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Re: Trusting CA certificates

Hello Ian,

On 7/11/2011 6:24 AM, Ian Patterson wrote:
> If I change the parameter 'Define CA trust list' of my Application (within
> Working with Client Applications) to 'No', will my httpapi client then
> automatically trust any valid certificates used during an httpapi session ?

By default, HTTPAPI tries to be as permissive as it can possibly be. By 
default, it trusts _all_ certificates. As long as the cryptography in 
the certificate is valid, it'll trust it.  It even allows expired 
certificates, or those that have no CA certificate installed.

You can tell it you want it to be more strict by calling the 
https_strict() API.  This forces it to only accept certificates that 
haven't expired, and that have CA certificates installed.

You can register callbacks on the HTTP_POINT_CERT_VAL and 
HTTP_POINT_GSKIT_CERT_VAL exit procedures to do even more strict 
validation -- and you can get as strict as you like.

My experience is that most folks just want the connection to be 
encrypted. Getting the certificate trusts working can be a big source of 
frustration, so I let them enable that if they want it, but otherwise I 
default to being permissive.
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