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Re: Problem: Post data getting garbled on British customer's box

You can control how data is translated by the calling the http_setCCSIDs 

If the postData is in US EBCDIC, you'd do:

    callp http_setccsids( 1208 : 37 );

If the postData is in UK EBCDIC, it'd be:

    callp http_setccsids( 1208 : 285 );

Use whatever CCSID you like...

Note that although you stated "ASCII", JSON data should never be ASCII, 
JSON is always UTF-8 (CCSID 1208).

On 2/1/2012 8:11 PM, James Lampert wrote:
> It seems that the post data, being JSON, has square brackets. And a
> British EBCDIC left square bracket is, for some unknown reason, at
> x'B1', but it's evidently being translated to ASCII as a Pound Sterling,
> which is what U.S. EBCDIC (under which everything was compiled) has at
> that codepoint.
> Any suggestions on how I fix this?
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