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RE: FTP_PUT Padding

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Andy Youens wrote:
> The one point I can't explain, is that if this file is transferred by
> manual FTP it seems the spaces are stripped out.
> Do you think this is a feature of the remote server?

No, it's a feature of IBM's FTP client to strip the trailing spaces.
You can do a "LOCSITE TRIM 0" from IBM's client to turn this behavior
off, but it is turned on by default.

I personally believe that this "trimming" by the IBM client is "incorrect
behavior", but IBM didn't ask me before they implemented it :)

My proposal for a solution would be to add a new procedure you can
call in FTP API:
                   callp    FTP_trim(*ON)

Would enable trimming.   If you used *OFF, or did not call the procedure,
trimming would remain off as it is now.  This would be very easy for me to
code (maybe 10 minutes to do) but it frustrates me that this should be
necessary -- FTP is not supposed to transform documents.  Sigh

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