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Re: HTTPAPI - Passing XML-file as Parameter to a WebService

Hello Mike and Thomas

Thank you for your mail. Escaping the special XML characters did the trick. It's working now.

Best regards


Am 25.09.2013 23:15, schrieb Mike Krebs:
You included much information and it all looks pretty good. But you didn't include the debug file that will tell you if you are sending the data or not (which it appears you are). If you are sending the data according to the debug file but the web service is not seeing it, then you are left with some kind of de-coding problem on the web server.

The web service has a log?
Can you see the raw data coming in and what it is doing to the data?
Can you run debug on the web service?

-----Original Message-----
From: ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Thomas Raddatz
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 1:08 PM
To: HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects
Subject: Re: HTTPAPI - Passing XML-file as Parameter to a WebService


My best bet is that you need to encode "xmlInput" properly before you
assign it to element <_P0XMLINPUT>. For example "<" should be encoded to

The way you do it works only for elements of type "xsd:any". "any" means
that the element can contain any other valid XML elements. But in your case
I assume that "_P0XMLINPUT" is of type "xsd:string" which requires proper
encoding of XML entities.

Feel free to check the following links:




Am 17.09.2013 11:36, schrieb Jan Grove Vejlstrup:

I have a Webservice with this wsdl:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";

I use the Integrated Webservice (IWS) to implement the Service. As
P0XMLINPUT I want to pass this XML as a string:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Transportimport ISHOP="9XX">
      <Kunde Nummer="9893" NummerERP="373049" />

I use this program and HTTPAPI to test the webservice:

    H bnddir('HTTPAPI')
       H copyright('(c) 2013 WEMAG Consulting AG, CH-3122 Kehrsatz')

       W*E CRTRPGMOD kis144   srcfile(*libl/qrpglesrc)
       W*E+       DBGVIEW(*SOURCE)
       W*E+       REPLACE(*YES)
       W*E CRTPGM kis144   bndsrvpgm(qsysdir/qaxis10ht) actgrp(*new)
       W*E+       REPLACE(*YES)
       W*E DLTMOD kis144

        /copy HTTPAPI_H

        /copy apr_b64_h
        /copy iconv_h
        /copy ifsio_h
        /copy errno_h

       D genIconvTable   PR
       D  fromCCSID                    10i 0  const
       D  toCCSID                      10i 0  const

       D convertString   PR         65502a    varying
       D  String                    65502a    const varying options(*varsize)

       D MapXmlData      PR
       d  resultText                32760a
       d  depth                        10i 0
       d  name                       1024a     varying const
       d  path                      24576a     varying const
       d  value                     65535a     varying const
       d  attrs                          *     dim(32767)
       d                                       const options(*varsize)

       d kis144          PR                  ExtPgm('KIS144')
       d kis144          PI
       d                 c                     const(2)
       D VARPREF         C                   2
       d ifsPathDec      s            100a    varying
       d fd              s             10i 0
       d err             s             10i 0

       d msg             s             52a   varying
       d SOAP            s           1024a     varying
       d rc              s             10i 0
       d len             s             10i 0
       d xmlInput        s          32765a

       d sizeEnc         s             20i 0
       d resultText      s          32760a
       d decdata         s          32760a
       d encdata         s          32760a
       d encdata1        s          32760a
       d decdata1        s          32760a
       d enclen          s             10i 0
       d declen          s             10i 0

       d table           ds                  likeds(iconv_t)


             *inlr = *on;

          ifsPathDec = '/jgvtmp/Kis14TraDecUtf02a.xml';

            //   xmlInput = 'iejnppuuttXmL09';
          xmlInput = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>'
             + ' <Transportimport ISHOP="9XX">'
             + '  <Kunde Nummer="9893" NummerERP="373049" FirmaERP="50" />'
             + '  <Pos>'
             + ' <ExterneArtikelNr>111246</ExterneArtikelNr>'
             + '   <Farbe>111</Farbe>'
             + '   <Ausfuehrung>183</Ausfuehrung>'
             + '   <Menge>1</Menge>'
             + '  </Pos>'
             + '  <Pos>'
             + ' <ExterneArtikelNr>347213</ExterneArtikelNr>'
             + '   <Farbe>100</Farbe>'
             + '   <Ausfuehrung>184</Ausfuehrung>'
             + '   <Menge>1</Menge>'
             + '  </Pos>'
             + ' </Transportimport>';

