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Re: Problem with FTP_GET, FTP_BINARY when downloading mixed file types


   I have attached the source code to this mail, and it is a working
   version. I have tested it again with my test files and the problem is
   the same.



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?     *?Program Name:?FTPTEST#R
?     *?Author      :?Pieter Henrico
?     *?Date        :?09/11/30

     H DftActGrp(*No)
     H BndDir('QC2LE')
     H CopyNest(128)
     H DatFmt(*ISO) DatEdit(*YMD) TimFmt(*ISO)
     H BndDir('QC2LE')

?     *======================== *ENTRY ================================
?     * Setup *Entry PList Information
     D FTPTEST#R       PR                  EXTPGM('FTPTEST#R')
?     *
     D FTPTEST#R       PI
?     *======================== INTCFGPF Entries ======================
     D TNulPtr         S               *
     D TString         S            256    Based(TNulPtr)
     D TInt            S             10I 0 Based(TNulPtr)
     D TName           S             10    Based(TNulPtr)
     D TLongName       S             20    Based(TNulPtr)
     D TBool           S              1    Based(TNulPtr)
     D TCommand        S           3000    Based(TNulPtr)
     D TAPIFormat      S              8    Based(TNulPtr)
     D TText           S             50    Based(TNulPtr)
     D TChar           S              1    Based(TNulPtr)
     D TMessageID      S              7    Based(TNulPtr)
     D TPointer        S               *   Based(TNulPtr)
?     *======================== INTCFGPF Entries ======================
     D pWorkLib        S                   like(TString)
     D pDelay          S                   like(TInt)
     D pDescr          S                   like(TString)
     D pFileSelect     S                   like(TString)
     D pRmtServer      S                   like(TString)
     D pRmtUserid      S                   like(TLongName)
     D pRmtPasswd      S                   like(TLongName)
     D pRmtPath        S                   like(TString)
     D pFTPLogging     S                   like(TString)
     D pPostProcess    S                   like(TString)
     D pSbmCommand     S                   like(TString)
     D pJobQueue       S                   like(TString)
     D pUserName       S                   like(TString)
     D pIntValue       S                   like(TString)
     D pKey1           C                   'FTPMULTIGETDELETE'
     D pKey3           S                   like(TLongName)

     D ObjExists       Pr                  Like(TBool)
     D  ObjNam                             Like(TName) Value
     D  ObjLib                             Like(TName) Value
     D  ObjTyp                             Like(TName) Value

     D GetObjDsc       Pr                  Like(TBool)
     D  ObjNam                             Like(TName) Value
     D  ObjLib                             Like(TName) Value
     D  ObjTyp                             Like(TName) Value
     D  DscFmt                             Like(TApiFormat) Value
     D  ObjDsc                             Like(TObjDscDs)

     DTObjDscDs        Ds                  Inz
      * BrfObjDscFmt
     D  ObjDscLen                          Like(TInt)
     D  ObjDscSiz                          Like(TInt)
     D  ObjNam                             Like(TName)
     D  ObjLib                             Like(TName)
     D  ObjTyp                             Like(TName)
     D  ObjRtnLib                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjAsp                             Like(TInt)
     D  ObjOwnr                            Like(TName)
     D  ObjDmn                        2
     D  ObjCrtDtm                    13
     D  ObjChgDtm                    13
     D  ObjAtr                             Like(TName)
     D  ObjTxt                             Like(TText)
     D  ObjSrcFil                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjSrcLib                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjSrcMbr                          Like(TName)
      * DtlObjDscFmt
     D  ObjSrcChgDtm                 13
     D  ObjSavDtm                    13
     D  ObjRstDtm                    13
     D  ObjCrtUsr                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjCrtSys                     8
     D  ObjResDat                     7
     D  ObjSavSiz                          Like(TInt)
     D  ObjSavSeq                          Like(TInt)
     D  ObjStg                             Like(TName)
     D  ObjSavCmd                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjSavVolId                  71
     D  ObjSavDvc                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjSavFil                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjSavLib                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjSavLbl                    17
     D  ObjSavLvl                     9
     D  ObjCompiler                  16
     D  ObjLvl                        8
     D  ObjUsrChg                          Like(TChar)
     D  ObjLicPgm                    16
     D  ObjPtf                             Like(TName)
     D  ObjApar                            Like(TName)
     D  ObjUseDat                     7
     D  ObjUsgInf                          Like(TChar)
     D  ObjUseDay                          Like(TInt)
     D  ObjSiz                             Like(TInt)
     D  ObjSizMlt                          Like(TInt)
     D  ObjCprSts                          Like(TChar)
     D  ObjAlwChg                          Like(TChar)
     D  ObjChgByPgm                        Like(TChar)
     D  ObjUsrAtr                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjOvrflwAsp                       Like(TChar)
     D  ObjSavActDtm                 13
     D  ObjAudVal                          Like(TName)
     D  ObjPrmGrp                          Like(TName)

