Trim(HTVTYP)          +
     C                             '</VehicleType>'       + CRLF +
     C                             '<PlateClass>'         +
     C                             %Trim(HTPCLS)          +
     C                             '</PlateClass>'        + CRLF +
     C                             '<VehicleWeight>'      +
     C                             %Editc(HTWGHT:'X')     +
     C                             '</VehicleWeight>'     + CRLF +
     C                             '<VehicleGVW>'         +
     C                             %Trim(HTGVW)           +
     C                             '</VehicleGVW>'        + CRLF +
     C                             '<OwnerName>'          +
     C                             %Trim(ownnam)          +
     C                             '</OwnerName>'         + CRLF +
     C                             '<OwnerAddr>'          +
     C                             %Trim(ownadd)          +
     C                             '</OwnerAddr>'         + CRLF +
     C                             '<OwnerCity>'          +
     C                             %Trim(owncity)         +
     C                             '</OwnerCity>'         + CRLF +
     C                             '<OwnerState>'         +
     C                             %Trim(HTOST)           +
     C                             '</OwnerState>'        + CRLF +
     C                             '<OwnerZip>'           +
     C                             %EditC(HTOZIP:'X')     +
     C                             '</OwnerZip>'          + CRLF +
     C                             '<AddrChangeFlag>'     +
     C                             %Trim(AdrChgFlag)      +
     C                             '</AddrChangeFlag>'    + CRLF +
     C                             '<ChangeAddress>'      +
     C                             %Trim(newadd)          +
     C                             '</ChangeAddress>'     + CRLF +
     C                             '<ChangeCity>'         +
     C                             %Trim(newcity)         +
     C                             '</ChangeCity>'        + CRLF +
     C                             '<ChangeState>'        +
     C                             %Trim(HTNST)           +
     C                             '</ChangeState>'       + CRLF +
     C                             '<ChangeZip>'          +
     C                             %Editc(HTNZIP:'X')     +
     C                             '</ChangeZip>'         + CRLF +
     C                             '<ChangeTaxDistrict>'  +
     C                             %Trim(HTNDST)          +
     C                             '</ChangeTaxDistrict>' + CRLF +
     C                             '<TaxPaidFlag>'        +
     C                             %Trim(HTTAX)           +
     C                             '</TaxPaidFlag>'       + CRLF +
     C                             '<InsInfoFlag>'        +
     C                             %Trim(HTINS)           +
     C                             '</InsInfoFlag>'       + CRLF +
     C                             '<RegFee>'             +
     C                             %Editw(HTRFEE:'0    .  ') +
     C                             '</RegFee>'            + CRLF +
     C                             '<SpName>'             +
     C                             %Trim(spcnam)          +
     C                             '</SpName>'            + CRLF +
     C                             '<SpAddress>'          +
     C                             %Trim(spcadd)          +
     C                             '</SpAddress>'         + CRLF +
     C                             '<SpCity>'             +
     C                             %Trim(spccity)         +
     C                             '</SpCity>'            + CRLF +
     C                             '<SpState>'            +
     C                             %Trim(HTSST)           +
     C                             '</SpState>'           + CRLF +
     C                             '<SpZip>'              +
     C                             %Trim(HTSZIP)          +
     C                             '</SpZip>'             + CRLF +
     C                             '<RefNumber>'          +
     C                             %Trim(HTREF#)          +
     C                             '</RefNumber>'         + CRLF +
     C                             '</RequestMsgData>'    + CRLF +
     C                             '</Execute>'           + CRLF +
     C                             '</soap:Body>'         + CRLF +
     C                             '</soap:Envelope>'

     c                   eval      rc=http_url_post_raw(
     C                             'http://test.scdmvonline.com/+
     C                                  CIDR/Step1.asmx':
     C                                  %addr(data): %len(%trimr(data)):
     c                                  1: %paddr('INCOMING'):
     C                                  120 :'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; OS400)'
     C                                    : 'text/xml' :
     C                                   'http://test.scdmvonline.com/+
     C                                     CIDR/Step1/Execute')

     C                   if        rc <> 1
     C                   eval      msg = http_error
     C                   dsply                   msg
     C                   return
     C                   endif

     C* convert the data we just received to EBCDIC
     c                   if        retlen > 1
     c                   callp     Translate(retlen: retdata: 'QTCPEBC')
     c                   endif

     C* now the returned data is in the 'retdata' string.
     C*  run this program in debug and display retdata....  you'll see...

