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RE: Help consuming a REST webservice with HTTPAPI.

   Eureka!!! It works!!! I am now successfully consuming a REST Web
   Service in RPG!
   I would like to send a big thank-you to Mike Krebs, Scott Mildenberger,
   & Chris Hayden for all of their generous help and, of course, to Scott
   Klement for this fantastic tool.
   I'd like to share my code with everyone in the hope that it may help
   someone else, and/or if Scott felt like using it as an example. Here it
    * DSRTRAFDTA    : Fleet Locate consume Traffic Data REST service.
    * Documentation : [1]https://api.us.spireon.com/doc/
   D DSRTRAFDTA      PR                  extpgm('DSRTRAFDTA')
    * Prototypes:
     * Scott Klement's HTTPAPI prototype.
    /include qrpglesrc,HTTPAPI_H
    * Definitions:
   D userName...
   D                 S             50A
   D passWord...
   D                 S             50A
   D limitEventsReturned...
   D                 S              4P 0
   D startAtTimeStamp...
   D                 S             13P 0
   D rc...
   D                 S             10I 0
   D URL...
   D                 S            256A
   D debugLog...
   D                 S           1000A   varying
    * Mainline:
        // Write a Debug log out to the IFS.
        debugLog = '/fleetLocate/restTest/debugLog.txt';
        http_debug(*on : debugLog);
        // Test sandbox credentials.
        userName = '********';
        password = '********';

        // Basic authentication.
        http_setAuth( HTTP_AUTH_BASIC
                    : %trim(userName)
                    : %trim(passWord));
        // Variable fields inserted into the URL.
        limitEventsReturned = 50;
        startAtTimeStamp = 1403114332938;
        // Build the URL. Note I added '.xml. at the end of the word
   'traffic' so
        // that it would return the data as XML. If you leave off the
   '.xml' the
        // service will return the data as JSON.
        URL = 'https://api.spireon.com/api/asset/traffic.xml'+
        // GET request.
        rc = http_url_get(URL : '/fleetLocate/restTest/trafficData.xml');
        // The End.
        *inlr = *on;

   You would, of course, have to do the following for this to work on your
   - Replace the '********' entered for Username and Password with actual
   - Replace '/fleetLocate/restTest/debugLog.txt' with the path where you
   want to store the debug log on your machine.
   - Replace ' /fleetLocate/restTest/trafficData.xml' with the path where
   you want to store the .xml document on your machine.
   I realise this is probably pretty simple stuff for most of you, but I
   also thought that you can't have too many examples, plus I really
   wanted to contribute something back to the group that has helped me so
   Have a great day!
   Paul Reid
   Application Developer III
   Erb Group of Companies | 290 Hamilton Road | New Hamburg, Ontario | N3A
   Phone: 519.662.6133 ext. 2363
   Web: [2]http://www.erbgroup.com/
   From:        Mike Krebs <mkrebs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   To:        HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects <ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
   Date:        24/06/2014 05:29 PM
   Subject:        RE: Help consuming a REST webservice with HTTPAPI.
   Sent by:        ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

   In all the talk about adding the headers...we missed your basic
   question. Here is how you can do the authentication. You will get JSON
   Using the program you posted earlier, I made just a couple of changes
   and got information back.
   I changed pass to passwd just for my own needs. Move the debug to the
   top of your program (changed the path) and set the authentication
   before making the http_url_get call.
       D userid          S             50A   INZ('newcoke')
       D passwd          S             50A   INZ('password')
       D URL             s            256A
       D msg             S             50A
       D http_getauthLog...
       D                 S           1000A   varying
       C                   eval      *inlr = *on
            http_getauthLog = '/tmp/http_getauthLog.txt';
            http_debug(*on : http_getauthLog);
            http_setAuth( HTTP_AUTH_BASIC
              : %trim(Userid)
              : %trim(Passwd));
   Here is the start of the JSON (found in testAuth.html):
   {"success":true,"msg":"Warning: startAt parameter too old. Truncated.
   Data loaded.","count":49,"data":[{"address":" I- 95","cargoLoa
   eventDateTime":"2014-06-17 21:02:46","eventTypeName":"Movemen
   If you break that down, you will have your data. Copy and paste to a
   parser to see what it looks like [3]http://json.parser.online.fr/
   Several JSON parsers available to RPGLE including:

