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Question on HTTPAPI and GSKIt API's

   I'm taking over an iSeries project that got shelved a couple of years
   ago to transmit and receive some file using SSL using a digital cert.
   Time ran out so a Delphi program was used to send/receive the files
   from/to the IFS,  now it has been decided to get this back on the

   I have a program that was a work in progress from back then,  that was
   attempting to use the GSKit api's.  I have used the HTTPAPI to send
   and receive xml files via https, but did not have to use a digital
   cert, on this project it is required to use a digital cert  from the

   My question after all this explanation, is can the HTTPAPI do digital
   cert's or should I keep on down the road using the GSKit api's?

   Maybe it's just my brain that is refusing to work this close to the
   holidays!  ;-)


   -- Jim Lowary

   Mo Farm Bureau
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