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parsing help

   I have HTTPAPI and EXPAT loaded. I have attached a program I used from
   example 17. I call a web service and I am writing the return xml to the
   IFS /tmp folder. This all works YAiii!

   But for some reason I am stuck trying to parse the daggone return XML
   to my array.[ or even a field] UGHHH!  Can someone help push me in the
   right direction? I looked at CHARDATA1 in the EXPAT examples and I
   kinda understand it but....hmmmm
   how do I pull this in?


   Donnie Barrow
   iSeries Consultant
     ?******                                                       ******
     ?*******        Program Name  - PCA001CNM                    *******
     ?******         Description   - Next Gen: P&A Web Service     ******
     ?*****          Created On    - Nov 7, 2014                    *****
     ?****           Created By    - Donnie Barrow                   ****
     ?****                                                           ****
     ?*****  This program sends an XML request to SFD for           *****
     ?*****  Price and Availability and writes reponse XML          *****
     ?*****  to the IFS. program will then parse the data           *****
     ?*****  via EXPAT and return data to MAX.                      *****
     ?******                                                       ******

      * Data Definition Section                                         *
      * CST Master Item Crossreference
     fCSTMIXL1  IF   E           K Disk
    ??* Data Structure definitions
     D PCA001CNSM      PR                  ExtPgm('PCA001CNSM')
     D   DSRqHdrA                          likeds(DSRqhdr)
     D   DSRqHdrB                          likeds(DSRqHdr2)
     D   PCAITEM1                          likeds(RqItem1)
     D   DSRqHdrC                          likeds(DSRqHdr3)
     D   PCAITEM2                          likeds(RqItem2)
     D   HomeCount                   10I 0
     D   HomeCount2                  10I 0
     D   PCACount                    10I 0
     D   rtnList                           likeds(PCAOUT) dim(200)              SRSITMAVL)

     D PCA001CNSM      PI
     D   DSRqHdrA                          likeds(DSRqhdr)
     D   DSRqHdrB                          likeds(DSRqHdr2)
     D   PCAITEM1                          likeds(DSRqItm1)
     D   DSRqHdrC                          likeds(DSRqHdr3)
     D   PCAITEM2                          likeds(DSRqItm2)
     D   HomeCount                   10I 0
     D   HomeCount2                  10I 0
     D   PCACount                    10I 0
     D   rtnList                           likeds(PCAOUT) dim(200)

     D SaveEmbed       PR
     D   embfile                     50a   varying
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    32767A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)

     D embedded        PR
     D   PCAOUT41                          likeds(PCAOUT) dim(200)
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    32767A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D   X                           10I 0 value

     D CNVITEM         PR                  Extpgm('CNVITEM')
     D   PCAOUTC1                          likeds(PCAOUT)

    ??* PCA Request Header
     d DSRqHdr       E DS                  extname(PCAREQH)
     d                                     prefix(I_)
    ??* PCA Request Header 2
     d DSRqHdr2      E DS                  extname(PCAREQH2)
     d                                     prefix(I1)
    ??* PCA Request Item1
     d DSRqItm1      E DS                  extname(PCAITEM)
     d                                     prefix(I1)
     d                                     qualified
     d*                                    dim(200)
    ??* PCA Request Header Transfer
     d DSRqHdr3      E DS                  extname(PCAREQH2)
     d                                     prefix(I2)
    ??* PCA Request Item2
     d DSRqItm2      E DS                  extname(PCAITEM)
     d                                     prefix(I2)
     d                                     qualified
     d*                                    dim(200)
    ??* PCA Response- Item Availability
     d DSRsItmAvl    E DS                  extname(ITMAVAIL)
     d                                     prefix(O_)

    ??* PCA Response- Item Availability
     d RQItem1         DS                  qualified based(@)
     d  I1itemid                     27a                                          ss.999999
     d  I1qty                        11p 3                                        ss.999999
     d  I1qtyuom                      3a
     d  I1prcuom                      3a

     d RQItem2         DS                  qualified based(@)
     d  I2itemid                     27a                                          ss.999999
     d  I2qty                        11p 3                                        ss.999999
     d  I2qtyuom                      3a
     d  I2prcuom                      3a

