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RE: HTTPAPI 1.9 pre3

Hi again Tom,

> One possible workaround is to use Connection: close.  Let me see if I can
> find some example code for doing that, and I'll write another message.

Attached is your POSTALK.RPG file with "Connection: close" specified.
This works great on my system, but then it worked great without it, too :)

With "connection: close" specified, the server will disconnect from us
when it's done sending data.   That means that HTTPAPI won't get stuck
waiting on a timeout because the socket will be closed, it'll return right

It might solve your problem (but then, it might not?  who knows) Please
try the attached source, and let me know


     D/copy libhttp/qrpglesrc,httpapi_h

     D XMLDOC          DS
     D  Header                 1     38
     D  CZIP                  39     43
     D  CSTA                  44     45
     D cmd             pr                  extpgm('QCMDEXC')
     D  command                     200A   const
     D  length                       15P 5 const

     D CRLF            C                   CONST(x'0D25')
     D rc              s             10I 0
     D msg             s             52A
     D data            s           1024A

     D INCOMING        PR            10I 0
     D                               10I 0 value
     D                             8192A   options(*varsize)
     D                               10I 0 value
     D Retdata         S           3276A
     D Retlen          S             10I 0 Inz(1)
     D nextpos         S             10I 0 inz(1)
     D lenstr          S             10I 0 inz(1)
      *procedure prototypes
     D GETXML          PR
     D translate       PR                  ExtPgm('QDCXLATE')
     D   length                       5P 0 const
     D   data                     32766A   options(*varsize)
     D   table                       10A   const
     D ConnClose       PR
     D   addl_hdr                  1024A   varying
     D pos             S              5U 0
     D begpos          S              5U 0
     D endpos          S              5U 0
     D xmldata         S             52A
      *  Set up parameters to Post to FleetSuite server
     c                   eval      data='User=tom' +
     c                             '&PassWord=fishing' +
     c                             '&City=' +
     c                             '&State=' +
     c                             '&Zip=08540' +
     c                             '&Address=' +
     c                             '&DestCity=Warminster' +
     c                             '&DestState=PA' +
     c                             '&DestZip=18974' +
     c                             '&DestAddress=' +
     c                             '&RouteType=' +
     c                             '&RouteClass=' +
     c                             '&TollAvoid='+
     c                             '&BordersOpen='+
     c                             '&CondenseLevel='
      *                            '&CondenseLevel=1' + CRLF
     c                   callp     http_xproc(HTTP_POINT_ADDL_HEADER:
     c                                        %paddr('CONNCLOSE'))

     C                   eval      rc = http_url_post_raw(
     C                             'http://transport.alk.com/'             +
     C                              'Fleetsuite.asmx/GetDirFromAdrToAdr?'
     C                               : %addr(data): %len(%trimr(data))
     C                               : 1
     C                               : %paddr('INCOMING')
     C                               : HTTP_TIMEOUT
     C                               : HTTP_USERAGENT
     C                               : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
     C                   if        rc <> 1
     C                   eval      msg = http_error
     C                   dsply                   msg
     c                   endif
     C                   if        retlen > 1
      *  Convert ASCII data returned to EBCIDEC
     C                   callp     Translate(retlen: retdata: 'QTCPEBC')
     C                   callp     GETXML
     C                   endif
     C                   eval      *inlr = *on

      * Incoming   - receives the raw data returned in the web
      * This procedure is called from within the 'black box' of
      * api http_url_post_raw. Note 5th parm
     P incoming        B
     D incoming        PI            10I 0
     D   descriptor                  10I 0 value
     D   data                      8192A   options(*varsize)
     D   datalen                     10I 0 value

      *  Make sure we don't overflow the string:
     c                   eval      retlen = (nextpos + datalen)
     c                   if        retlen > %size(retdata)
     c                   eval      datalen=datalen-(%size(retdata)-retlen)
     c                   endif
      * If there is nothing to write, return THAT...
     c                   if        datalen < 1
     c                   return    0
     c                   endif
      * Here we add any data sent to the end of our 'retdata' s
     c                   eval      %subst(retdata: nextpos) =
     c                                %subst(data:1:datalen)
     c                   eval      nextpos = nextpos + datalen
     c                   return    datalen
     P incoming        E
      * GETXML parses returned XML from ALK FleetSuite
     P GETXML          B                   EXPORT
     D GETXML          PI
      * Get the Result
     C                   EVAL      endpos =1
     C                   EVAL      pos = 1
     C                   EVAL      pos = %scan('<Result>' : retdata:endpos)
     C                   if        pos > 1
     C                   EVAL      endpos = %scan('</Result>':retdata:pos+8)
     C                   eval      lenstr = (endpos -(pos +8))
     C                   eval      %subst(xmldata: 1) =
     C                               %subst(retdata:(pos+8):lenstr)
     C                   dsply                   xmldata
     C                   else
     C     'No Result'   dsply
     C                   ENDIF
      * Get the Reason
     C                   EVAL      pos = 1
     C                   EVAL      pos = %scan('<Reason>' : retdata:endpos)
     C                   if        pos > 1
     C                   EVAL      endpos = %scan('</Reason>':retdata:pos+8)
     c                   eval      lenstr = (endpos -(pos +8))
     c                   eval      %subst(xmldata: 1) =
     c                               %subst(retdata:(pos+8):lenstr)
     c                   dsply                   xmldata
     C                   else
     C     'Reason=None' dsply
     C                   ENDIF
      * Get the direction strings
     C                   EVAL      endpos =1
     C                   EVAL      pos = 1
     C                   DOU       pos = 0
     C                   EVAL      pos = %scan('<string>' : retdata:endpos)
     C                   if        pos > 1
     C                   EVAL      endpos = %scan('</string>':retdata:pos+8)
     C                   eval      lenstr = (endpos -(pos +8))
     C                   eval      %subst(xmldata: 1) =
     C                               %subst(retdata:(pos+8):lenstr)
     C                   dsply                   xmldata
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   end
     P GETXML          E

      * ConnClose():  Specify the "Connection: close" additional header
      *        to HTTPAPI.  This tells the HTTP server to disconnect
      *        when done sending data.
     P ConnClose       B
     D ConnClose       PI
     D   addl_hdr                  1024A   varying
     c                   eval      addl_hdr = 'Connection: close' + x'0d25'
     P                 E