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FTPAPI - my plans for improvement

Sender: Christian <chrisv5@xxxxxx>

As I got into fixing FTPAPI due to code page (CCSID) issues, which Scott does not hurt that much, being lucky to live in a country with a simple language (just kidding, folks!), that's where I want to put my efforts.

I want to fix the "receiving file in ASCII mode where file exists already with wrong CCSID" bug and add the possibility to convert to/from UCS-2 and UTF-8. If we are lucky, that'll also add support for double-byte and mixed-byte.

Honestly, I cannot test anything other than UCS-2 and UTF-8 and I do not understand CJK encodings well, either. When it comes to testing and fixing those char sets, I'll need help from people who use that stuff. Any Chinese, Korean or Japanese willing to help once we get there? Cause I am not going to install that stuff on my PCs (though that would be possible, if I feel crazy enough) nor do I have the slightest idea how I could get our iSeries to work with that.

Now, looking at the conversion code, that stuff is really old. I intend to rewrite or at least re-format it, in order to make it easier to understand (also for those who come after me) and extend. I tend to be rather radical, once I touch old code (well, if it is not more than fixing a single line), thus I want to ask Scott first what he thinks about it. Anyone else who thinks he got reasons to object, raise your voice!

Here are the first few things which I want to change:

- naming; it's not ASCII or EBCDIC, it's local and remote; client or server perhaps; both can be anything, at least on the data connection, just imagine you download an EBCDIC file from a remote iSeries into your local IFS and want it to be Latin-1. Boy, isn't that confusing right now?

- do we really need conversion descriptors for each session on the control channel? It's always ASCII on the remote side and should be the job CCSID on the local end. No need for all the hassle with creating and storing CDs for each session, right?

- would like to convert all the data structures used for conversion to "qualified"; makes it easier to use (LikeDS) and clearer with regard to which subfield belongs to what DS, without severly shortened variable names

- want to move globals to local static variables where possible (e.g. InitIconv & wkXLInit/wkXLFinit etc.)

Any objections, comments, additional ideas? Of course I want Scott's opinion, but anyone else with a good idea, make yourself heard.


P.S: for anyone curious why I push so hard for modernization and code cleanup, you should know that I have a strong background in object oriented languages (Object Pascal, Delphi, C++, Java) and I am just forced to program in RPG (mostly RPG/400 *puke*) to feed my hungry children ;-)
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