     D BrfObjDscFmt    C                   'OBJD0200'

     D DSAPIError      Ds                  Inz
     D  APIErrSiz                          Like(TInt) Inz(%Size(DSAPIError))
     D  APIErrLen                          Like(TInt)
     D  APIErrId                           Like(TMessageID)
     D                                1
     D  APIErrText                  256

     D APIErrDftLen    C                   7
     D APIErrDftId     C                   'CPF9898'
?     *======================== Other Entries ======================
     D pErrMsg         S            256A   inz(*Blanks)
     D pFTPErrors      S                   like(TBool)
     D pCopyFailed     S                   like(TBool)
     D pCopyErrors     S                   like(TBool)
     D pNoFiles        S                   like(TBool)                          PAH003
     D pLoopOnce       S                   like(TBool)
     D pTempfile       S                   like(TString)
     D pWorkfile       S                   like(TString)
     D pFileName       S                   like(TName)
     D pLibName        S                   like(TName)
     D pDotPos         S                   like(TInt)
     D pSpacePos       S                   like(TInt)
     D pStrPos         S                   like(TInt)
     D pStrLen         S                   like(TInt)
     D pFileLength     S                   like(TInt)
     D pErrCount       S                   like(TInt)
     D pErrReporting   S                   like(TName)
     D pErrList        S                   like(TCommand)
     D pExtQueue       S                   like(TString)
     D pTempEnv        S                   like(TName)
     D pSpaces         C                   const(' ')
     D pUnderScore     C                   const('_')
     D pFd             S                   like(TInt)
     D pLogFile        S                   like(TString)
     D pLogTemp        S                   like(TString)
     D pFTPRptMail     S             50a   inz(*Blanks)
     D pLogAll         S               n
     D pModTime1       S               Z                                        PAH005
     D pModTime2       S               Z                                        PAH005
     D pTotTime        S                   like(TInt)                           PAH005
     D pCounter        S                   like(TInt)
     D pFileBusy       S                   like(TBool)
     D pIsZipped       S                   like(TBool)                          PAH006
     D pTempLib        S                   like(TString)
     D pTimeOut        S                   like(TInt)  inz(360)
     D pNoTimeCheck    S                   like(TBool) inz('0')                 PAH007
     D pCommsFailed    S                   like(TBool) inz('0')                 PAH007
     D pTmpDir         S                   like(TName)
     D pTmpPath        S                   like(TString)  inz('/tmp/zip')
     D pDelayTime      S                   like(TName) inz('1')
?     *
     D pExtEmails      DS
     D  Email1                       50a
     D  Email2                       50a
     D  Email3                       50a
     D pEmailString    S                   like(TString)
?     *======================== FTPAPI Entries ======================
     D CompMsg         PR
     D   peMsgTxt                   256A   value

      * These two variables work together!!!!
     D pMaxFiles       S                   like(TInt) inz(200)
     D Incoming        S            256A   DIM(200)

     D num_files       S             10I 0
     D fileno          S             10I 0
     D rc              S             10I 0
     D fd              S             10I 0
     D ErrNum          S             10I 0
     D gotfiles        S             10I 0

     D FixFileName     PR                  like(TName)
     D    pFileName                        like(TString) value