   -----Original Message-----
   From: ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   [[7]mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Scott
   Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 10:03 AM
   To: HTTPAPI and FTPAPI Projects
   Subject: RE: Help consuming a REST webservice with HTTPAPI.
   I think you just need to set additional headers, that is what the curl
   -H is doing.  Here is an example from one of my programs:
         // Set the referer so Mapquest will accept.
         http_xproc( HTTP_POINT_ADDL_HEADER : %paddr(SetReferer));
         rc = http_url_get_raw(Url : 1 : %paddr(CityState) : 60);
   And then the procedure:
       p SetReferer      b
       D SetReferer      pi
       D   HeaderData                1024A   varying
       D CRLF            C                   CONST(x'0D25')
         HeaderData = 'Referer: [8]http://davistransport.com/' + CRLF;
       p SetReferer      e
   You would just have two procedures for the two different additional
   headers you need.
   -----Original Message-----
   From: ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   [[9]mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
   Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 8:44 AM
   To: ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   Subject: Help consuming a REST webservice with HTTPAPI.
   Hello everyone.
   I need to consume a REST Web service and I'm going to use HTTPAPI to do
   it. I just need a bit of help getting started. I've consumed SOAP
   services before with HTTPAPI but this is my first crack at consuming a
   REST. I've looked at the examples provided with HTTPAPI but I couldn't
   find one that is doing exactly what this vendor requires. From the
   vendor's web site here is the pertinent documentation for the service I
   need to consume:
   Spireon API makes it easy to retrieve, create, and update resources on
   your account through our REST endpoints. The HTTP methods we support
   are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. The base URL endpoint is
   To make requests to Spireon API, you need to supply the Authorization
   header for every request you make. We ensure that your credentials are
   secure because all requests must be made over HTTPS.
   Below is a cURL example on how to make a GET request. Note that we
   require both the Authorization and Account headers to authenticate your
   % curl  -H "Authorization: Basic [your auth string]"
          -H "Account: [your account ID]"
   Your auth string is your username and password combined into a string
   and encoded in Base64, like so:
   "Getting Traffic" is the specific service I want to consume:
   Getting Traffic
   Fetching account traffic is done through an HTTP GET operation, and
   synchronisation is based on time intervals:
   1) The client specifies the startAt timestamp.
   2) The server responds with the sequential events from startAt up to a
   limit, and returns the endAt time to the client.
   3) The client uses the server endAt marker as its startAt marker for
   next call.
   Performance Considerations
   The server limits the response at 2000 events (LIMIT).
   The traffic HTTP GET operation can return within a minute with LIMIT
   points in a two hour span. The server prioritizes a fast return over a
   large response, and may set the endAt time before LIMIT.
   The system performs best if the client adheres to the following
   1) The client shall not specify start times older than 7 days; the
   server may discard traffic older than 7 days.
   2) The client should query traffic in non-overlapping [startAt, endAt[
   intervals. Server traffic pre-fetching will cause a substantial
   performance hit on out of order or overlapping time intervals. Those
   only be used for error recovery.
   3) The client should issue back-to-back calls without pause to the
   until the response is empty.
   GET api.spireon.com/api/asset/traffic?limit=50&startAt=1367853959918
   I've been given access to a test "sandbox" for this web site with:
   Username = newcoke
   Password = password
   Account ID = 73718
   I'm not sure if the "Authentication" part is supposed to be included in
   the GET statement or if the security is done with a separate procedure
   prior to the GET. It's mainly the "Authentication" pert that is holding
   up.  I've tried playing around with a slightly modified version of
