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Re: [Ftpapi] data set form problem http_url_post with enctype x-www-form-urlencoded

Hi Christophe,

Although I understand your sample code and what it does, I am not familiar with the web service you are trying to call.   I cannot tell you how to change your code to match the specs for the web service if I know nothing about it.

Please tell us these specs so that we know what you need HTTPAPI to do.   With this information, we can advise how to code it.


On 11/6/17 4:15 PM, Christophe Welker wrote:

Hi all,




Usualy I always send xml files with http_url_post,

this time I have to send  x-www-form-urlencoded type for the first time.


But the request always fails ("first parameter missing"), and the returned HTTP_ERROR code is always zero.



Below is my code that I adapted from this example from Scott, found in this FTPAPI mailing list archive :




Does the problem come from the way to form the input data ?

I tried :

- Param1=Value1&Param2=Value2       

- XML format

- Param1= Value1 CLRF Param1= Value1



Or is this an authentification problem due to HTTPS ?

In debug all the authentifications steps seem to run well

(1st call to connect,

get a -1 with http_error set to HTTP_NDAUTH,

http_getauth to get the digest mode and realm name,

http_setauth with user/pwd)




Thank you very much for your help.














     D cmd             pr                  extpgm('QCMDEXC')

     D  command                     200A   const

     D  length                       15P 5 const


     D CRLF            C                   CONST(x'0D25')

     D rc              s             10I 0

     D msg             s             52A


     D EncData         s                   like(HTTP_URL_ENCODER)

     D ApiTyp          s            128A   varying

     D ApiAct          s            128A   varying

     D ApiInp          s           1024A   varying

     D myPointer       s               *

     D dataSize        s             10I 0


     D@WS_USR          C                   CONST('socadis')

     D@WS_PWD          C                   CONST('socadis20170307')


      * Variables de travail XML

     D$URL             S            200A   VARYING

     D$XML_FILE        S            200A   VARYING

     D$POS             S              3S 0

     D $location       S            100A

     D ERR             S             10I 0

     D basic           S              1N

     D digest          S              1N

     D realm           S            124A

     D data            S           2000A   VARYING

     DY                S              3  0 INZ(*ZEROS)

     D@CRLF            C                   CONST(X'0D25')





                   ApiTyp = 'list';


                   ApiAct = 'add';




                   ApiInp =




             //   'isbn=9782764401859' + @CRLF

             //    + 'quantity=1';



             //    '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>'  + CRLF +

             //    '<DATASET>'                                    + CRLF +

             //    '<isbn>9782764401859</isbn>'                   + CRLF +

             //    '<quantity>1</quantity>'                       + CRLF +

             //    '</DATASET>'                                   + CRLF ;




                   EncData = http_url_encoder_new;

                   http_url_encoder_addvar( EncData

                                                  : 'type'

                                                  : %addr(ApiTyp)+2

                                                  :  %len(ApiTyp) );


                   http_url_encoder_addvar( EncData

                                                  : 'activity'

                                                  : %addr(ApiAct)+2

                                                  : %len(ApiAct) );


                   http_url_encoder_addvar( EncData

                                                  : 'input'

                                                  : %addr(ApiInp)+2

                                                  : %len(ApiInp) );


                   http_url_encoder_getptr( EncData

                                                  : myPointer

                                                  : dataSize );


           // Définir l'adresse du service web pour le POST

              $URL = '' +



                   rc = http_url_post(%TRIM($URL)

                                             : myPointer

                                             : dataSize

                                             : '/tmp/testpost.html'

                                             : HTTP_TIMEOUT

                                             : HTTP_USERAGENT




              IF (RC <> 1);



                  IF ERR = HTTP_NDAUTH;  // Authentification n‚cessaire

                     EXSR R21000;

                     Y = 0;

                     DOU RC = 201 OR Y = 60;

                          rc = http_url_post(%TRIM($URL)

                                             : myPointer

                                             : dataSize

                                             : '/tmp/testpost.html'

                                             : HTTP_TIMEOUT

                                             : HTTP_USERAGENT




                         Y += 1;






              cmd('DSPF ''/tmp/testpost.html''': 200);


                  if  rc <> 1;

                      msg = http_error;

                      dsply msg;


                      cmd('DSPF ''/tmp/testpost.html''': 200);



            // When done, make sure you call this function to free up

            // the memory that the URL Encoder used.




                     *inlr = *on;



        //                                          //

        //             AUTHENTIFICATION             //

        //                                          //



        BEGSR R21000;


            RC = http_getauth(basic: digest: realm);

            IF (RC = 0);

               IF digest;

                  http_setauth(HTTP_AUTH_MD5_DIGEST: @WS_USR: @WS_PWD);


                  http_setauth(HTTP_AUTH_BASIC: @WS_USR: @WS_PWD);














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