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Re: Works in test but not production

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Program call:
call idgrecve1 parm('/tmp/idgincoming/20050406/                        ') /*
Char 50 */
0: 213 26412
No such path or directory.
0: > QUIT

I suspect that you're getting unprintable garbage characters in your pathname, and that's causing the "no such path or directory" error. You can verify this by viewing the pathname in hex in the debugger.

The reason I suspect this is because you're passing a 50A field as a parameter from the command line, or as a literal from a CL program. You can't do that without getting garbage errors in the command string.

It's possible that on your development LPAR, you got lucky and the "garbage characters" happened to be blanks. And on the production LPAR, you weren't as lucky.

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