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Get Token/OAuth (Concur Solutions)

   I am trying to use HTTPAPI to use Web Services with Concur Solutions.
   I currently am using HTTPAPI in another application, and have been for
   years, so it is set up.  I've talked with Concur technical support, but
   I don't think we totally understand each other.  This is what I was
   told to use:

   Please use the following values in their associated attributes for your
   web request:

   HTTP Method:                   GET


   Header:                                Authorization: Basic {Base64
   encoded LoginId:Password]

   Additional Header:           X-ConsumerKey: {Consumer Key}

   This is an example from the website:

   The developer calls the Get Token using Native Flow function:

GET [2]https://www.concursolutions.com/net2/oauth2/accesstoken.ashx HTTP 1.1
 Authorization: Basic am9obl9kZXZlbG90bWFpbC5jb206VHJhdmVsJkV4cGVuc2UkMjAxMg==

   X-ConsumerKey: eZByXv2X41cJlC21pSVvRi

   The Response is:

   HTTP/1.1 200 OK

   Content Length: 200

       <?xml version="1.0"?>



           <Expiration_date>3/30/2013 2:19:10 PM</Expiration_date>



   I've tried many things, but never get back this response.  Any help or
   insight would be appreciated.




   1. https://www.concursolutions.com/net2/oauth2/accesstoken.ashx
   2. https://www.concursolutions.com/net2/oauth2/accesstoken.ashx
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