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SOAPAction Expansion Issues (HTTP_ORIG_SHORTFIELD Logic Seems Flawed)


   We have the need to support a larger SOAP action that the original
   specification of 64A. After some research it appears that you had put
   in some "hooks" to allow that through the definition
   of HTTP_ORIG_SHORTFIELD. It appears to convert to a larger 16384A
   varying parameter. I made the assumption that all I had to do was
   undefine HTTP_ORIG_SHORTFIELD and the rest would be taken care off. So
   that is what I did and began to run into issues. The first thing I ran
   into was that the actual procedure parameters did not match the
   procedure definition in the include module. Seems the same conditional
   logic was not in HTTPAPIR4 that was in the header file HTTPAPI_H. So I
   had to go in manually and deal with them. Now everything compiles.

   However now when I actually execute the code there seems to be a flaw
   in the getRealSA procedure. It still thinks I'm using the "old style"
   short parameter and only returns the first two bytes of the variable
   that was passed into the up stream procedure as a 16384A varying const
   parameter. Jut to clarify. If I pass in the default content type for
   example of 'text/xml' the lower level procedures receive only the
   first two characters 'te'.

   To make things even more confusing it seems that SOAP action is
   defined as 32767A varying in some places internally where I was
   expecting it too match the parameter size of 16384A varying
   (http_persist_get for example).

   I am on the BETA release 1.24.

   Before I address these issues myself (by removing all the logic that
   allows compability with the old 64A parameter) I would like to see
   what guidance you would provide.


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