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RE: FW: HTTPAPI IP address

My issue is a lot simpler than what would be required within a generic
These request are to several specific enterprises with whom we transact
as a 3rd party data source.
I don't believe the IP address changes, but you may have a point should
they do so.

In fact I figure it's probably simpler if I log by the hostname supplied
instead since I just need to be able to identify the traffic for each of
the parties.

The lines for the mod to https_init() are data 071130 in the attached

Cheers, Peter

-----Original Message-----
From: ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Thursday, 5 February 2009 12:55 p.m.
To: HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects
Subject: Re: FW: HTTPAPI IP address

hi Peter,

Peter Connell wrote:
> I'm only interested in logging the IP address resolved from the url 
> input to the request.

What about proxies? If HTTPAPI is configured to go through a proxy, it
currently doesn't resolve the end-point's IP address, it only resolves
the proxy's IP address. Which should HTTPAPI return in that instance the
proxy's address or the end-point?

> I guess either method could return a data structure comprising the 
> components.

Components of what?   Do you need other information besides the IP

> I figure I'll just add a separate procedure that does a
> gethostbyname() then. I was trying to avoid the overhead of repeating 
> that.

You could do that -- but it wouldn't always be accurate.  For example, a
DNS lookup on www.google.com will result in a different IP address
almost every time. That's one way that Google does load-balancing across
multiple servers, they provide a different IP address on each lookup,
thus moving the workload to a different computer on each request.

So your call to gethostbyname() might return a different IP address than
  HTTPAPI did when it called gethostbyname().

> I had to do a minor hack to support the need to use a separate
> certificate store as well as an APPID for the DCM.
> I needed to replace an existing https request program, written in
> with one that uses HTTPAPIR4, without having to change the current
> administration process by which the client certificate is imported. It
> was simple enough to use the APPID field and just check if it is
> supplied as a pathname that begins with a slash.

So if it begins with a slash, you're using GSK_KEYRING_FILE, and 
otherwise you use GSK_OS400_APPLICATION_ID?  That seems reasonable to 
me. Send me your copy of https_init() (I assume that's all you changed) 
and I'll incorporate your changes in the next release.

> Also, I've had to start using a callback for SoapAction since we have
> endpoint that requires an action string which is a url of over 100
> bytes.

