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Re: (mschmid) Install error

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


The compilation ends with this:
                       Error creating source debugger information.
                       An error occurred during translation.

Hmmm.. that's an interesting error message. It implies that the code compiles, but that the compiler is blowing up when trying to generate information for the debugger.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to a V5R1 box. Mine's V5R2, so the closest I can come to trying to reproduce your problem is by setting TGTRLS(V5R1M0) on my compile commands. I've tried that, but I'm not receiving the error that you're receiving. (Though, the compile for EXAMPLE16 appears to fail at V5R1...)

You could try telling it to generate no debugging info for the HTTPXMLR4 module. To do that, edit the INSTALL member in LIBHTTP/QCLSRC. Search for HTTPXML and you should find a statement that looks like this:

              DBGVIEW(*LIST) +

Change it so that it says DBGVIEW(*NONE) instead of DBGVIEW(*LIST) and then re-compile the INSTALL program, and re-run it to compile HTTPAPI.
I don't know if that'll help, but it seems like it would based on the error that you listed.

The only other thing that I can suggest is that you make sure you have the latest CUM PTFs installed. This could very well be a bug in the compiler that was fixed a long time ago...
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