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Re: Getting HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently

No, it wouldn't be a change in DNS.  They must've reconfigured their 
HTTP/Web Services server because they wanted 'www' at the start.  Then, 
they set up redirects to tell everyone about it.

Most HTTP software (such as a browser) will follow HTTP redirects (301 
codes) blindly. It'll automatically navigate to the suggested page, 
without notifying you that it did so.

So, unless you're using a tool intended for programmers (such as 
HTTPAPI) you probably wouldn't even notice that it redirected.

On 4/4/2012 10:32 AM, Craig Jacobsen wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I had a feeling it was something minor.
> Why did it stop working today?  It has worked for years.
> Maybe a change in DNS?
> Thank you, you are the man!
> Craig
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