          SOAP=  '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='
               + '"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";'
               + ' xmlns:xsd="http://kis14tra.wsbeans.iseries/xsd";>'
               + '   <soapenv:Header/>'
               + '   <soapenv:Body>'
               + '      <xsd:kis14tra>'
               + '         <xsd:args0>'
               + '            <xsd:_P0RESULTAT/>'
               + '            <xsd:_P0XMLINPUT>' + %trim(xmlInput)
               + ' </xsd:_P0XMLINPUT>'
               + '         </xsd:args0>'
               + '      </xsd:kis14tra>'
               + '   </soapenv:Body>'
               + '</soapenv:Envelope>';

             len = %len(SOAP);
             msg = 'len *' + %char(len) + '*';
             dsply msg;

         //  http_setCCSIDs(1208 : 0);       **************
             http_debug(*ON: '/jgvtmp/kis14TraDebug.txt');

             rc = http_post_xml('http://chwemag1:10010/web/services/KIS14TRA'
                              : %addr(SOAP) + VARYINGDATAOFFSET
                              : %len(SOAP)
                              : *NULL
                              : %paddr(MapXmlData)
                              : %addr(resultText)
                              : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                              : HTTP_USERAGENT
                              : 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8'
                              : 'urn.kis14tra');

             if (rc <> 1);

            msg = 'rText*' + %subst(resultText: 1: 30) + '*end';
            dsply msg;
            encdata = resultText;
            msg = 'enclen*' + %char(%len(encdata)) + '*';
            dsply msg;

            declen = apr_base64_decode_binary(decdata
                        : encData);
            msg = 'declen *' + %char(declen) + '*';
            dsply msg;
            genIconvTable(1208: 500);  // convert utf-8  -> EBCDIC
            decdata = convertString(decdata);
            msg = 'dText*' + %subst(decdata: 1: 30) + '*end';
            dsply msg;

             fd = open(ifsPathDec
                : S_IWUSR+S_IRUSR+S_IRGRP+S_IROTH
                : 1208: 0);
             if fd < 0;
                 die('openDec(): '+%str(strerror(errno)));
              callp write(fd: %addr(decdata): declen);
              callp close (fd);



       P MapXmlData      B
       D MapXmlData      PI
       d  resultText                32760a
       d  depth                        10i 0
       d  name                       1024a     varying const
       d  path                      24576a     varying const
       d  value                     65535a     varying const
       d  attrs                          *     dim(32767)
       d                                       const options(*varsize)

           if (name='ns:_P0RESULTAT');
             resultText = %trim(value);
       P MapXmlData      E

        * genIconvTable
        *  peFromCCSID
        *  peToCCSID

       P genIconvTable   B
       d                 PI
       d   peFromCCSID                 10i 0 const
       d   peToCCSID                   10i 0 const

       d i               s             10i 0

       D from            ds                  likeds(QtqCode_T)
       D                                     inz(*LIKEDS)
       D to              ds                  likeds(QtqCode_T)
       D                                     inz(*LIKEDS)
       D errMsg          s             50A   varying

           from.CCSID  = peFromCCSID;
           to.CCSID    = peToCCSID;

           table = QtqIconvOpen(to: from);
           if (table.return_value = -1);


       P genIconvTable   E

        * convertString
        *  peString    String to be converted
        *  result is the converted string

       P convertString   B
       d                 PI         65502a   varying
       d   peString                 65502a   const varying options(*varsize)

       D VARPREF         C                   2

       D p_input         s               *
       D inleft          s             10U 0
       D p_output        s               *
       D outleft         s             10U 0
       D len             s             10U 0

       D input_data      s          65502a   varying
       D output_data     s          65502a   varying


           input_data = peString;
           %len(output_data) = %size(output_data) - VARPREF;

           p_input = %addr(input_data) + VARPREF;
           inleft  = %len(input_data);

           p_output = %addr(output_data) + VARPREF;
           outleft  = %len(output_data);

           iconv( table
                : p_input
                : inleft
                : p_output
                : outleft );

           %len(output_data) = %len(output_data) - outleft;
           len = %len(output_data);

           return output_data;

       P convertString   E

        /COPY ERRNO_H

My problem is, that the input parameter is empty, when it reaches the

If I use the test-function, that comes with the IWS
(chwemag1:2001/HTTPAdmin) the service works all-right:
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Transportimport
ISHOP="9XX">     <Kunde Nummer="9893" NummerERP="373049" />     <Pos>
<ExterneArtikelNr>111246</ExterneArtikelNr> <Farbe>111</Farbe>
<Ausfuehrung>183</Ausfuehrung> <Menge>1</Menge>     </Pos>     <Pos>
<ExterneArtikelNr>347213</ExterneArtikelNr> <Farbe>100</Farbe>
<Ausfuehrung>184</Ausfuehrung> <Menge>1</Menge>     </Pos>



If I use just a simple text-string as input, it works fine too. It looks
like the XML-file is the problem.

What do I do wrong? Can I user another http-function or other parameters?

Best regards


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