   EXAMPLE05 called MYXAMPLE05 to see if I can figure out what is going
   Here is the code I've been working with:
   D/copy qrpglesrc,httpapi_h
   D cmd             pr                  extpgm('QCMDEXC')
   D  command                     200A   const
   D  length                       15P 5 const
   D rc              S             10I 0
   D err             S             10I 0
   D basic           S              1N
   D digest          S              1N
   D realm           S            124A
   D userid          S             50A
   D pass            S             50A
   D URL             s            256A
   D msg             S             50A
   D http_getauthLog...
   D                 S           1000A   varying
   C                   eval      *inlr = *on
   C                   eval      URL = 'https://api.spireon.com/api' +
   C                                   '/asset/traffic?limit=50' +
   C                                   '&startAt=1'
   C                   dou       rc = 1
   C                   eval      rc = http_url_get( URL
   C                                :
   C                   if        rc <> 1
   C                   callp     http_error(err)
   C                   if        err <> HTTP_NDAUTH
   C                   callp     http_crash
   C                   return
   C                   endif
   C                   exsr      getpasswd
   C                   endif
   C                   enddo
   C                   callp     cmd('DSPF '+
   C                                 : 200)
   * getpassword - *
   Csr   getpasswd     begsr
       http_getauthLog = '/fleetLocate/restTest/http_getauthLog.txt';
       http_debug(*on : http_getauthLog);
   C                   eval      rc = http_getauth(basic: digest: realm)
   C                   if        rc < 0
   C                   eval      msg = HTTP_ERROR
   C                   dsply                   msg
   C                   return
   C                   endif
   C                   eval      userid = 'enter userid for ' + realm
   C                   dsply                   userid
   C                   eval      pass = 'enter passwd for ' + realm
   C                   dsply                   pass
   C                   if        Digest
   C                   callp     http_setauth(HTTP_AUTH_MD5_DIGEST:
   C                                          userid: pass)
   C                   else
   C                   callp     http_setauth(HTTP_AUTH_BASIC:
   C                                          userid: pass)
   C                   endif
   Csr                 endsr
   The above code stops on the http_getauth procedure. As you can see I've
   added a debug and here is what it says:
   HTTPAPI Ver 1.24 released 2012-01-23
   OS/400 Ver V7R1M0
   http_getauth(): entered
   SetError() #39: Server did not ask for authentication!
   The testAuth.html file is blank.
   I'm not sure if this is even a good example to use for what I need.
   read through the ftpapi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx archives and didn't find
   anything that I thought I could use (maybe I missed something). If
   could give me some help/direction with this is would be greatly
   appreciated as I've been working on this for a few days and I am kind
   Thanks again in advance, Paul.
   Paul Reid
   Application Developer III
   Erb Group of Companies | 290 Hamilton Road | New Hamburg, Ontario | N3A
   Phone: 519.662.6133 ext. 2363
   Web: [12]http://www.erbgroup.com/
   This is the FTPAPI mailing list.  To unsubscribe, please go to:
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   1. https://api.us.spireon.com/doc/
   2. http://www.erbgroup.com/
   3. http://json.parser.online.fr/
   4. http://www.scottklement.com/yajl/
   5. http://webdefence.global.blackspider.com/urlwrap/?q=AXicY3BnOFnLwPC8iYGhKKfSwDRDr7ioTC83MTMnOT-vpCg_Ry85P5eh2NTfJyTQLdHAyMLc3IKhoCg1M8UhtSgpvSi_tACsIqOkpMBKX7-oID0vtaIkPTUPJKqfmZeSWqFXkFFgDzItNa_ENqs4P48BAgAKxCjO&Z
   6. https://code.google.com/p/powerext/
   7. mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   8. http://davistransport.com/'
   9. mailto:ftpapi-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. https://api.us.spireon.com/api
  11. https://api.us.spireon.com/api/asset
  12. http://www.erbgroup.com/
  13. http://www.scottklement.com/mailman/listinfo/ftpapi
  14. http://www.scottklement.com/mailman/listinfo/ftpapi
This is the FTPAPI mailing list.  To unsubscribe, please go to: