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Re: FedEx API Using RPG


   We no longer do our own shipping as we were purchased by another
   company and they handle it all.

   I'm pretty sure this works, but it never went live.

   You will have to get your own user credentials from FedEx and replace
   my embedded credentials.

   Hope this helps.

   Craig Jacobsen

   From:                       "Hayden, Chris" <CHayden@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

   To:                           HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects

   Date:                       01/21/2015 02:10 PM

   Subject:                   FedEx API Using RPG

   Sent by:                   ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   Craig Jacobsen
   Did you get this webservice call to work and return detailed
   information about the tracking number ?
   Can you send me the code as an .TXT attachment
   We have an internal Fedex server that does the estimated shipping
   It uses a FedEx service program called WEBAPICS that they provided.
   However, we do track shipments through FedEx, so maybe that will help.
   // set up the soap request
   Soap='<soapenv:Envelope +

   s.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/%22>; +

   >;> +
   <soapenv:Header/> +
   <soapenv:Body> +
     <v2:TrackRequest> +
       <v2:WebAuthenticationDetail> +
        <v2:UserCredential> +
         <v2:Key>xxxxx</v2:Key> +
         <v2:Password>xxxx</v2:Password> +
        </v2:UserCredential> +
       </v2:WebAuthenticationDetail> +
   <v2:ClientDetail> +
     <v2:AccountNumber>123</v2:AccountNumber> +
     <v2:MeterNumber>123</v2:MeterNumber> +
   </v2:ClientDetail> +
   <v2:Version> +
     <v2:ServiceId>trck</v2:ServiceId> +
     <v2:Major>2</v2:Major> +
     <v2:Intermediate>0</v2:Intermediate> +
     <v2:Minor>0</v2:Minor> +
   </v2:Version> +
   <v2:PackageIdentifier> +
     <v2:Value>' + %Trim(TrackNumber) + '</v2:Value> +
     <v2:Type>TRACKING_NUMBER_OR_DOORTAG</v2:Type> +
   </v2:PackageIdentifier> +
     FedXCompany +
   </v2:TrackRequest> +
   </soapenv:Body> +
   // post soap service to Fed Ex (ParseXML parses information)
   RC = Http_Url_Post_Xml(
                         : %Addr(SOAP) + 2
                          : %Len(SOAP)
                          : *NULL
                          : %PAddr(ParseXML)
                          : %Addr(RESP)
                          : HTTP_TIMEOUT
                          : HTTP_USERAGENT
                          : 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8'
                          : '"track"');
   P ParseXML        B
   D ParseXML        PI
   D   Save                          *   Value
   D   Depth                       10I 0 Value
   D   Name                      1024A   Varying Const
   D   Path                     24576A   Varying Const
   D   Value                    32767A   Varying Const
   D   Attrs                         *   Dim(32767)
   D                                     const options(*varsize)
      If Name = 'v2:Severity';
       Severity = Value;
     If Name = 'v2:ActualDeliveryTimestamp';
      Delivery = Value;
   P                 E
   Chris Hayden
   Senior Systems Analyst
   Pilot Corporation of America
   3855 Regent Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32224
   (904) 645.9999
   Ext. 1252
   This is the FTPAPI mailing list.  To unsubscribe, please go to:

