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Several questions

I made a post earlier this week about communicating with a web server from our iSeries. Thanks to those who replied. It was decided that we are going to transfer files with the web server via FTP. This is what the company hosting our web site requested. Can anyone tell me if this is a good idea? I know there are security issues to be aware of, but is there anything else I should be aware of? I know there are alternatives, but I don’t know enough to build a strong case for changing the proposed method of transferring files. Time is of the essence with this project.

Here’s how I envision things. The web server will send a file containing Customer/Order information to a designated file on our iSeries. The file will have a trigger that will run the necessary programs and ultimately send a file back. As a result I downloaded the FTPAPI. I’m having a little trouble getting the the TESTPUT program to work.

Using regular batch FTP I can get the following to work:

user pass

cd Private                     

put remotei/spgitm.spgitm spgitm

FTP RMTSYS('xxx.xxx.x.xxx')


So I changed the TESTPUT as follows

* connect to FTP server.  If an error occurs,               

 *  display an error message and exit.                       

c                   eval      sess = ftp_conn('xxx.xxx.x.x':

c                                        'user':             

c                                        'pass')         

  * put the FIPS utility (downloaded in TESTGET program) on        

  *  the FTP server.                                               

 c                   callp     ftp_binaryMode(sess: *on)           

 c                   if        ftp_put(sess: '/Private/FTPTESTW':

 C                                               ‘TESTLIB/FTPTESTW')<0

 c                   eval      Msg = ftp_errorMsg(sess)            

 c                   dsply                   Msg                   

 c                   endif                     


I get the message DSPLY  No such path or directory when the ftp_put procedure is executed. Does this message indicate the remote, local, or both are incorrect

I’ve tried just about every combination I can think of. Do I need to run something comparable to the cd Private ftp command before I put the file? Does the local file have to reside in the IFS?