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[Ftpapi] The type and attributes of the parameter do not match those of the prototype.



I made a simple change to the Example4 to connect to a different URL.

Worked perfectly if I set the ‘File to receive’ but if I change this to *OMIT and set a string to receive as bellow I get the following compiler error


*RNF7535 30      1 The type and attributes of the parameter do not match those

                    of the prototype.       


Any help would be great 


Thanks in advance


Mark Hall                                


D formData        s          32767a   varying      

D formResp        s          32767a   varying      


formData = 'ilsno' + http_urlEncode('000')          

         + '&cid=' + http_urlEncode('BAT001');      


http_setOption( 'content-type'                        

              : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' );


rc = http_req( 'POST'                                             

             : 'http://docstore.systems/office/dataconnectors/' + 


             : *omit                      // File to receive      

             : formResp                   // String to receive    

             : *omit                      // File to send         

             : formData );                // String to send       

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