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   is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain
   confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use,
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   recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all
   copies of the original message. Unless expressly stated in this e-mail,
   nothing in this message or any attachment should be construed as a
   digital or electronic signature.
     H DftActGrp(*No) BndDir('HTTPAPI':'QC2LE')                                                     
     H Option(*SrcStmt:*NoDebugIO) Debug(*Yes)                                                      
     H Copyright(' ')                                                                      
      *?Program     :  FXTrkShip                                        *                           
      *?Description :  Track a shipment                                 *                           
      *?Created by  :  Craig Jacobsen                                   *                           
      *?Date Created:  01/29/2009                                       *                           
      *? None                                                                                       
      *?Maintenance History:                                            *                           
      *?                                                                *                           
      *?Update#    Date     Pgmr Description                            *                           
      *?------- ----------  ---- ---------------------------------------*                           
      *?                                                                *                           
      /Include HttpAPI_h                                                                            
      *?global data structure for FedEx xml                                                         
     D Data            ds                  Qualified                                                
     D  All                                Dim(100)                                                 
     D  Path                         50A   OverLay(All:*Next)                                       
     D  Name                         25A   OverLay(All:*Next)                                       
     D  Value                        25A   OverLay(All:*Next)                                       
     D Count           s             10i 0                                                          
      *?Incoming/outgoing parms                                                                     
     D FxTrack         PR                  ExtPgm('FXTRKSHIP')                                      
     D  Track#                       20A                                                            
     D  #elements                     5p 0                                                          
     D  ReturnData                10000A                                                            
     D FxTrack         PI                                                                           
     D  Track#                       20A                                                            
     D  #elements                     5p 0                                                          
     D  ReturnData                10000A                                                            
      *?get delivered date and time from fedex                                                      
     D GetFedXData     PR                                                                           
     D   TrackNumber                 20a   Const                                                    
      *?parse the xml response from fedex                                                           
     D ParseXML        PR                                                                           
     D   Save                          *   Value                                                    
     D   Depth                       10I 0 Value                                                    
     D   Name                      1024A   Varying Const                                            
     D   Path                     24576A   Varying Const                                            
     D   Value                    32767A   Varying Const                                            
     D   Attrs                         *   Dim(32767)                                               
     D                                     Const Options(*varsize)                                  
       //?           M A I N L I N E                                                                
       Clear Data;                                                                                  
       Count = 0;                                                                                   
       //?turn this on to get a debug log in /tmp/httpapi_debug.txt                                 
       ReturnData = Data;                                                                           
       #elements = Count;                                                                           
       //?that's all                                                                                
      *?get data from FedEx Web                                                                     
     P GetFedXData     B                                                                            
     D GetFedXData     PI                                                                           
     D   TrackNumber                 20a   Const                                                    
     D FedXCompany     s              9A                                                            
     D Soap            s          65535A   Varying                                                  
     D Resp            s          65535A   Varying                                                  
     D RC              s             10I 0                                                          
     D X               s             10I 0                                                          
     D ErrNum          s             10i 0                                                          
       //?set up the soap request                                                                   
       Soap='<soapenv:Envelope +                                                                    
               xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"; +                          
               xmlns:v2="http://fedex.com/ws/track/v2";> +                                           
             <soapenv:Header/> +                                                                    
              <soapenv:Body> +                                                                      
               <v2:TrackRequest> +                                                                  
                <v2:WebAuthenticationDetail> +                                                      
                 <v2:UserCredential> +                                                              
                  <v2:Key>qGHlSFJbN3bNGszn</v2:Key> +                                               
                  <v2:Password>Lg9IdSHL2lgrkrIyZrUaKH2Bd</v2:Password> +                            
                 </v2:UserCredential> +                                                             
                </v2:WebAuthenticationDetail> +                                                     
                <v2:ClientDetail> +                                                                 
                 <v2:AccountNumber>281950444</v2:AccountNumber> +                                   
                 <v2:MeterNumber>100441833</v2:MeterNumber> +                                       
                </v2:ClientDetail> +                                                                
                <v2:Version> +                                                                      
                 <v2:ServiceId>trck</v2:ServiceId> +                                                
