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Re: http_url_post_xml

Hi Ruben,

What problem am I trying to spot?  What is going wrong?

I'm looking at your request, and I'm not familiar with the format of the 
trace file that you've sent, but it appears that the HTTPAPI request 
looks like this (please forgive any line-wrapping)

POST /onlineserviceocsservice/onlineserviceocsdataservice.asmx
Host: oos-tst.oce.net\r\n
User-Agent: http-api/1.20\r\n
Content-Type: text/xml\r\n
SOAPAction: http://oosocsservice.oce.com/GetMachineCNTData\r\n
Expect: 100-continue\r\n
Content-Length: 414\r\n

And the successful (non-HTTPAPI) session looks like this:

POST /onlineserviceocsservice/onlineserviceocsdataservice.asmx
Host: oos-tst.oce.net\r\n
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; MS Web Services Client 
Protocol 4.0.30319.239)\r\n
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8\r\n
SOAPAction: http://oosocsservice.oce.com/GetMachineCNTData\r\n
Expect: 100-continue\r\n
Content-Length: 406\r\n
Expext: 100-continue\r\n
Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n

To know which difference might be relevant, I need to know what the 
problem is.  But, the following differences might cause an issue 
(depending on the problem)

1) User-Agent.  Some sites only allow certain user agents...  Are you 
getting an error saying "Only Internet Explorer is allowed" or something 
like that?

2) The charset on the content-type.  You aren't specifying a character 
set, but they have specified utf-8.  Are you getting an error with 
unrecognized character set?  OR a problem with characters being 

3) Content-length...  they are sending 408 bytes, but you are sending 
414.  That means the data you're sending is different from theirs.  I 
don't know that the difference is, or what error you're receiving, so 
it's hard to say if the extra 6 bytes you're sending might be causing 
the problem?

All of three of these values are controlled by the parameters you pass 
to HTTPAPI.  User-Agent and Content-Type are parameters to 
http_url_post_xml (I'm assuming that's the API you're calling, because 
you made it the subject of the e-mail.)  Content-length is simply the 
length of the postData you've sent.

This sure would be easier if I knew what problem you are experiencing.

On 1/31/2012 12:40 AM, Ruben Dessart wrote:
> Hi, sorry for the late reply.  But here I am again ;)
> This is the request that is received which causes the problem according
> to the guys that maintain this webservice:
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