      * system(Cmd)
     D system          Pr                  Like(TInt) ExtProc('system')
     D  pCmd                               Like(TPointer) Value Options(*String)
?     *================================================================
?     *?Main Program start here
?     *
     C     BeginPgm      Tag

?     *================================================================
?     *?Retrieve the configuration entries now
?     *================================================================
     C                   Eval      pDescr = 'PTEST'
     C                   Eval      pDelay = 0
     C                   Eval      pWorkLib = 'TESTFTP'
     C                   Eval      pTempLib = pWorkLib
     C                   Eval      pFileSelect= 'file*.*'
     C                   Eval      pRmtServer= 'servername'
     C                   Eval      pRmtUserid= 'userid'
     C                   Eval      pRmtPasswd= 'password'
     C                   Eval      pRmtPath  = '/'
     C                   Eval      pFTPLogging  = '*ON'
     C                   Eval      pPostProcess = '*NONE'
     C                   Eval      pJobQueue    = 'QBATCH'
     C                   Eval      pUserName    = 'QSYSOPR'
     C                   Eval      pFtpRptMail  = '*NONE'
     C                   Eval      pErrReporting= '*BOTH'
     C                   Eval      pExtQueue    = 'QSYSOPR'
     C                   Eval      pExtEmails   = '*NONE'

?     *================================================================
?     *?Check if everything should be logged, or only errors
?     *================================================================
 IF04C                   If        pFtpRptMail = '*NONE'
     C                   Eval      pLogAll = *Off
 IF04C                   Else
     C                   Eval      pLogAll = *On
 IF04C                   EndIf

?     *================================================================
?     *?This tells FTPAPIR4 to log the FTP session to the joblog
?     *?so we can debug any problems that occur:
?     *================================================================
 IF05C                   If        pFTPLogging = '*ON'
     C                   Callp     Ftp_Logging(0: *On)
 IF05C                   EndIf
?     *================================================================
?     *?Check now if the Machine Status Data Area is set, or if the subsystem is
?     *?shutting down.  If it is, exit the application, if not, loop.
?     *================================================================

?     *================================================================
?     *?Reset some variables first
?     *================================================================
     C                   Eval      pCopyFailed = *Off
     C                   Eval      pCopyErrors = *Off
     C                   Eval      pFtpErrors  = *Off
     C                   Eval      pErrCount   = 0

?     *================================================================
?     *?Here the FTP Process will take place.  If FTPErrors is ON, ignore the remainder
?     *?of the steps.
?     *================================================================

?     *================================================================
?     *?Connect to FTP server.  Log in with user name & password:
?     *?
?     *?Here we also specify that we want to use the default
?     *?port for FTP, as well as a time-out value of 360 seconds.
?     *?
?     *?If we don't receive data for 360 seconds, the connection
?     *?will "time-out"
?     *================================================================
     C                   Eval      Fd = Ftp_Conn(pRmtServer:
     C                                           pRmtUserid:
     C                                           pRmtPasswd:
     C                                           FTP_PORT:
     C                                           pTimeOut)                      PAH006

 IF07C                   If        fd < 0
     C                   Eval      pFTPErrors = *On
      * Send error message here
 IF07C                   EndIf

?     *================================================================
?     *?Change to passive mode
?     *================================================================
 IF08C                   If        ftp_passivemode(fd: *On) < 0
     C                             and pFTPErrors = *Off
     C                   callp     ftp_quit(fd)
     C                   Eval      pFTPErrors = *On
      * Send error message here
 IF08C                   EndIf

?     *================================================================
?     *?Change to the correct path on the remote server
?     *================================================================
 IF10C                   If        ftp_chdir(fd: pRmtPath) < 0
     C                             and pFTPErrors = *Off
     C                   callp     ftp_quit(fd)
     C                   Eval      pFTPErrors = *On
      * Send error message here
 IF10C                   EndIf

?     *================================================================
?     *?Get a list of up to 200 files in the target directory
?     *?(we intend to download all of these files)
?     *================================================================
 IF11C                   If        pFTPErrors = *Off
     C                   eval      pNoFiles = *Off                              PAH003
     C                   eval      rc = ftp_list(fd: pFileSelect: pMaxFiles:
     C                                   %addr(incoming): num_files)