                 <v2:Major>2</v2:Major> +                                                           
                 <v2:Intermediate>0</v2:Intermediate> +                                             
                 <v2:Minor>0</v2:Minor> +                                                           
                </v2:Version> +                                                                     
                <v2:PackageIdentifier> +                                                            
                 <v2:Value>' + %Trim(TrackNumber) + '</v2:Value> +                                  
                 <v2:Type>TRACKING_NUMBER_OR_DOORTAG</v2:Type> +                                    
                </v2:PackageIdentifier> +                                                           
               </v2:TrackRequest> +                                                                 
              </soapenv:Body> +                                                                     
       //?try this up to 5 times in case internet is slow                                           
       For X = 1 to 5;                                                                              
        //?post soap service to Fed Ex (ParseXML parses information)                                
        RC = Http_Url_Post_Xml( 'https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com:443/+                                
                               : %Addr(SOAP) + 2                                                    
                               : %Len(SOAP)                                                         
                               : *NULL                                                              
                               : %PAddr(ParseXML)                                                   
                               : %Addr(RESP)                                                        
                               : HTTP_TIMEOUT                                                       
                               : HTTP_USERAGENT                                                     
                               : 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8'                                           
                               : '"track"');                                                        
        //?if request is valid                                                                      
        If (RC = 1);                                                                                
        //?check for errors, stop the request if there is some                                      
        If (ErrNum<>HTTP_XMLERR   OR   X=5);                                                        
     P                 E                                                                            
      *?read each ending XML tag                                                                    
     P ParseXML        B                                                                            
     D ParseXML        PI                                                                           
     D   Save                          *   Value                                                    
     D   Depth                       10I 0 Value                                                    
     D   Name                      1024A   Varying Const                                            
     D   Path                     24576A   Varying Const                                            
     D   Value                    32767A   Varying Const                                            
     D   Attrs                         *   Dim(32767)                                               
     D                                     const options(*varsize)                                  
     D X               s             10I 0                                                          
       //?omit some of the data                                                                     
       If Value <> *Blanks and Count < 100     AND                                                  
          Value <> '0'                         AND                                                  
          Value <> '2'                         AND                                                  
          Value <> 'trck'                      AND                                                  
          Value <> 'true'                      AND                                                  
          Value <> 'OTHER'                     AND                                                  
          Value <> 'false';                                                                         
        //?omit some more                                                                           
        X = %Scan('Request':Value);                                                                 
        If X = 0;                                                                                   
         X = %Scan('HighestSeverity':Name);                                                         
        If X = 0;                                                                                   
         X = %Scan('Unique':Name);                                                                  
        If X = 0;                                                                                   
         Count += 1;                                                                                
          Data.Path(Count) = %Trim(%Subst(Path:45));                                                
          Data.Path(Count) = ' ';                                                                   
         Data.Name(Count) = %SubSt(Name:4);                                                         
         Data.Value(Count) = Value;                                                                 
         //?reformat some headings                                                                  
         X = %Scan('DeliveryTime':Data.Name(Count));                                                
         If X > 0;                                                                                  
          Data.Name(Count) = 'DeliveryTime';                                                        
         X = %Scan('DeliverySign':Data.Name(Count));                                                
         If X > 0;                                                                                  
          Data.Name(Count) = 'SignedBy';                                                            
         //?reformat timestamps                                                                     
         X = %Scan('-':Data.Value(Count));                                                          
         If X = 5;                                                                                  
          Data.Value(Count) = %Char(%Int(%SubSt(Value:6:2))) + '/' +                                
                              %Char(%Int(%SubSt(Value:9:2))) + '/' +                                
                              %SubSt(Value:1:4) + ' ';                                              
          If %Int(%SubSt(Value:12:2)) >= 12;                                                        
           If %Int(%SubSt(Value:12:2)) > 12;                                                        
            Data.Value(Count) = %Trim(Data.Value(Count)) + '@' +                                    
            Data.Value(Count) = %Trim(Data.Value(Count)) + '@' +                                    
           Data.Value(Count) = %Trim(Data.Value(Count)) + ':' +                                     
                                %Subst(Value:15:2) + 'pm';                                          
           Data.Value(Count) = %Trim(Data.Value(Count)) + '@' +                                     
                                %Char(%Int(%Subst(Value:12:2))) + ':' +                             
                                %Subst(Value:15:2) + 'am';                                          
     P                 E                                                                            
This is the FTPAPI mailing list.  To unsubscribe, please go to: