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Fwd: http_url_encoder_addvar()

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: http_url_encoder_addvar()
Date: 	Mon, 2 Jul 2012 16:53:45 -0400
From: 	Donnie Sanders <i5pgmranalyst@xxxxxxxxx>
To: 	Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Thanks for the advice. Future correspondence will be much easier on the eyes.

I think I now know what cause that last parsing error.  It appears that
there is a leading CRLF in the response returned from the web service:
- - - -  + - - -  - * - -  - - + -  - - - *    ----+----*----+----*
405C5C5C 5C5C5C5C 5C5C5C5C 5CC28587 89959589    ************Beginni
3C3F786D 6C207665 7273696F 6E3D2231 2E302220   <?xml version="1.0"
3C21444F 43545950 4520706E 65745F72 6573706F   <!DOCTYPE pnet_respo
3C706E65 745F7265 73706F6E 73653E3C 73656E64   <pnet_response><send
405C5C5C 5C5C5C5C 5C5C5C5C 5CC59584 40968640    ************End of

So I added, http_XmlStripCRLF(*on), before the post, but the
resulting response was still the same.
Is there an easy way to remove/discard that first byte (CRLF) from the

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