5.9. The revised server program

The vast majority of options in the setsockopt() API are only used rarely. However, when running a server, it's a very good idea to set two of them:

Therefore, we'll insert these new options into our example server program. They'll go into the "MakeListner" subroutine, right after we've called the socket() API.

         C* Tell socket that we want to be able to re-use port 4000            
         C*  without waiting for the MSL timeout:                              
         c                   callp     setsockopt(lsock: SOL_SOCKET:           
         c                                SO_REUSEADDR: %addr(on): %size(on))  
         C* create space for a linger structure                                
         c                   eval      linglen = %size(linger)                 
         c                   alloc     linglen       ling                      
         c                   eval      p_linger = ling                         
         C* Data shouldnt need to linger on the "listener" socket, but            
         C*   give it one second, just in case:
         c                   eval      l_onoff = 1                             
         c                   eval      l_linger = 120                          
         c                   callp     setsockopt(lsock: SOL_SOCKET: SO_LINGER:
         c                                ling: linglen)                       

Now, remember, we have two sockets, the one we create in MakeListener, and the one that's returned by the accept() API in the AcceptConn subroutine. The SO_REUSEADDR option wouldn't make sense on the accept() socket (since we don't bind it) but we should set the SO_LINGER value!

So, insert this code, right after we call accept():

         C* tell socket to only linger for 2 minutes, then discard:            
         c                   eval      l_onoff = 1                             
         c                   eval      l_linger = 120                          
         c                   callp     setsockopt(csock: SOL_SOCKET: SO_LINGER:
         c                                ling: linglen)                       

After adding these options, we can go ahead and compile & test our program again. Notice that now, we can re-run the program immediately, after it ends, we don't have to wait 2 minutes...

Just to dispel any confusion, here's a full listing of our server program up to this point:

