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Re: HTTPAPI problem

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


> Yeah...it took the guy on the other side a month to rewrite his stuff.

It doesn't look like anything changed to me...

> If I use the same url and data from a browser, I get back what I
> submitted...in other words, url?appreq=Hello returns  Hello.

Okay, but that's a GET request, not a POST request.  Whenever the data is
encoded into the URL itself by placing a question mark, and following it
with variables, all in the URL, that's a GET request.  That's not a POST

If you do

   : 1: %paddr('INCOMING'))

You get the same results as you do in the web browser.  Why?  Because
they're both doing GET requests -- which was exactly the same thing I told
you in the following message:


What has changed?

> I thought it looked like HTTPAPI was liking it, but I'm getting 0 bytes
> returned. Different behvior with a browser than with HTTPAPI.

No.  That's not true.  The following is a very simple HTML web page that
you can use to type data and have your browser send it (with the POST
method) to the server.

I just tried it, and I get zero bytes back, just like I did with HTTPAPI.
Are you getting different results with a POST request than I am?

<head><title>Test POST</title></head>

<h1>Type the request to send:</h1>

<form method="post" action="http://www.twcs.com/artvan/sample4.asp";>
  <textarea name="appreq" rows=20 cols=66></textarea>
  <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="submit">

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