 IF12C                   If        rc<0
      * Send error message here

 IF13C                   If        ErrNum = FTP_NOFILE or num_files = 0
      * Send error message here
     C                   eval      num_files = 0
?     *?Had to put this boolean check in to ensure mail does not get sent if there are zero files
     C                   eval      pNoFiles = *On                               PAH003
 IF13C                   else
      * Send error message here
 IF13C                   EndIf

 IF12C                   EndIf

?     *?Check if the number of files retrieved, are more than the maxfile parms (PAH007)
     C                   If        Num_Files > pMaxFiles
      * Send error message here
     C                   Eval      Num_Files = pMaxFiles
     C                   EndIf
?     *?Send the message about how many will actually be processed now. (PAH007)
     C                   Eval      pErrMsg = 'FTP ' +
     C                             'Files to download/process now: ' +
     C                             %char(num_files)
     C*                  callp     CompMsg(pErrMsg)

 IF11C                   EndIf

?     *================================================================
?     *?Download everything into our incoming dir.
?     *================================================================
     C                   eval      gotfiles = 0

 IF13C                   If        pFTPErrors = *Off
  DO2C     1             do        num_files     fileno
     C                   If        pCommsFailed = *Off
     C                   Eval      pCopyFailed = *Off
     C                   Eval      pCounter = 0

?     *================================================================
?     *?Check here first if the file's modification time changed. If it did, it means the
?     *?file is still being uploaded.  (PAH005)
?     *?If this error occurs, only warn the first time. Ignore this check for other iterations.
?     *?(PAH007)
?     *================================================================
     C                   Eval      pFileBusy = *Off
 IFuuC                   If        pNoTimeCheck = *Off                          PAH007
     C                   eval      rc = ftp_mTime(fd:incoming(fileno):
     C                                   pModTime1)
      * If an error occurs most probably the server does not support mTime.
      * If this error occurs once, ignore for the rest of the session.
 IF15C                   If        rc < 0
      * Send error message here
     C                   Eval      pFileBusy = *Off
     C                   Eval      pNoTimeCheck = *On                           PAH007
 IF15C                   else
      * Delay for 20 seconds, and check the file again. Compare the times now.
     C                   callp     system('DLYJOB DLY('+%trim(pDelaytime)+')')
     C                   eval      rc = ftp_mTime(fd:incoming(fileno):
     C                                   pModTime2)
      * The program HAS to check the return code.
     C                   If        rc < 0
      * Send error message here
     C                   Eval      pFileBusy = *Off
     C                   Eval      pNoTimeCheck = *On                           PAH007
     C                   eval      pTotTime = 0
     C                   else
     C                   eval      pTotTime = %diff(pModTime2:pModTime1:*S)
     C                   EndIf
      * If the total time is longer than 0, the file is busy.
 IF16C                   If        pTotTime > 0
     C                   Eval      pFileBusy = *On
      * Send error message here
     C                   Eval      pCopyFailed = *On
     C                   Eval      pCopyErrors = *On
     C                   Eval      pErrCount = pErrCount + 1
 IF16C                   Else
     C                   Eval      pFileBusy = *Off
 IF16C                   EndIf
 IF15C                   EndIf
 IFuuC                   EndIf                                                  PAH007

?     *================================================================
?     *?Check now if this is a text file, or a zipped file.  (PAH006)
?     *================================================================
 IFyyC                   If        %scan('.ZIP':incoming(fileno):1) > 0 or
     C                             %scan('.zip':incoming(fileno):1) > 0
     C                   Eval      pIsZipped = *On
 IFyyC                   Else
     C                   Eval      pIsZipped = *Off
 IFyyC                   EndIf

?     *================================================================
?     *?Check if the file does not exist already.
?     *================================================================
 IF17C                   If        pFileBusy = *Off
     C                   Eval      pFileName = FixFileName(incoming(fileno))