Yep, that's a problem -- not just for peSoapAction but also for 
peContentType. That needs to be fixed, but it's hard to do without 
breaking backward compat.  I wish I had more time to work on it...
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P https_init      B                   export                                                        040727 
D https_init      PI            10I 0                                                               040727 
D  peAppID                     100A   const                                                         050503 
D  peSSLv2                       1N   const options(*nopass)                                        040727 
D  peSSLv3                       1N   const options(*nopass)                                        040727 
D  peTLSv1                       1N   const options(*nopass)                                        040727 
D LastAppId       s            100A   static inz(*blanks)                                           070823 
D FdBk            ds                  inz                                                           070515 
D    sev                         5u 0                                                               070515 
D    msgno                       5u 0                                                               070515 
D    flags                       1a                                                                 070515 
D    facid                       3a                                                                 070515 
D    isi                        10u 0                                                               070515 
D CEE4RAGE        PR                                                                                040727 
D   procedure                     *   procptr const                                                 040727 
D   feedback                          like(fdbk) options(*omit)                                     070515 
D CEESGL          PR                                                                                070515 
D   cond_rep                          like(fdbk)                                                    070515 
D   q_data_token                10i 0 const options(*omit)                                          070515 
D   feedback                          like(fdbk) options(*omit)                                     070515 
D rc              S             10I 0                                                               040727 
c                   callp     debug_msg('https_init(): entered')                                    040727 
c                   if        wkEnvH <> *NULL                                                       070823 
c                             and peAppID <> LastAppId                                              070823 
c                   callp     https_cleanup                                                         070823 
c                   eval      wkEnvH = *null                                                        070823 
c                   endif                                                                           070823 
c                   if        wkEnvH <> *NULL                                                       040727 
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_GSKENVI: 'SSL environment'+                             040727 
c                             ' was already initialized!')                                          040727 
c                   return    0                                                                     040727 
c                   endif                                                                           040727 
c                   eval      LastAppId = peAppId                                                   070823 
c                   eval      rc = gsk_environment_open(wkEnvh)                                     040727 
c                   if        rc <> GSK_OK                                                          040727 
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_GSKENVO: 'gsk_env_open: '+                              040727 
c                               ssl_error(rc))                                                      040727
c                   return    -1                                                                    040727
c                   endif                                                                           040727
C* make sure that whatever happens, we clean up the GSKit environment                               040727
C* since it uses a significant portion of memory.                                                   040727
C                   callp     CEE4RAGE(%paddr('GSKIT_CLEANUP'): FdBk )                              070515
c                   if        sev<>0                                                                070515
c                   if        facid='CEE' and msgno=12545                                           070515
c                   callp     util_diag('HTTPAPI is running in ' +                                  070515
c                             'default activation group. ' +                                        070515
c                             'https_cleanup must be run explcitly.')                               070515
c                   else                                                                            070515
C                   callp     CEESGL(fdbk: *omit: *omit)                                            070515
c                   endif                                                                           070515
c                   endif                                                                           070515
 * MOD TO PROVIDE FOR KEYRING FILENAME IN peAppId                                                   071130
C* If peAppId begins with a slash the assume it is the name of the keyring file                     071130
c                   if        %subst(peAppId :1 :1) = '/'                                           071130
c                   eval      rc = gsk_attribute_set_buffer(                                        071130
c                              wkEnvh: GSK_KEYRING_FILE:                                            071130
c                              peAppId: %len(%trim(peAppId)))                                       071130
c                   if        rc <> GSK_OK                                                          071130
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_GSKKEYF:'Attempt to use ' +                             071130
c                               %trim(peAppId) + ' cert store: ' +                                  071130
c                               ssl_error(rc))                                                      071130
c                   return    -1                                                                    071130
c                   endif                                                                           071130
c                   endif                                                                           071130
C* If no application ID was given, use the *SYSTEM certificate                                      050503
C* store as our keyring:                                                                            050503
c                   if        peAppId = *blanks                                                     050503
c                   eval      rc = gsk_attribute_set_buffer(                                        050503
c                              wkEnvh: GSK_KEYRING_FILE:                                            050503
c                              '*SYSTEM': 0)                                                        050503
c                   if        rc <> GSK_OK                                                          050503
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_GSKKEYF:'Attempt to use ' +                             050503
c                               '*SYSTEM cert store: ' +                                            050503
c                               ssl_error(rc))                                                      050503
c                   return    -1                                                                    050503
c                   endif                                                                           050503
c                   endif                                                                           050503
C* If an application ID was given, use that to associate with the                                   050503
C* digital certificate manager:                                                                     050503
c                   if        peAppID <> *blanks                                                    050503 
c                             and %subst(peAppId :1 :1) <> '/'                                      071130 
c                   eval      rc = gsk_attribute_set_buffer(                                        050503 
