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Re: Question about using FTPAPIR4 under V5R2

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

On Sat, 18 Dec 2004, John Farmer wrote:

Questions: 1. Is there an R5 update to the FTPAPI code?

No, but if you've been running it for 18 months there's a newer version on the Web site that you can download and use.

But, I only maintain one version at a time... any "optional" features that don't work at earlier releases will be automatically included if you reinstall FTPAPI from source code.

2. When I attempt to Put or Get using the AS400 Lib/Mbr format, I get an error, something like "directory not found". It doesn't seem to be looking at the QSYS path even with using FTP_NAMFMT to change name format to the QSYS format.

FTPAPI currently only supports IFS-style filenames. FTP_namfmt() is for changing the naming format on the SERVER, and does not affect the local-side in FTPAPI.

You can do everything that you want to do with IFS-style names.

3. How do I retrieve the Error Code (2nd parm) from the FTP_ERROR function? I only see examples that retrieve the error message text (1st parm).

TESTMGET does demonstrate this. After calling the FTP_list() API, it checks the error code to see if the error is that no files were found before displaying a message to the user.

In old versions of FTPAPI (such as the one that you have) it's just:

TextMsg = FTP_Error(ErrorNumber)

Where TextMsg is an alphanumeric string that you'd like to display to the user, and ErrorNumber is a "10I 0" field that will contain an error number intended for the program to use in decision-making.

Again, TESTMGET has an example of this.  Check it out.
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