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Re: Re: Receving data past back from a webservice

Sender: Scott Klement <sk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> I was told that I do not need to use SSL. The web service is actually
> being created by one of my fellow co-workers, so they said they receive
> the data any way I send it.

It works the same way with or without SSL. (Except that URLs start with
http: instead of https:, and you do not need to call https_init())

My guess is that you want to do something like:

             data = (put the data you want to send in this variable)

             x = http_url_post( 'http://blah.com/whatever'
                              : %addr(data)
                              : %len(%trimr(data))
                              : '/path/in/ifs/to/save/myfile.xml')

             if x <> 1
             errormsg = http_error
               ... show 'errormsg' to user

But, you can still use EXAMPLE4 as a guide, just remove the HTTPS stuff
from the program.

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