    ??* PCA Response- Item Availability
     d PCAOUT          DS                  qualified based(@)
     d  itemid                       27a                                          ss.999999
     d  desc                         31a                                          ss.999999
     d  divid                         4a                                          ss.999999
     d  sysid                         2a                                          ss.999999
     d  store                         2a                                          ss.999999
     d  strnme                       10a                                          ss.999999
     d  incrm                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  mnpur                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  prtyp                         2a                                          ss.999999
     d  qtybo                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  qtyoh                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  qtyoo                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  qtyrs                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  stuom                         2a                                          ss.999999
     d  hunit                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  xunit                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  xcotm                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  xfday                        10s 0                                        ss.999999
     d  xfflg                         1a                                          ss.999999
     d  stmsg                        30A                                          ss.999999
     d  excst                        13s 5                                        ss.999999
     d  exfcst                       13s 5                                        ss.999999
     d  sts1                          1A                                          ss.999999
     d  certyp                        1A                                          ss.999999

     d                 ds
     d SendTime                        z                                        ccyy-mm-dd-hh.mm.
     d  timstp99x                    26    overlay(SendTime)                      ss.999999

      /copy httpapi_h
      /copy ifsio_h

     d                SDS
     d P#pgm             *Proc
     d P#status          *Status
     d Pstatus                11     15s 0
     d P#job                 244    253
     d P#user                254    263
     d P#date                270    275  0
     d P#time                282    287  0
    ??* Named constants definitions
     d AppName         c                   'PriceCostAndAvailability'
     d ReqService      c                   'PriceCostAndAvailability'
     d AppClass        c                   'CA'
     d ReqSystemID     c                   'X'
     d SOAUSER         c                   'SOAUSER'
     d CRLF            c                   x'0D25'

     Ddepth            S             10I 0
     Dname             S           1024A
     Dpath             S          24576A
     Dvalue            S          32767A
     Dattrs            S               *   dim(32767)
     D*                                    const options(*varsize)

     D SOAP                       32767A   varying
     D HDIV            s          32767A   varying
     D Requester       s          32767A   varying
     D rc              s             10I 0
     D fd              s             10I 0
     D soapfile        s             50a   varying
     D embfile         s             50a   varying
     D wait            s              1A
     D X               S             10I 0
     D Y               S             10I 0
     D Z               S             10I 0
     D I1TemID         S             27A
     D I2TemID         S             27A
     D Sndtime1        S             26A
     D basic           S              1N
     D digest          S              1N
     D realm           S            124A
     D userid          S             50A
     D pass            S             50A
     D err             S             10I 0
     d $action         S              1A


       //Move in the parms from the calling program and process
        Dsrqhdr  = dsRqhdrA;
        Dsrqhdr2 = dsRqhdrB;
        Dsrqhdr3 = dsRqhdrC;
        Dsrqitm1 = PCAitem1;
        Dsrqitm2 = PCAItem2;
        SendTime  = %TIMESTAMP();
        Sndtime1  = %trim(%char(SendTime));

       //Check the Cross reference file.
        //dow x<=HomeCount;
         if dsrqitm2.I2ITemID <> *blanks;
          Setll dsrqitm2.I2ITEMID CSTMIXL1;
          Reade dsrqitm2.I2ITEMID CSTMIXL1;
          If not %eof or %found;
           dsrqitm1.I1itemID = CSTMPC;
           //Insert Error, reset parms and return
           //CLEAR ALL;
           //*inlr = *on;

      //Turn on Debugging and Strip Out CRLF on Return XML

      //Build the Soap request Header

       //Requester =
       SOAP      =
        '<?xml version="1.0"?>' +crlf
       +'<soapenv:Envelope xmlns+
        /VrtvPCA/SOA/vrtvPriceCostAvailability"' +crlf
         soap/envelope/">' +crlf
       // /VrtvPCA/SOA/vrtvPriceCostAvailability">' +crlf
       //<soapenv:Envelope xmlms:vrt="http://esbprd.veritivcorp.com+
       ///VrtvPCA/SOA/vrtvPriceCostAvailability"' +crlf
       //xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>' +crlf
       +'   <soapenv:Header/>' +crlf
       +'   <soapenv:Body>'    +crlf
       +'   <vrt:vrtvWrpPCA>'  +crlf
       +'      <uniEnvelope>'  +crlf
       +'       <header>'      +crlf
       +'       <requester formerResponse="?" reuseTransactionID="?">' +crlf
       +'       <applicationName>'+AppName+'</applicationName>' +crlf
       +'       <requestedService>'+ReqService+'</requestedService>' +crlf
       +'       <applicationClass>'+AppClass+'</applicationClass>' +crlf
       +'       <applicationInstance>??</applicationInstance>' +crlf
        //<ApplicationInstanceType>?</ApplicationInstanceType>' +crlf
        //<Version>?</Version>' +crlf
        //<authenticationUserID>'+SOAUSER+'</authenticationUserID>' +crlf
       +'       <requestedByUserID>'+SOAUSER+'</requestedByUserID>' +crlf
       +'       <transactionId>??</transactionId>' +crlf
       +'    <requestedSystemId>'+ReqSystemID+'</requestedSystemId>'   +crlf
       +' <sendTimeStamp>'+SndTime1+'</sendTimeStamp>' +crlf
        //<receiveTimeStamp>?</receiveTimeStamp>' +crlf
       +' <docId1>?</docId1>'           +crlf
       +' <docId2>?</docId2>'           +crlf
        //<aSynchronous>?</aSynchronous>'         +crlf
        //<responseInfo/replyUrl>?</responseInfo/replyUrl>' +crlf
        //<status>?</status>'                               +crlf
       +'      </requester>'                                +crlf
       +'     </header>'                                    +crlf
       +'<body>'                                            +crlf
       +'  <pcaRequestMain>'                                +crlf
       //+'<StoreID>'+%trim(I_StoreID)+'</StoreID>'           +crlf
       //+'<CustomerID>'+%trim(%char(I_Custmr))+'</CustomerID>'  +crlf
       // '</FutureQtyRequiredFlag>'                             +crlf
        '</TransferProcessFlag>'                      +crlf
       +'<ReturnType>'+%trim(I_RTNTYP)+'</ReturnType>' +crlf;

      // write the Home Division List XML
        //dow x <= HomeCount;

         SOAP = SOAP
         +'<HomeDivisionList>'  +crlf
         +'<SystemID>'+%trim(I1systmID)+'</SystemID>'      +crlf
         +'<DivisionID>'+%trim(I1DivID)+'</DivisionID>'    +crlf
        +'   </HomeDivisionList>'                              +crlf;
        //   <TransferItemLst>'                              +crlf;
        //   <ItemDetailList>'                              +crlf;

      // retrieve the items matching the stsID and Div
         //dow y<= HomeCount;
          //if I1systmID = I2systmID;
         //SOAP = SOAP
         //+' <ItemDetail>' +crlf;
         //SOAP = SOAP
         //+'  <ItemID>'+%trim(dsrqitm1.i1itemID)+'</ItemID>' +crlf
         //+' </ItemDetail>' +crlf;


         //SOAP = SOAP
         //+'  </ItemDetailList>'       +crlf
         //+'</HomeDivisionList>'       +crlf;

      // write the transfer Division List XML
        //dow x <= HomeCount2;

         SOAP = SOAP
         +'<TransferItemLst>'                                +crlf
         +'  <TransferItem>'                                +crlf
         +'<SystemID>'+%trim(I2Systmid)+'</SystemID>'     +crlf
         +'<DivisionID>'+%trim(I2DivID)+'</DivisionID>'   +crlf
        +'   <ItemDetailList>'                            +crlf;

      // retrieve the items matching the stsID
         //dow y<= HomeCount;
          //if I2systmid = I1systmid;
           SOAP = SOAP
           +' <ItemDetail>' +crlf;
           SOAP = SOAP
           +'  <ItemID>'+%trim(dsrqitm2.i2itemid)+'</ItemID>' +crlf
           +' </ItemDetail>'  +crlf;

           SOAP = SOAP
           +'  </ItemDetailList>' +crlf
           +' </TransferItem>' +crlf
           +'</TransferItemLst>'     +crlf;

      // write the ending parts of the SOAP

       SOAP = SOAP
       +'      </pcaRequestMain>'  +crlf
       +'     </body>'             +crlf
       +'    </uniEnvelope>'       +crlf
       +'   </vrt:vrtvWrpPCA>'     +crlf
       +'  </soapenv:Body>'        +crlf
       +' </soapenv:Envelope>'     +crlf;

       //  Send request to server, and get response

       soapfile = http_tempfile();

        http_proxy_setauth( HTTP_AUTH_BASIC
                          : 'soauser'
                          : 'soapassword' );

       rc = http_url_post(
       // invoke/VrtvPCA.SOA.PCA/+
       // vrtvPriceCostAvailability?'
                         : %addr(SOAP) + 2
                         : %len(SOAP)
                         : soapfile
                         : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                         : HTTP_USERAGENT
                         : 'text/xml'
       // invoke/VrtvPCA.SOA.PCA/+
       // vrtvPriceCostAvailability?');

