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Re: Sending Attachment in WSDL2RPG


The 500 error is because my test web service does not understand MTOM
messages. So that error is an expected error.

"is the 3rd line with ".contentMTOM" my problem?"

I cannot answer that question, because the "contentMTOM" parameter is
not related to the SOAP message format. It is specific to your web
service and actually the developer could have called it "fooBaa". What I
want to say is, that WSDL2RPG is not aware of that parameter. You have
to look at the documentation of the web service to understand what it is
used for.

What does your request message look like (from your debug log)? Is it
similar to my "MTOM_on" or "MTOM_off" message. Look at the "type"
attribute of the "ContentType" header to answer that question or, even
better, post the debug log or send me a private message with the debug log.

MTOM off:
Content-Type: multipart/related;

MTOM on:
Content-Type: multipart/related;

Here are my ideas what you have to do next:

a) Figure out what message type you send (MTOM or not).
b) Figure out what the web service really wants (MTOM or not). Because
of element "contentMTOM", I would assume an MTOM message.
c) Figure out, whether or not the soap message must contain a reference
to the file attachment like this:

Start of the file attachment. The attribute of interest is "Content-ID".
Content-Type: application/zip;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: <A56940016BE319D5B0040004AC0C3458.1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Disposition: attachment;

Maybe, that you have to put it somewhere in the soap message to let the
receiver know the attachment that belongs to the message like this:


For a) look at the Content-Type header.
For b) and c) ask your web service provider or look at the documentation
of the web service. An example message would be great to answer b) and c).

Can you use soapUI to call the web service? Can it successfully call the


Am 16.10.2016 um 04:35 schrieb midrange:
> Thomas,
> Reading the logs you sent, the MTOM "on" log shows a http 500 error and did not complete the attachment processing (see end of this post).
> I am going back through how I generated the programs to give you more info.
> I am currently not authorized to save the wsdl2rpg lib and zip to you for analysis (developers can't save/export anything).
> Most of the source has 8/24/16 change dates, and I downloaded on 9/19/16 There was a previous version 1.16.4 library I renamed before new install and was not in libl
> LIBHTTP is 1.32  and installed same day (first) There was a prev version 1.29 and renamed before new install System at ptf cume 15142 (...).
> > I will be first to admit working in ILE is a challenge to me so pardon my ignorance - This is part of the generated test program - is the 3rd line with ".contentMTOM" my problem? Should it be commented out? I only modified filename and mimeType

