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7: Timeout occurred while trying to connect to server

   i Thomas,I changed the value localhost with 192.168 .... exposed the
   problem was due to a firewall that blocks traffic.

   Now that I can reach the host comes back to me the following error:

   The value of the receiver is too small to hold the result.

   16: recvchunk: saveproc: Not all data was written

   -1009: The value of the receiver is too small to contain the result

   Got an idea on what may be caused?

   the web service I should return the stream of an image;

   There are size limitations?


   B&R Informatica Sas

   Tel. +39 075602254

   Cel. +39 337 600839

   info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx < mailto:info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

   www.br-informatica.it < http://www.br-informatica.it>

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   -----Messaggio originale-----

   Da: ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   [mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]Per conto di Thomas


   Inviato: martedi 1 dicembre 2009 18.59

   A: HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects

   Oggetto: Re: 7: Timeout occurred while trying to connect to server


   the wsdl file specifies the server name as 'localhost'. Hence
   'localhost' is the server the stub

   module generated by WSDL2RPG tries to connect to. In order to specify
   a different host you have to

   call DownloadDocumentSoapBinding_setHost('') before
   calling the web service. Did you do



   B&R Informatica Sas schrieb:

   > help everyone

   > I have this situation:

   > I created a program with the command WSDL2RPG providing the WSDL

   > described below.

   > The input parameter is a string representing the name of an image

   > stored on another server visible in the address port

   > 9080;

   > Return should have the stream of the image file to be displayed on

   > client's browser. The link is as follows


   > I make a call to the program but I returned the following error:

   > 7: Timeout occurred while trying to connect to server

   > someone tell me where is the error?


   > File WSDL:

   > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

   > <wsdl:definitions

   > targetNamespace="[1]http://tools.documentviewer.cst.com";

   > xmlns:impl="[2]http://tools.documentviewer.cst.com";

   > xmlns:intf="[3]http://tools.documentviewer.cst.com";

   > xmlns:wsdl="[4]http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";

   > xmlns:wsdlsoap="[5]http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/";

   > xmlns:wsi="[6]http://ws-i.org/profiles/basic/1.1/xsd";

   > xmlns:xsd="[7]http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";>

   > <wsdl:types>

   > <schema targetNamespace="[8]http://tools.documentviewer.cst.com";

   > xmlns="[9]http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";

   > xmlns:wsdl="[10]http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";

   > xmlns:xsd="[11]http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";>

   > <element name="retriveDDTObjectResponse">

   > <complexType>

   > <sequence>

   > <element name="retriveDDTObjectReturn" type="xsd:base64Binary"/>

   > </sequence>

   > </complexType>

   > </element>

   > <element name="retriveDDTObject">

   > <complexType>

   > <sequence>

   > <element name="barcode" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>

   > </sequence>

   > </complexType>

   > </element>

   > </schema>

   > </wsdl:types>

   > <wsdl:message name="retriveDDTObjectRequest">

   > <wsdl:part element="intf:retriveDDTObject" name="parameters"/>

   > </wsdl:message>

   > <wsdl:message name="retriveDDTObjectResponse">

   > <wsdl:part element="intf:retriveDDTObjectResponse"

   > name="parameters"/>

   > </wsdl:message>

   > <wsdl:portType name="DownloadDocument">

   > <wsdl:operation name="retriveDDTObject">

   > <wsdl:input message="intf:retriveDDTObjectRequest"

   > name="retriveDDTObjectRequest"/>

   > <wsdl:output message="intf:retriveDDTObjectResponse"

   > name="retriveDDTObjectResponse"/>

   > </wsdl:operation>

   > </wsdl:portType>

   > <wsdl:binding name="DownloadDocumentSoapBinding"

   > type="intf:DownloadDocument">

   > <wsaw:UsingAddressing wsdl:required="false"

   > xmlns:wsaw="[12]http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl"/>

   > <wsdlsoap:binding style="document"

   > transport="[13]http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>

   > <wsdl:operation name="retriveDDTObject">

   > <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction="retriveDDTObject"/>

   > <wsdl:input name="retriveDDTObjectRequest">

   > <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>

   > </wsdl:input>

   > <wsdl:output name="retriveDDTObjectResponse">

   > <wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/>

   > </wsdl:output>

   > </wsdl:operation>

   > </wsdl:binding>

   > <wsdl:service name="DownloadDocumentService">

   > <wsdl:port binding="intf:DownloadDocumentSoapBinding"

   > name="DownloadDocument">

   > <wsdlsoap:address


   > t"/>

   > </wsdl:port>

   > </wsdl:service>

   > </wsdl:definitions>


   > References


   > 1. http://tools.documentviewer.cst.com/

   > 2. http://tools.documentviewer.cst.com/

   > 3. http://tools.documentviewer.cst.com/

   > 4. http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/

   > 5. http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/

   > 6. http://ws-i.org/profiles/basic/1.1/xsd

   > 7. http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema

   > 8. http://tools.documentviewer.cst.com/

   > 9. http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema

   > 10. http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/

   > 11. http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema

   > 12. http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl%22/

   > 13. http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http%22/

   > 14. http://localhost:9080/DDTViewer/services/DownloadDocument%22/







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   B&R Informatica Sas
   Tel.  +39 075602254
   Cel. +39 337 600839
   info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <[1]mailto:info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   www.br-informatica.it <[2]http://www.br-informatica.it>

   "ATTENZIONE:le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio sono da
   considerarsi confidenziali ed il loro utilizzo

   è riservato unicamente al destinatario sopra indicato. Chi dovesse
   ricevere questo messaggio per errore è tenuto ad

   informare il mittente ed a rimuoverlo definitivamente da ogni supporto
   elettronico o cartaceo."


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   2. http://www.br-informatica.it/
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