         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,socket_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,errno_h
         D/copy socktut/qrpglesrc,sockutil_h
         D Cmd             PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')
         D   command                    200A   const
         D   length                      15P 5 const
         D die             PR
         D   peMsg                      256A   const
         D len             S             10I 0
         D bindto          S               *
         D connfrom        S               *
         D port            S              5U 0
         D lsock           S             10I 0
         D csock           S             10I 0
         D line            S             80A
         D err             S             10I 0
         D clientip        S             17A
         D ling            S               *
         D linglen         S             10I 0
         D on              S             10I 0 inz(1)
         c                   eval      *inlr = *on
         c                   exsr      MakeListener
         c                   dow       1 = 1
         c                   exsr      AcceptConn
         c                   exsr      TalkToClient
         c                   callp     close(csock)
         c                   if        line = 'quit'
         c                   callp     close(lsock)
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         C* This subroutine sets up a socket to listen for connections
         CSR   MakeListener  begsr
         C** Normally, you'd look the port up in the service table with
         C**  the getservbyname command.   However, since this is a 'test'
         C**  protocol -- not an internet standard -- we'll just pick a
         C**  port number.   Port 4000 is often used for MUDs... should be
         C**  free...
         c                   eval      port = 4000
         C* Allocate some space for some socket addresses
         c                   eval      len = %size(sockaddr_in)
         c                   alloc     len           bindto
         c                   alloc     len           connfrom
         C* make a new socket
         c                   eval      lsock = socket(AF_INET: SOCK_STREAM:
         c                                            IPPROTO_IP)
         c                   if        lsock < 0
         c                   callp     die('socket(): ' + %str(strerror(errno)))
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* Tell socket that we want to be able to re-use port 4000
         C*  without waiting for the MSL timeout:
         c                   callp     setsockopt(lsock: SOL_SOCKET:
         c                                SO_REUSEADDR: %addr(on): %size(on))
         C* create space for a linger structure
         c                   eval      linglen = %size(linger)
         c                   alloc     linglen       ling
         c                   eval      p_linger = ling
         C* tell socket to only linger for 2 minutes, then discard:
         c                   eval      l_onoff = 1
         c                   eval      l_linger = 1
         c                   callp     setsockopt(lsock: SOL_SOCKET: SO_LINGER:
         c                                ling: linglen)
         C* bind the socket to port 4000, of any IP address
         c                   eval      p_sockaddr = bindto
         c                   eval      sin_family = AF_INET
         c                   eval      sin_addr = INADDR_ANY
         c                   eval      sin_port = port
         c                   eval      sin_zero = *ALLx'00'
         c                   if        bind(lsock: bindto: len) < 0
         c                   eval      err = errno
         c                   callp     close(lsock)
         c                   callp     die('bind(): ' + %str(strerror(err)))
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* Indicate that we want to listen for connections
         c                   if        listen(lsock: 5) < 0
         c                   eval      err = errno
         c                   callp     close(lsock)
         c                   callp     die('listen(): ' + %str(strerror(err)))
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         CSR                 endsr
         C* This subroutine accepts a new socket connection
         CSR   AcceptConn    begsr
         c                   dou       len = %size(sockaddr_in)
         C* Accept the next connection.
         c                   eval      len = %size(sockaddr_in)
         c                   eval      csock = accept(lsock: connfrom: len)
         c                   if        csock < 0
         c                   eval      err = errno
         c                   callp     close(lsock)
         c                   callp     die('accept(): ' + %str(strerror(err)))
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         C* tell socket to only linger for 2 minutes, then discard:
         c                   eval      l_onoff = 1
         c                   eval      l_linger = 120
         c                   callp     setsockopt(csock: SOL_SOCKET: SO_LINGER:
         c                                ling: linglen)
         C* If socket length is not 16, then the client isn't sending the
         C*  same address family as we are using...  that scares me, so
         C*  we'll kick that guy off.
         c                   if        len <> %size(sockaddr_in)
         c                   callp     close(csock)
         c                   endif
         c                   enddo
         c                   eval      p_sockaddr = connfrom
         c                   eval      clientip = %str(inet_ntoa(sin_addr))
         CSR                 endsr
         C*  This does a quick little conversation with the connecting
         c*  client.   That oughta teach em.
         CSR   TalkToClient  begsr
         c                   callp      WrLine(csock: 'Connection from ' +
         c                                   %trim(clientip))
         c                   callp      WrLine(csock: 'Please enter your name' +
         c                                   ' now!')
         c                   if         RdLine(csock: %addr(line): 80: *On) < 0
         c                   leavesr
         c                   endif
         c                   if        line = 'quit'
         c                   leavesr
         c                   endif
         c                   callp      WrLine(csock: 'Hello ' + %trim(line))
         c                   callp      WrLine(csock: 'Goodbye ' + %trim(line))
         c                   callp     Cmd('DLYJOB DLY(1)': 200)
         CSR                 endsr
          *  This ends this program abnormally, and sends back an escape.
          *   message explaining the failure.
         P die             B
         D die             PI
         D   peMsg                      256A   const
         D SndPgmMsg       PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDPM')
         D   MessageID                    7A   Const
         D   QualMsgF                    20A   Const
         D   MsgData                    256A   Const
         D   MsgDtaLen                   10I 0 Const
         D   MsgType                     10A   Const
         D   CallStkEnt                  10A   Const
         D   CallStkCnt                  10I 0 Const
         D   MessageKey                   4A
         D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize)
         D dsEC            DS
         D  dsECBytesP             1      4I 0 INZ(256)
         D  dsECBytesA             5      8I 0 INZ(0)
         D  dsECMsgID              9     15
         D  dsECReserv            16     16
         D  dsECMsgDta            17    256
         D wwMsgLen        S             10I 0
         D wwTheKey        S              4A
         c                   eval      wwMsgLen = %len(%trimr(peMsg))
         c                   if        wwMsgLen<1
         c                   return
         c                   endif
         c                   callp     SndPgmMsg('CPF9897': 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL':
         c                               peMsg: wwMsgLen: '*ESCAPE':
         c                               '*PGMBDY': 1: wwTheKey: dsEC)
         c                   return
         P                 E
          /define ERRNO_LOAD_PROCEDURE
          /copy socktut/qrpglesrc,errno_h