> // Clear array item
> clear parameters.document.contentList.content(X_A2);
> // Set array item values:
> parameters.document.contentList.content(X_A2).content = 'base64'; parameters.document.contentList.content(X_A2).contentMTOM = 'base64+ '; parameters.document.contentList.content(X_A2).fileName = %trim(j2FILEPATH); parameters.document.contentList.content(X_A2).mimeType = %trim(j2MIMETYPE);
> ... required parameters to send with document
> // Create attachments
> j3transferEnc = 'WSDL_MIME_BASE64';
> j3suggFileNam = %trim(j2DOCTITLE);
> j3filePath    = %trim(j2FILEPATH);
> j3mimeType    = %trim(j2MIMETYPE);
> partID =
>    P8ServiceImplPort_addDocument_Attachments_addFile(
>       j3filePath: j3mimeType
>       : j3transferEnc: j3suggFileNam);
> // Now let's call the web service.
> addDocumentResponse =
>    P8ServiceImplPort_addDocument(
>        parameters:
>        errText);
> Jim Franz
> MTOM "on" log you sent
> SetError() #13: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
> recvresp(): end with 500
> recvdoc parms: chunked 0
> header_load_cookies() entered
> recvchunk(): entered
> get_chunk_size(): entered
> 257
> chunk size = 599
> get_chunk_size returned 599
> calling comm_blockread
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope";><soapenv:Header xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing";><wsa:Action>http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/soap/fault</wsa:Action></soapenv:Header><soapenv:Body><soapenv:Fault><soapenv:Code><soapenv:Value>soapenv:VersionMismatch</soapenv:Value></soapenv:Code><soapenv:Reason><soapenv:Text xml:lang="en-US">Transport level information does not match with SOAP Message namespace URI</soapenv:Text></soapenv:Reason><soapenv:Detail /></soapenv:Fault></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
> comm_blockread returned 599
> ** 2016-10-15- Preparing to parse received message
> WSDL2RPG: USR0042: Unexpected Soap element received from web service.
>                    Cause . . . . . :   The web service sent an element that was not expected. This error often happens if the web service sends a Soap header that has not been declared in the wsdl file. Please enable the debug log to see what actually was
> returned by the web service. Most likely you then want to disable sending this escape message in procedures 'SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementStart' and 'SOAPMessage_unexpectedElementEnd'.
>           received from procedure: BASICS1R1_f_sndPgmMsg
>                     and statement: 54400 WSDL2RPG (eXpat error): (-1009) Unexpected Soap element received from web service.
>     received at line: 1
>            at column: 177
>       from procedure: WSDL2R97_XMLSAXParser_parse
>        and statement: 107600
> ** 2016-10-15- Failed parsing XML message
> ** 2016-10-15- Failed parsing XML message
> SetError() #16: recvchunk: saveproc: Not all data was writtenÜ
> http_close(): entered
> HTTPAPI Ver 1.33-BETA2 released 2016-10-13 NTLM Ver 1.4.0 released 2014-12-22
> OS/400 Ver V7R2M0
> ** 2016-10-15- Leaving DownloadAttachment12_setAttachment()
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Thomas Raddatz
> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2016 10:34 AM
> To: HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects
> Subject: Re: Sending Attachment in WSDL2RPG
> I have no idea, why it should not work for you. I tested MTOM support again and I could switch MTOM on and off by the debugger. Please find the example logs attached.
> Just to make sure: Did you properly compile the "WS_OPER" module and link the stub service program? Maybe you should try to debug procedure
> MessageContext_new() of moduleWSDL2R85 of service program WSDL2RPGRT and change "isMTOM" there.
> I also do not understand why MTOM should be the default. For sure it is not the default value.
> Maybe you should send to me the source members that you generated with WSDL2RPG and the zip file of your version of WSDL2RPG.
> PM: thomas dot raddatz at tools400 dot de
> Thomas.
> Am 14.10.2016 um 17:41 schrieb Jim Franz:
>>    Thanks for the info - file got there, but they could not handle
>>    using  MTOM - the 1.16.5beta3 seems to default it  and I can't see how
>>    to not use it. They asked I not use MTOM..
>>    Jim
>>    On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 4:41 AM, Thomas Raddatz
>>    <[1]thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx> wrote:
>>      Jim,
>>      Actually WSDL2RPG should automatically create a MIME message, as
>>      soon as you called * _Attachments_addFile() to add a file as an
>>      attachment to the soap request message.
>>      For example:
>>      // Attach file to request message.
>>      DownloadAttachment12_setAttachment_Attachments_addFile(
>>           path: 'text/plain': WSDL_MIME_BINARY);
>>      // Set the parameter values of the request message
>>      // of the web service.
>>      //      assign values here
>>      requestMessage.fileName = path;
>>      // Now let's call the web service.
>>      setAttachmentResponse =
>>           DownloadAttachment12_setAttachment(
>>                 requestMessage:
>>                 errText);
>>      Please check the debug log, whether or not WSDL2RPG created a MIME
>>      message. A MIME starts with:
>>      MIME-Version: 1.0
>>      Content-Type: multipart/related;
>>                  type="application/soap+xml";
>>                  boundary="MIMEBoundary_20161014102651910000_791705";
>>                  start="<[2]C1648006CDC119E1A5DC00
>>      04AC1AF51A.2@xxxxxxxxxxx>"
>>      Each attachment is separte by a "mime boundary", which looks like
>>      this:
>>      sendraw(): entered
>>      --MIMEBoundary_20161014102651910000_791705
>>      Content-Type: application/soap+xml; action="[3]http://tools400.de/
>>      wsdl2rpg/webservice/sample/downloadattachment/service/setAttachment"
>>      Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
>>      Content-ID: <[4]C1648006CDC119E1A5DC0004AC1AF51A.2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soapenv:Envelope
>>      xmlns:soapenv="[5]http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope";
>>      xmlns:tns="[6]http://tools400.de/wsdl2rpg/webservice/sample/
>>      downloadattachment/service"><soapenv:Body><tns:
>>      setAttachmentRequest><fileName>Hello World.txt</fileName></tns:
>>      setAttachmentRequest></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>
>>      --MIMEBoundary_20161014102651910000_791705
>>      Content-Type: text/plain;
>>                  name="Hello World.txt"
>>      Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
>>      Content-ID: <[7]C1099006CDC119E1A5DC0004AC1AF51A.1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>      Hello World!
>>      --MIMEBoundary_20161014102651910000_791705--
>>      Thomas
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