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Re: HTTPAPI - Passing XML-file as Parameter to a WebService


My best bet is that you need to encode "xmlInput" properly before you assign it to element <_P0XMLINPUT>. For example "<" should be encoded to "&lt;".

The way you do it works only for elements of type "xsd:any". "any" means that the element can contain any other valid XML elements. But in your case I assume that "_P0XMLINPUT" is of type "xsd:string" which requires proper encoding of XML entities.

Feel free to check the following links:




Am 17.09.2013 11:36, schrieb Jan Grove Vejlstrup:

I have a Webservice with this wsdl:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";

I use the Integrated Webservice (IWS) to implement the Service. As
P0XMLINPUT I want to pass this XML as a string:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Transportimport ISHOP="9XX">
     <Kunde Nummer="9893" NummerERP="373049" />

I use this program and HTTPAPI to test the webservice:

   H bnddir('HTTPAPI')
      H copyright('(c) 2013 WEMAG Consulting AG, CH-3122 Kehrsatz')

      W*E CRTRPGMOD kis144   srcfile(*libl/qrpglesrc)
      W*E+       DBGVIEW(*SOURCE)
      W*E+       REPLACE(*YES)
      W*E CRTPGM kis144   bndsrvpgm(qsysdir/qaxis10ht) actgrp(*new)
      W*E+       REPLACE(*YES)
      W*E DLTMOD kis144

       /copy HTTPAPI_H

       /copy apr_b64_h
       /copy iconv_h
       /copy ifsio_h
       /copy errno_h

      D genIconvTable   PR
      D  fromCCSID                    10i 0  const
      D  toCCSID                      10i 0  const

      D convertString   PR         65502a    varying
      D  String                    65502a    const varying options(*varsize)

      D MapXmlData      PR
      d  resultText                32760a
      d  depth                        10i 0
      d  name                       1024a     varying const
      d  path                      24576a     varying const
      d  value                     65535a     varying const
      d  attrs                          *     dim(32767)
      d                                       const options(*varsize)

      d kis144          PR                  ExtPgm('KIS144')
      d kis144          PI
      d                 c                     const(2)
      D VARPREF         C                   2
      d ifsPathDec      s            100a    varying
      d fd              s             10i 0
      d err             s             10i 0

      d msg             s             52a   varying
      d SOAP            s           1024a     varying
      d rc              s             10i 0
      d len             s             10i 0
      d xmlInput        s          32765a

      d sizeEnc         s             20i 0
      d resultText      s          32760a
      d decdata         s          32760a
      d encdata         s          32760a
      d encdata1        s          32760a
      d decdata1        s          32760a
      d enclen          s             10i 0
      d declen          s             10i 0

      d table           ds                  likeds(iconv_t)


            *inlr = *on;

         ifsPathDec = '/jgvtmp/Kis14TraDecUtf02a.xml';

           //   xmlInput = 'iejnppuuttXmL09';
         xmlInput = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>'
            + ' <Transportimport ISHOP="9XX">'
            + '  <Kunde Nummer="9893" NummerERP="373049" FirmaERP="50" />'
            + '  <Pos>'
            + ' <ExterneArtikelNr>111246</ExterneArtikelNr>'
            + '   <Farbe>111</Farbe>'
            + '   <Ausfuehrung>183</Ausfuehrung>'
            + '   <Menge>1</Menge>'
            + '  </Pos>'
            + '  <Pos>'
            + ' <ExterneArtikelNr>347213</ExterneArtikelNr>'
            + '   <Farbe>100</Farbe>'
            + '   <Ausfuehrung>184</Ausfuehrung>'
            + '   <Menge>1</Menge>'
            + '  </Pos>'
            + ' </Transportimport>';

         SOAP=  '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='
              + '"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";'
              + ' xmlns:xsd="http://kis14tra.wsbeans.iseries/xsd";>'
              + '   <soapenv:Header/>'
              + '   <soapenv:Body>'
              + '      <xsd:kis14tra>'
              + '         <xsd:args0>'
              + '            <xsd:_P0RESULTAT/>'
              + '            <xsd:_P0XMLINPUT>' + %trim(xmlInput)
              + ' </xsd:_P0XMLINPUT>'
              + '         </xsd:args0>'
              + '      </xsd:kis14tra>'
              + '   </soapenv:Body>'
              + '</soapenv:Envelope>';

            len = %len(SOAP);
            msg = 'len *' + %char(len) + '*';
            dsply msg;

