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Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I have resolved this issue by modifying the length of SOAP Action parameter
to 1024 bytes on all procedures, but my questions are, why was the length
only 64 bytes? and will my modification cause an error elsewhere.

Hmmm.. I've never used the SOAP action, so I don't know how long it's supposed to be. The person who contributed that code to the project made it 64. I assumed that his assessment was correct.

As an alternative, you might consider using an "additional headers" exit procedure. That would allow you to supply a 1000 character soap action without the need to modify HTTPAPI in any way. (and, not modifying HTTPAPI will make it much easier for you to upgrade when new features or bug fixes are released)

To do that, register a subprocedure with http_xproc() prior to connecting to the Web server. In the following example, I'm registering a subprocedure called "MySoapAction" to be called when HTTPAPI is ready to send out the HTTP headers:

     c                   callp     http_xproc(HTTP_POINT_ADDL_HEADER:
     c                                        %paddr(MySoapAction))

Then, write the following subprocedure (HTTPAPI will call it for you automatically at the right time)

     P MySoapAction    B
     D MySoapAction    PI
     D   soapaction                1024A   varying
     C                   eval      soapaction='SOAPAction: ' +
     C                             'http://communications.test.' +
     C                             'gta-travel.com/webservice' +
     C                             '/QueueMessage' + x'0d25'
     P                 E

HTTPAPI will just stick whatever you provide in the parameter on to the
end of the HTTP headers that it sends to the server. So in this case, it's
sending a "SOAPAction:" header, though you could send any header you want.

Good Luck

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