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Longer Character Parameter

   Email Server keeps bouncing this back. Hopefully you have received.


   I need your help. I am calling the following procedure, which is
   defined as:

        P WEBFORM_addVar...

        P                 B                   Export

        D                 PI             1N

        D  peEncoder                      *   value

        D  peVariable                   50A   varying value

        D  peValue                   65535A   Varying Value

         * Local Defined Variables

        D VARPREF         C                   2


          return http_url_encoder_addvar( peEncoder





        P                 E

   I want to change peValue to a longer character variable, such as:

        D   peValue                       A   Len(500000) Varying(4) Value

   Problem I am facing is that the call to WEBFORM_addVar, to create my
   post http call, is not working.

   I get the following http error back:

   �valid ClientName / GUID�Client Name and GUID are part of the URI.

   Here is how I am calling WEBFORM_addVar:

          siteName = wSiteName;

          GUID = wGUID;

          form = webForm_open();

          WEBFORM_addVar(form :'ClientName' :siteName );

          WEBFORM_addVar(form :'guid' : GUID );

   Looking at the URI, after ClientName=, it is adding %00%9D, and after
   GUID=, it is adding %00%88.

   Any ideas why this is happening? I hope I provided enough info, if not,
   let me know and I� send more details.

   Thank you

   Art Duarte
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