?     *================================================================
?     *?Check now if the file exist in the receiving library. Copy Failed = DO NOT DELETE FILE!
?     *================================================================
 IF20C                   If        ObjExists(pFileName:
     C                                      pTempLib:'*FILE') = *On
      * Send error message here
     C                   Eval      pCopyFailed = *On
     C                   Eval      pCopyErrors = *On
     C                   Eval      pErrCount = pErrCount + 1
 IF20C                   EndIf

?     *================================================================
?     *?If this is a Zipped file, it has to go to the /tmp in IFS and extracted from there.
?     *?Otherwise the work file will sit in?/QSYS.LIB/LibName.LIB.
?     *================================================================
 IFzzC                   If        pIsZipped = *On                              PAH006
     C                   Eval      pWorkFile = %trim(pTmpPath) + '/' +          PAH006
     C                             %trim(incoming(fileno))                      PAH006
     C                   Else
     C                   Eval      pWorkFile = '/QSYS.LIB/' +                   PAH006
     C                             %trim(pTempLib) + '.LIB/' +
     C                             %trim(pFileName) + '.FILE/'+
     C                             %trim(pFileName) + '.MBR'
 IFzzC                   EndIf                                                  PAH006

?     *================================================================
?     *?Download everything into our incoming dir.
?     *================================================================
      * download the rest of the files
 IF21C                   If        pCopyFailed = *Off

?     *================================================================
?     *?Set BIN transfer mode to *Off.  This step will have to done for each file now. (PAH006)
?     *================================================================
 IFXXC                   If        pIsZipped = *Off                             PAH006
 IF09C                   If        ftp_binarymode(fd: *Off) < 0                 PAH006
     C                             and pFTPErrors = *Off                        PAH006
     C                   callp     ftp_quit(fd)                                 PAH006
     C                   Eval      pFTPErrors = *On                             PAH006
      * Send error message here
 IF09C                   EndIf                                                  PAH006
 IFxxC                   Else                                                   PAH006
 IF09C                   If        ftp_binarymode(fd: *On) < 0                  PAH006
     C                             and pFTPErrors = *Off                        PAH006
     C                   callp     ftp_quit(fd)                                 PAH006
     C                   Eval      pFTPErrors = *On                             PAH006
      * Send error message here
 IF09C                   EndIf                                                  PAH006
 IFxxC                   EndIf                                                  PAH006
 IF22C                   If        ftp_get(fd: incoming(fileno):
     C                                %Trim(pWorkFile))>=0
     C                   Eval      gotfiles = gotfiles + 1
 IF22C                   Else
      * Send error message here
     C                   Eval      pCopyFailed = *On
     C                   Eval      pCopyErrors = *On
     C                   Eval      pErrCount = pErrCount + 1
?     *?Here is an additional step. If the ErrNum = 74 (Session Lost), cancel the process
?     *?(PAH007)
     C                   If        ErrNum = FTP_BADHDL
     C                   Eval      pCommsFailed = *On
     C                   EndIf
 IF22C                   Endif

?     *================================================================
?     *?If this is a Zipped file, extract the file now
?     *================================================================
 IFvvC                   If        pIsZipped = *On and pCopyFailed = *Off       PAH006
     C*                  If        UnZipFile(pWorkFile) > 0
     C*                  Eval      pCopyFailed = *On
     C*                  Eval      pErrCount = pErrCount + 1
      * Send error message here
     C*                  Else
      *// Remove the Temp file now
     C*                  EndIf
 IFvvC                   EndIf                                                  PAH006

 IF21C                   Endif

?     *================================================================
?     *?Delete the file on the server
?     *================================================================
 IF23C                   If        pCopyFailed = *Off
 IF24C                   If        ftp_delete(fd: incoming(fileno))>=0
 IF24C                   Else
      * Send error message here
 IF24C                   Endif
 IF23C                   Endif

?     *================================================================
?     *?Kick off the Post-Processing Job
?     *================================================================
 IF25C                   If        pCopyFailed = *Off and pIsZipped = *Off
 IF26C                   If        pPostProcess <> '*NONE'
     C*                  Callp     SbmPostProcess(pFileName:pTempLib)
 IF26C                   Endif
 IF25C                   Endif