      * Retrieve Return Values

     C                   Eval      ReturnMsg  = parsedata(retdata:'Message')
     C                   Eval      ReturnCode = parsedata(retdata:'ReturnCode')
     C                   Eval      ReturnRfee = parsedata(retdata:'RenewalFee')
     C                   Eval      ReturnLfee = parsedata(retdata:'DMVLateFee')
     C                   Eval      ReturnRef# = parsedata(retdata:'RefNumber')

     C*    ReturnMsg     Dsply
     C*    ReturnCode    Dsply
     C*    ReturnRfee    Dsply
     C*    ReturnLfee    Dsply
     C*    ReturnRef#    Dsply

     C                   eval      *inlr = *on

     P*  this procedure will receive the raw data received
     P incoming        B
     D incoming        PI            10I 0
     D   descriptor                  10I 0 value
     D   data                      8192A   options(*varsize)
     D   datalen                     10I 0 value

     c                   eval      nextpos = 1
     C* Make sure we don't overflow the string:
     c                   eval      retlen = (nextpos + datalen) - 1
     c                   if        retlen > %size(retdata)
     c                   eval      datalen=datalen-(%size(retdata)-retlen)
     c                   endif

     c* If there is nothing to write, return THAT...
     c                   if        datalen < 1
     c                   return    0
     c                   endif

     C* Here we add any data sent to the end of our 'retdata' string:
     c                   eval      %subst(retdata: nextpos) =
     c                                %subst(data:1:datalen)
     c                   eval      nextpos = nextpos + datalen

     c* We always return the amount of data that we wrote.   Note
     C*  that if http-api sees that we didn't write as much data as
     C*  it sent us, it'll abort the process with an error message.
     c                   return    datalen
     P                 E

     P*  this procedure will parse xml data for variable name
     P parsedata       B
     D parsedata       PI          1024A
     D   searchdata               32766A   const
     D   varname                     20A   const

     D strvar          S             25
     D endvar          S             25
     D strfind         S             10I 0
     D endfind         S             10I 0
     D returndta       S           1024A

      * build start variable  <variable>
      * build end   variable  </variable>

     C                   Eval      Strvar    = *Blanks
     C                   Eval      Endvar    = *Blanks
     C                   Eval      returndta = *Blanks

     C                   Eval      Strvar = '<'  + %trim(varname) + '>'
     C                   Eval      Endvar = '</' + %trim(varname) + '>'

      * find beginning position / ending position
      * return data in these positions

     C                   Eval      StrFind = %Scan(%Trim(Strvar):searchdata)
     C                   Eval      StrFind = Strfind + %len(%Trim(Strvar))
     C                   Eval      EndFind = %Scan(%Trim(Endvar):searchdata)
     C                   Eval      Returndta   = %Subst(searchdata:StrFind:
     C                                              EndFind - StrFind)
     c                   return    Returndta
     P                 E

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On
Behalf Of Jere Jackson
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2004 9:54 AM
To: ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Green Screen request

Sender: "Jere Jackson" <jjackson@xxxxxxxxx>

I have, the problem I see is that all of his examples send a request and
get a file back. I don't need a file I need the response to come back
into the program. I also looked at the socket utilities but I still
don't understand exactly how to do what I need. If I could see an
example of this I can take it and run with it.

Jere Jackson
System Analyst
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
One Waterfowl Way
Memphis, TN 38120-2351
Phone (901) 758-3895
Fax (901) 758-3850

>>> michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 07/19/04 6:10 PM >>>
Sender: michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Check out http://www.scottklement.com/httpapi/

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 15:42:04 -0500, "Jere Jackson"
<jjackson@xxxxxxxxx><~!B*+R^&>said:<~!B*+R^&>> Sender: "Jere Jackson"
> I have an order entry program that needs to verify  the PO number by
> sending an HTML request to another system and wait for a response from
> the called system. I have the URL of the other system that will verify
> the PO number. This is the first time I have tried to do anything like
> this. I am not sure how to put the calls in the program for the APIs
> that I need. Does anyone have an example of this? I don't want to
> anything to a file or read from a file, all I am trying to do is
> the URL and check the response from the called program.
> Thanks
> Jere
> Jere Jackson
> System Analyst
> Ducks Unlimited, Inc
> One Waterfowl Way
> Memphis, TN 38120-2351
> www.ducks.org
> jjackson@xxxxxxxxx
> Phone (901) 758-3895
> Fax (901) 758-3850
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