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Re: trying to grab a web page and write to IFS on iseries

Hi Joel,

> Havent used HTTPAPI before.  Have LIBHTTP10  (version 10).

HTTPAPI comes, by default, in a library named LIBHTTP. If you have a 
library named 'LIBHTTP10', then that's a name that you or someone else 
in your shop decided upon.  That name doesn't tell me anything.

HTTPAPI's current version is 1.24.  There has never been a version "10", 
but perhaps you mean 1.10?  If so, your copy is outrageously out of 
date, and unsupported.

> When I run, it displays
>     call test1
>     DSPLY  HTTP/1.1 302 Found

302 is a redirect.  The web site is trying to tell you that you need to 
try your request on a different URL.

You can retrieve that URL by calling http_redir_loc().  It will return 
the URL that the site is asking you to redirect to.  You can then call 
http_url_get() again on the new URL.


       rc = http_url_get( 'original URL': IfsFile) ;
       if rc = 302;
           newurl = http_redir_loc();
           rc = http_url_get( newurl : IfsFile );

       if rc <> 1;

I don't remember exactly which release introduced each of these 
features, so if one of them doesn't work on your release of HTTPAPI 
(which, again, I'm assuming is 1.10, for lack of more information) then 
you'll need to update.

>     Also, is there a command interface so I can do something like:
>     GETWEBPAGE URL([1]www.yahoo.com) IFSFILE(tmp/filedownload)

If you update to HTTPAPI version 1.24, there is indeed a command-line 
interface (available both as a CL command and as a QShell command)

 From the CL interface:

HTTPAPI URL('http://www.yahoo.com') +

 From the QShell interface:

$ httpapi get --download=/tmp/filedownload.html http://www.yahoo.com

One nice thing about the command-line interface (either one) is that 
they'll handle the 302 redirect for you automatically (unless you ask 
them not to, via the REDIRECT parameter)

Hope that helps.
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