 IF17C                   Endif

      * If the comms failed for what-ever reason, get out of the loop!
     C                   Else                                                   PAH007
     C                   Leave                                                  PAH007
     C                   Endif                                                  PAH007
  DO2C                   Enddo

 IF13C                   EndIf

?     *================================================================
?     *?Close FTP session
?     *================================================================
     C                   callp     ftp_quit(fd)

?     *================================================================
?     *?All roads lead to EXIT
?     *================================================================
     C     EndPgm        Tag
     C                   eval      *inlr = *on

?     *?Fix the file name to follow a specific naming convention
?     *
?    P FixFileName     B
     D FixFileName     PI                  like(TName)
     D   p_FileName                        Like(TString) value
?     *
     D pDotPos         S                   like(TInt)
     D pSpacePos       S                   like(TInt)
     D pStrPos         S                   like(TInt)
     D pStrLen         S                   like(TInt)
     D pFileLength     S                   like(TInt)
     D pTempFile       S                   like(TString)
     D pWorkFile       S                   like(TName)

         pDotPos = %scan('.':p_FileName:1);
         pFileLength = %len(%trim(p_FileName));
         pSpacePos = %scan(' ':p_FileName:1);
         // First we have to replace spaces with underscores (_)
         If pSpacePos < pFileLength;
            pTempFile = %xlate(pSpaces:pUnderScore:
            pTempFile = %subst(p_FileName:1:pFileLength);
         // Now Replace dashes in the file name with underscores (_).
         pSpacePos = %scan('-':pTempFile:1);
         If pSpacePos > 0;
            pTempFile = %xlate('-':pUnderScore:
         // Now we determine where the dot in the filename is
         // If the dot is before the 11 character
         //           12345678901234567890
         //  Example: ThisIsMyF.txt
         When pDotPos > 0 and pDotPos < 11;
             pWorkFile = %subst(pTempFile:1:pDotPos - 1);
         // If the dot is after the 10th character
         //           12345678901234567890
         //  Example: ThisIsMyFi.txt
         When  pDotPos > 10;
             pWorkFile = %subst(pTempFile:1:10);
         // When there is NO dot in place
         //           12345678901234567890
         //  Example: ThisIsMyFiletxt (no dot in place)
         When pDotPos = 0 and pFileLength > 10;
             pWorkFile = %subst(pTempFile:1:10);
             pWorkFile = %Trim(pTempFile);
         Return pWorkFile;

?    P                 E

     P ObjExists       B                   Export
     D                 Pi                  Like(TBool)
     D  ObjNam                             Like(TName) Value
     D  ObjLib                             Like(TName) Value
     D  ObjTyp                             Like(TName) Value

     C                   Return    GetObjDsc(ObjNam: ObjLib:
     C                                       ObjTyp: BrfObjDscFmt:
     C                                       TObjDscDs )

     P                 E


     P GetObjDsc       B                   Export
     D                 Pi                  Like(TBool)
     D  ObjNam                             Like(TName) Value
     D  ObjLib                             Like(TName) Value
     D  ObjTyp                             Like(TName) Value
     D  DscFmt                             Like(TApiFormat) Value
     D  ObjDsc                             Like(TObjDscDs)

     D QObjNam         S                   Like(TLongName)
     D BrfObjDscSiz    C                   90
     D DtlObjDscSiz    C                   %Size(TObjDscDs)

     C                   Reset                   TObjDscDs

     C                   Eval      QObjNam   = ObjNam + ObjLib

     C                   If        DscFmt    = BrfObjDscFmt
     C                   Eval      ObjDscSiz = BrfObjDscSiz
     C                   Else
     C                   Eval      ObjDscSiz = DtlObjDscSiz
     C                   EndIf

     C                   Eval      ObjDsc    = TObjDscDs

     C                   Call      'QUSROBJD'
     C                   Parm                    ObjDsc
     C                   Parm                    ObjDscSiz
     C                   Parm                    DscFmt
     C                   Parm                    QObjNam
     C                   Parm                    ObjTyp
     C                   Parm                    DSAPIError

     C                   Return    (ApiErrLen=0)

     P                 E

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