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Deleting IFS objects

   Hi Scott,

   I follow your example for write, read and deleting IFS object, but I
   ask you if this is possible and done well before I run:

   c                   if        unlink('/tyloglib/trns*.*') < 0

   c                   callp     EscErrno(errno)

   c                   endif

   i want delete all objects inside of this DIR and start with trns....

   I think is possible too, delete the older objects that I have for
   example +30 days older from today.

   I don't know if I'm clear with this answer, my problem begun when I
   see this DIR, and and the log files that I have, but I want keep with
   the last 30 days.

   Thanks for your attention

   Mário Rodrigues


   Promosoft Financial


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