        //  http_setCCSIDs(1208 : 0);       **************
            http_debug(*ON: '/jgvtmp/kis14TraDebug.txt');

            rc = http_post_xml('http://chwemag1:10010/web/services/KIS14TRA'
                             : %addr(SOAP) + VARYINGDATAOFFSET
                             : %len(SOAP)
                             : *NULL
                             : %paddr(MapXmlData)
                             : %addr(resultText)
                             : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                             : HTTP_USERAGENT
                             : 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8'
                             : 'urn.kis14tra');

            if (rc <> 1);

           msg = 'rText*' + %subst(resultText: 1: 30) + '*end';
           dsply msg;
           encdata = resultText;
           msg = 'enclen*' + %char(%len(encdata)) + '*';
           dsply msg;

           declen = apr_base64_decode_binary(decdata
                       : encData);
           msg = 'declen *' + %char(declen) + '*';
           dsply msg;
           genIconvTable(1208: 500);  // convert utf-8  -> EBCDIC
           decdata = convertString(decdata);
           msg = 'dText*' + %subst(decdata: 1: 30) + '*end';
           dsply msg;

            fd = open(ifsPathDec
               : S_IWUSR+S_IRUSR+S_IRGRP+S_IROTH
               : 1208: 0);
            if fd < 0;
                die('openDec(): '+%str(strerror(errno)));
             callp write(fd: %addr(decdata): declen);
             callp close (fd);



      P MapXmlData      B
      D MapXmlData      PI
      d  resultText                32760a
      d  depth                        10i 0
      d  name                       1024a     varying const
      d  path                      24576a     varying const
      d  value                     65535a     varying const
      d  attrs                          *     dim(32767)
      d                                       const options(*varsize)

          if (name='ns:_P0RESULTAT');
            resultText = %trim(value);
      P MapXmlData      E

       * genIconvTable
       *  peFromCCSID
       *  peToCCSID

      P genIconvTable   B
      d                 PI
      d   peFromCCSID                 10i 0 const
      d   peToCCSID                   10i 0 const

      d i               s             10i 0

      D from            ds                  likeds(QtqCode_T)
      D                                     inz(*LIKEDS)
      D to              ds                  likeds(QtqCode_T)
      D                                     inz(*LIKEDS)
      D errMsg          s             50A   varying

          from.CCSID  = peFromCCSID;
          to.CCSID    = peToCCSID;

          table = QtqIconvOpen(to: from);
          if (table.return_value = -1);


      P genIconvTable   E

       * convertString
       *  peString    String to be converted
       *  result is the converted string

      P convertString   B
      d                 PI         65502a   varying
      d   peString                 65502a   const varying options(*varsize)

      D VARPREF         C                   2

      D p_input         s               *
      D inleft          s             10U 0
      D p_output        s               *
      D outleft         s             10U 0
      D len             s             10U 0

      D input_data      s          65502a   varying
      D output_data     s          65502a   varying


          input_data = peString;
          %len(output_data) = %size(output_data) - VARPREF;

          p_input = %addr(input_data) + VARPREF;
          inleft  = %len(input_data);

          p_output = %addr(output_data) + VARPREF;
          outleft  = %len(output_data);

          iconv( table
               : p_input
               : inleft
               : p_output
               : outleft );

          %len(output_data) = %len(output_data) - outleft;
          len = %len(output_data);

          return output_data;

      P convertString   E

       /COPY ERRNO_H

My problem is, that the input parameter is empty, when it reaches the

If I use the test-function, that comes with the IWS
(chwemag1:2001/HTTPAdmin) the service works all-right:
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <Transportimport
ISHOP="9XX">     <Kunde Nummer="9893" NummerERP="373049" />     <Pos>
<ExterneArtikelNr>111246</ExterneArtikelNr> <Farbe>111</Farbe>
<Ausfuehrung>183</Ausfuehrung> <Menge>1</Menge>     </Pos>     <Pos>
<ExterneArtikelNr>347213</ExterneArtikelNr> <Farbe>100</Farbe>
<Ausfuehrung>184</Ausfuehrung> <Menge>1</Menge>     </Pos>



If I use just a simple text-string as input, it works fine too. It looks
like the XML-file is the problem.

What do I do wrong? Can I user another http-function or other parameters?

Best regards


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