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Re: SSL to Bank of America (was RE: SSL/GSKit message)

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Sean,

POST /servlet/MailboxServlet
Host: elink-http4.bankofamerica.com
User-Agent: http-api/1.15
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Expect: 100-continue
Content-Length: 63

What the heck? The first line of this should read:

POST /servlet/MailboxServlet HTTP/1.1

I'm confused that the HTTP/1.1 is missing? How could that happen?

Here's the code that generates that statement:

      c                   eval      wwReqChain =
      c                             'POST '+ peAbsPath +' HTTP/1.1' +
      c                             CRLF +'Host: '+%trim(peHost)

How the heck could it have the "POST" and the "Host:" but not the "HTTP/1.1"? Did you change the code? Clearly, missing that HTTP/1.1 would break things and cause that "400 Bad Request" error.
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