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RE: 302

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

>  which I've been told
> is a relative url, which I understand your API's do not support.  Is this
> correct because it doesn't reflect in the error message I'm getting?

No.  The URL above is not a relative URL.

> I'm still getting a 302 error and an rc of -1....unless I change the url I'm
> posting to so that it uses port number 443, when I get a http error of 400.
> I still don't know if I'm a million miles away or a whisker?!  Any ideas?

This isn't a problem with HTTPAPI.  You're sending data that isn't what
the web server is looking for.  You need to start by determining precisely
what it wants.

When you initiate a POST request, it has to reply with a 100.  For some
reason, it's not, it's responding with a 302.  You have to find out what
it needs in order to give you a 100 as expected.

If you're absolutely certain that you're sending the appropriate URL,
encoded exactly right, to the server -- then create a debug file and send
the contents of it to this mailing list.

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