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result from recv() missing imbedded blank (occasionally)

I've been using the sockets routines from the LIBHTTP set to send commands to telephone switch equipment, and it has been serving our needs nicely.  One little quirk appears on occasion that messes me up, though.  To verify that the switch has properly updated a subscriber's phone service, I send it a "QUE STN" command, and then parse the reply for the expected features.  These features are expected to appear with spaces between them, just as what would display in a telnet session used by the service center techs.  In a return string containing "... CND PRS2 6745 CNAM ACR ...", I can easily know that the CND, CNAM, and PRS2 features are on the line.  Every once in a while, a space is missing, which makes it difficult to find SUPR and CNAM in the string "... UAR 1 CND SUPRCNAM ACR ...".

The string comes back from recv() and is translated to EBCDIC before writing it to the "text" column (3000A Varying) in my Switchlog table.  And if it helps, when the space is missing, it appears to consistently be absent from either position 134 or 136 of the "text" column.  (Hmmmm...)  
My program has the following:
     D RecBuf          S           3000A
     D RecLen          S             10I 0
       recbuf = *blanks;
       rc = recv(sock: %addr(recbuf):3000:0);
       reclen = rc;

       // translate the line of text into EBCDIC to make it readable
       if rc > 0;
          Translate(reclen: recbuf: 'QTCPEBC');
          LogSwitchActivity(FromSwitch : recbuf);

     P LogSwitchActivity...
     P                 B
     D LogSwitchActivity...
     D                 PI
     D  FromWhere                    12A
     D  LogText                    3000A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
     D                                     const

       exec sql
        insert into SwitchLog
           with nc;

     P LogSwitchActivity...
     P                 E

I could add some complexity to my %scan statements in my parsing routine, but if there's a better fix to the root cause, I'd rather not hack it up.  Running at OS version 6.1.
Any ideas as to what is causing this?

Many thanks.
  Michael Koester

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