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USPS - Address Validate Request

   Can anyone help?

   Using the United States Postal Service webservice called
   "AddressValidateRequest" api

   Called their help desk, I am in Production mode

   Found this example on the internet, return code comes back `1' which
   means accepted

   Can't get the five digit or four digit zip code to be returned?

   Unsuccessful in having the tool fix errors, etc

   According to the USPS documentation

   Save time and money by reducing shipping errors due to improper address
   entry. This tool corrects errors in street addresses, including
   abbreviations and missing information. It also supplies a ZIP+4® Code.

   [1]View Technical Document >

   Test XML Request

             <Address2>6406 Ivy Lane</Address2>

   Test XML Response

   <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <Address ID="0">
             <Address2>6406 IVY LN</Address2>

   d address1        s             38a    inz(*blanks)

   d address2        s             38a    inz('6406 Ivy Lane')

   d city            s             15a    inz('Greenbelt')

   d state           s              2a    inz('MD')

   d zip5            s              5a    inz(*blanks)

   d zip4            s              4a    inz(*blanks)


   url = 'http://production.shippingapis.com/';

   addressRequest =

          '<AddressValidateRequest '+

          'USERID="' + %trim(USPSUserID) + '">' +

          '<Address ID="0">'+

          '<Address1>' + %trim(Address1) +

          '</Address1>' +

          '<Address2>' + %trim(Address2) +

          '</Address2>' +

          '<City>' + %trim(City) +

          '</City>' +

          '<State>' + %trim(State) +

          '</State>' +

           '<Zip5>' + %trim(Zip5) +

           '</Zip5>' +

           '<Zip4>' + %trim(Zip4) +

           '</Zip4>' +


   // encode the address request

   Enc = http_url_encoder_new();

   rc2 = http_url_encoder_addvar( Enc:


              %addr(addressRequest) + 2:


   bigString = http_url_encoder_getstr( Enc );

   urlValues =

              'ShippingAPItest.dll?API=Verify&' +


   // send request

   rc = http_get_xml(url +  urlValues:

              *null: %paddr(Incoming): *null );

   if rc <> 1;

     msg = http_error;

     dsply msg;




   1. https://www.usps.com/business/web-tools-apis/address-information-v3-1d.htm
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