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Re: wget via HTTPAPI

Jeff Crosby wrote:
> HTTPAPI newbie, have used FTPAPI for some time.

Same here, but I think I can still help.

> A contractor is doing a website product search for us (not live yet).  I am
> creating the search files on the System I and FTPing them to our godaddy
> website.  I have this working.
> The contractor says he will need a trigger of some sort to indicate the file
> uploads are complete.  He suggested wget.  The midrange.com archives suggest
> either geturi or httpapi can function as a wget.  Scott himself said httpapi
> could do it.
> I understand wget is used to retrieve website
> contents.  Isn't that what the httpapi procedure http_get does?  Does that
> mean all I need to do is http_get of the url my contractor ultimately gives
> me?  Is it really that simple?

It might be.  It depends whether the contractor will require some sort 
of parameter(s), for example authentication data or a session ID. 
Basically, HTTP supports two methods for sending data to the web server. 
  One is the GET method, in which parameters are encoded in the URL. 
You've probably noticed this before, the URLs are formatted like
, where everything after the '?' is a key-value pair to be passed by the 
webserver to a program.

The other method is called POST.  I don't remember the details at this 
point, but essentially the data is sent as part of the HTTP request 
header.  This means that when using a web browser, the data sent is not 
easily visible to the user.

In either case, I think there should be fairly straightforward way to do 
it using HTTPAPI.

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