       // Check for Errors - if none, then PARSE the Inbound XML
        //   The response from the server will be in
        //   the IFS in a file with a unique name.
        //   that IFS filename is in the "tempfile"
        //   variable at this point.

       if (rc <> 1);
         callp     http_error(err);
         if err <> HTTP_NDAUTH;

         rc = http_getauth(basic: digest: realm);
         userid = 'soauser';
         pass = 'soapassword';

         if Digest;
            http_setauth(HTTP_AUTH_MD5_DIGEST: userid:pass);

         rc = http_url_post(
         // invoke/VrtvPCA.SOA.PCA/+
                         : %addr(SOAP) + 2
                         : %len(SOAP)
                         : soapfile
                         : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                         : HTTP_USERAGENT
                         : 'text/xml'


       if (rc <> 1);

          embfile = http_tempfile();

          if (http_parse_xml_stmf( soapfile
                                 : HTTP_XML_CALC
                                 : *null
                                 : %paddr(SaveEmbed)
                                 : %addr(embfile) ) < 0);
              callp close(fd);


	         Exsr Cnvitems;

       *inlr = *on;

       //-==========================================================     =
       // If no errors, then convert the item into MAX UOM/QTY
          Begsr CnvITems;
		        Dow X <= PCACount;
  		       CNVITEM (PCAOUT(x));
		         x = x+1;


     P SaveEmbed       B
     D SaveEmbed       PI
     D   embfile                     50a   varying
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    32767A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)

     D writeConst      PR            10I 0 ExtProc('write')
     D  fildes                       10i 0 value
     D  buf                       65535A   const options(*varsize)
     D  bytes                        10U 0 value

     D xmlhdr          s             80a   varying
     D fd              s             10i 0

           if (name <> 'PriceCostandAvailability');

           // ------------------------------------------
           //   create new stream file in IFS
           //   tag it with CCSID 1208 (UTF-8)
           // ------------------------------------------

           fd = open(embfile: O_CREAT+O_CCSID+O_WRONLY
                            : S_IRUSR + S_IWUSR: 819);
           callp close(fd);

           // ------------------------------------------
           //    Open stream file for appending data
           //    and write embedded XML document to it
           // ------------------------------------------

           fd = open(embfile: O_WRONLY+O_TEXTDATA);

           xmlhdr= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>' + x'0d25';
           writeConst(fd: xmlhdr: %len(xmlhdr));
           writeConst(fd: value:  %len(value));

           callp close(fd);
     P                 E

     P embedded        B
     D embedded        PI
     D   PCAOUTDB                          likeds(PCAOUT) dim(200)
     D   depth                       10I 0 value
     D   name                      1024A   varying const
     D   path                     24576A   varying const
     D   value                    32767A   varying const
     D   attrs                         *   dim(32767)
     D                                     const options(*varsize)
     D   X                           10I 0 value
     d DSRsitmAvl    E DS                  extname(ITMAVAIL)
     d                                     prefix(O_)
     d                                     qualified
     d                                     dim(200)

       //Availability List
         when name = 'ItemId';
             o_ItemID(x) = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'Description';
             O_Desc(x) = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'DivisionID';
             O_DivID(x) = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'SystemID';
             O_sysId(x)= %trimr(value);
         when name = 'StoreID';
             O_Store(x) = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'StoreName';
             O_Strnme(x)   = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'Increment';
         when name = 'MinimumPurchase';
         when name = 'PriceType';
             O_prtyp(x)  = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'QuantityBackordered';
             O_qtybo(x) =%dec(value:10:0);
         when name = 'QuantityOnhand';
             O_qtyoh(x) =%dec(value:10:0);
         when name = 'QuantityOnOrder';
             O_qtyoo(x) =%dec(value:10:0);
         when name = 'QuantityReserved';
             O_qtyrs(x) =%dec(value:10:0);
         when name = 'StockingUOM';
             O_Stuom(x)    = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'HomeUnits';
         when name = 'TransferUnits';
         when name = 'TransferCutoffTime';
         when name = 'TransferDays';
         when name = 'TransferFlag';
             O_XFFLG(x)   = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'StatusMessage';
             O_stmsg(x)   = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'ExtendedCost';
         when name = 'ExtendedFinancialCost';
         when name = 'Status';
             O_Sts1(x)    = %trimr(value);
         when name = 'CertType';
             O_Certyp(x)    = %trimr(value);

     P                 E
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