c                              wkEnvh: GSK_OS400_APPLICATION_ID:                                    040727 
c                              %trimr(peAppID): 0)                                                  040727 
c                   if        rc <> GSK_OK                                                          040727 
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_GSKAPPID:'Setting ID: ' +                               040727 
c                               ssl_error(rc))                                                      040727 
c                   return    -1                                                                    040727 
c                   endif                                                                           040727 
c                   endif                                                                           050503 
C* tell GSKit that we're a client app:                                                              040727 
c                   eval      rc = gsk_attribute_set_enum(wkEnvh:                                   040727 
c                               GSK_SESSION_TYPE: GSK_CLIENT_SESSION)                               040727 
c                   if        rc <> GSK_OK                                                          040727 
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_GSKSTYP: 'Setting ' +                                   040727 
c                             'session type: ' + ssl_error(rc))                                     040727 
c                   return    -1                                                                    040727 
c                   endif                                                                           040727 
C* Allow passthru of the server's info:                                                             051006 
C* (Note: GSK_SERVER_AUTH_TYPE isn't available on V5R2 and                                          070206 
C*        earlier without a PTF.  See APAR SE07984 for more                                         070206 
C*        info.  If the current system doesn't support this                                         070206
C*        option, GSK_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID_ID will be returned. )                                      070206
c                   eval      rc = gsk_attribute_set_enum(wkEnvh:                                   051006
c                               GSK_SERVER_AUTH_TYPE:                                               051006
c                               GSK_SERVER_AUTH_PASSTHRU)                                           051006
c                   if        rc <> GSK_OK                                                          051006
c                               and rc <> GSK_ATTRIBUTE_INVALID_ID                                  070206
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_GSKATYP: 'Setting ' +                                   051006
c                             'auth type: ' + ssl_error(rc))                                        051006
c                   return    -1                                                                    051006
c                   endif                                                                           051006
C* Tell GSKit that we want passthru authentication:                                                 040727
c*                                                                                                  040727
C*   FIXME: Using 'AUTH_PASSTHRU' means that we can start                                           040727
C*     even if some elements of the certificate chain are invalid.                                  040727
C*     We should really be checking to see what, if anything, is                                    040727
C*     not valid, and let the user know!                                                            040727
c*                                                                                                  040727
c                   eval      rc = gsk_attribute_set_enum(wkEnvh:                                   040727
c                               GSK_CLIENT_AUTH_TYPE:                                               040727
c                               GSK_CLIENT_AUTH_PASSTHRU)                                           040727
c                   if        rc <> GSK_OK                                                          040727
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_GSKATYP: 'Setting ' +                                   040727
c                             'auth type: ' + ssl_error(rc))                                        040727
c                   return    -1                                                                    040727
c                   endif                                                                           040727
C* If requested, set the allowed SSL protocol versions                                              040727
c                   if        %parms >= 4                                                           040727
c                   if        SSL_force_protocol(wkEnvh: peSSLv2:                                   040727
c                                           peSSLv3: peTLSv1) = *OFF                                040727
c                   return    -1                                                                    040727
c                   endif                                                                           040727
c                   endif                                                                           040727
C* Initialize the SSL environment.  After this, secure sessions                                     040727
C*   can be created!                                                                                040727
c                   eval      rc = gsk_environment_init(wkEnvh)                                     040727
c                   if        rc <> GSK_OK                                                          040727
c                   if        rc = GSK_AS400_ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED                                   040727
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_NOTREG: 'Application ' +                                040727
c                             'is not registered with DCM!')                                        040727
c                   return    -1                                                                    040727
c                   else                                                                            040727
c                   callp     SetError(HTTP_GSKATYP: 'gsk_env_init: '+                              040727
c                                         ssl_error(rc))                                            040727
c                   endif                                                                           040727
c                   endif                                                                           040727
c                   callp     debug_msg('---------------------------'+                              041009
c                                       '---------------------------'+                              041009
c                                       '---------------------------'+                              041009
c                                       '----')                                                     041009
c                   callp     debug_msg('Dump of local-side certific'+                              041009
c                                       'ate information:')                                         041009
c                   callp     debug_msg('---------------------------'+                              041009
c                                       '---------------------------'+                              041009
c                                       '---------------------------'+                              041009
c                                       '----')                                                     041009
c                   callp     SSL_debug_cert_info(wkEnvh                                            041009
c                                           : GSK_LOCAL_CERT_INFO )                                 041009
c                   if        rc = GSK_OK                                                           041009
c                   return    0                                                                     040727
c                   else                                                                            041009
c                   return    -1                                                                    041009
c                   endif                                                                           041009
P                 E                                                                                 040727
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