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Re: HTTP server timeout

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

This week, on a new installation, when we start the http server (using

The server starts OK, and listens on port 2001, but then ends after 60
seconds (every time) without any messages in logs or qsysopr message Q.

Usually there's a job log that prints to the spool when this happens. Make sure you've checked for that.

Sometimes people will configure their systems to print the job logs right away. I've had problems with people not being able to find their spooled files because they've already printed and are gone from the queue. Frequently, the user who finds them in the printer doesn't know what they are, and will discard them :)

Also, maybe the loglevel in the job description is set so that job logs won't be printed.. who knows?

But, that's what I'd look for... a job log in the spool.

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