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Re: Help with HTTPAPI

Hi Jeff,

On 6/22/2012 10:07 AM, Jeff Young wrote:
    I have a project where I need to do the following:
    1)  Append the destination string "/import" to the URL:
           [1]https://api.traceregister.com/import    OR

You're right, HTTPAPI doesn't have much in the way of documentation... That's something that needs to be fixed, unfortunately, I've been struggling to find time.

Setting up a Wiki for HTTPAPI would be a good idea, IMHO.

Anyway, appending /import to a string isn't really part of HTTPAPI, it's just concatenating two strings.

    url = 'https://api.traceregister.com';
    if (whatever);
       url = url + '/import';

It's just typical RPG, right? The output of all of that gets passed to HTTPAPI...

    2)  Create an HTTP Request using the modified URL, and set a header
    attribute named "Authorization" equal to the Import Key:

           request.header["Authorization"] = ImportKey

I've never seen code like this: request.header["Authorization"],. This appears to be the instructions for some other HTTP tool aside from HTTPAPI??

Assuming you're asking for a custom HTTP header to be added to your request, however, it can be done by setting up an exit procedure that runs for the HTTP_POINT_ADDL_HEADER exit point. HTTPAPI will call this procedure while it's creating the HTTP request header, and you can add your own string at that point.

    3)  Send the HTTP Request as a POST with the modified XML document
    contents as the Request Payload.

    The XML document is in a file on the IFS.

HTTPAPI has different POST routines, depending on how you'd like to supply your input, and how you'd like to receive your output. I see that the input should come from a stream file, but you haven't mentioned how you want to receive the response.

The easiest one way to get started is to receive the response into another stream file in the IFS... in which case, you should call the http_url_post_stmf() routine.

From what I can determine, there is no form information available,
so how would I send the file with the above requirements?

I don't understand this question. What do you mean by "form information"?

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