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Re: FTP with SSL

Sender: Scott Klement <klemscot@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Paul,

> I installed FTPAPI 1.12.  I looked for SSL in the source code and I
> didn't see any reference to it.  Is there a way to add this capability
> or am I not looking in the right place.

FTPAPI does not currently support SSL.  Since FTPAPI is open-source, you
can add SSL support by changing the program if you like.  If you do, there
are a few things I'd strongly recommend:

a) Contribute your changes back to the project.  That way, others can
benefit from your work, and as other features are added to FTPAPI, you'll
be able to simply update to the latest version to get them (rather than
having to re-incorporate the SSL work you did)

b) Ask me for the latest copy of FTPAPI before making changes.  I have a
number of patches to FTPAPI on my system that I've not yet posted to the
web page.

c) If you do intend to contribute back to the project, make sure that your
code does not break backward-compatibility with existing programs.  People
should be able to upgrade FTPAPI without having to recompile their
existing programs.

HTTPAPI does support SSL.  In fact, if you wanted to add SSL support to
FTPAPI, you could use HTTPAPI's code as a sample of how to do SSL
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